GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

He has said in the past to check his pastebin, as he constantly updates it. I think he posted one a page or two back.
Actually I had to edit it out of my post so it wouldn't appear to be spam. Thanks for the tip bro, I've only really conversed with GL via email before and obviously missed that directive.
Does anyone know why I can’t “like” posts anymore? Really annoying.

Anyhow, another smooth transaction w GL - guys a G. Testing, super responsive, testing, fair prices, testing, prime shipping… You’re the closest thing we have to Amazon for drugs brother.

Will report back on npp blend in about 6 wks or so - Looking forward to this run.
Does anyone know why I can’t “like” posts anymore? Really annoying.

Anyhow, another smooth transaction w GL - guys a G. Testing, super responsive, testing, fair prices, testing, prime shipping… You’re the closest thing we have to Amazon for drugs brother.

Will report back on npp blend in about 6 wks or so - Looking forward to this run.
Thanks a lot for the good vibes man!
Does anyone know why I can’t “like” posts anymore? Really annoying.

Anyhow, another smooth transaction w GL - guys a G. Testing, super responsive, testing, fair prices, testing, prime shipping… You’re the closest thing we have to Amazon for drugs brother.

Will report back on npp blend in about 6 wks or so - Looking forward to this run.
Yeah report back. I’m thinking of doing npp aswell!
GoodLyfe response time is officially “fast as fuck boi”!
hell yeah it is! Ordered Sunday night, got back to me super fast even on a weekend. What a G. Solid transaction and super easy
Anyone running the DHB MCT oil? Im having crippling pip. Cutting it with test 300 CSO. Been trying 50:50, so Ike 1cc test/1cc DHB.

I think Im gonna try like .3cc solo DHB shots….or maybe subq. My whole glute/shoulder turns red and swollen, literally can’t move it. I have some goodlyfe primo, might just water the DHB down to like 50mg or less per pin
Anyone running the DHB MCT oil? Im having crippling pip. Cutting it with test 300 CSO. Been trying 50:50, so Ike 1cc test/1cc DHB.

I think Im gonna try like .3cc solo DHB shots….or maybe subq. My whole glute/shoulder turns red and swollen, literally can’t move it. I have some goodlyfe primo, might just water the DHB down to like 50mg or less per pin
I tried dhb for the first time, used another source and ran into the same thing. Actually have a sealed vial sitting in a drawer because screw that amount of pip, heating and diluting did nothing.

Read some guys just may not tolerate DHB. I don't like wasting money so I'm never buying it again.
Anyone running the DHB MCT oil? Im having crippling pip. Cutting it with test 300 CSO. Been trying 50:50, so Ike 1cc test/1cc DHB.

I think Im gonna try like .3cc solo DHB shots….or maybe subq. My whole glute/shoulder turns red and swollen, literally can’t move it. I have some goodlyfe primo, might just water the DHB down to like 50mg or less per pin
I recently ran DHB for 16+ weeks with Test and NPP. I had zero pip first few weeks but I started to get pretty bad pip about 4 or 5 weeks in. What I found worked was heating before injecting and mixing with test and npp in the same syringe and then a good rotation in large muscles. I avoided shoulders due to the amount of oil (3 ML EoD). No more pip using this strategy. Mixing with test, heating and good rotation in large muscle groups.
IMHO I would avoid mix DHB with Primo if you are having problems with pip because Primo also can be known for pip with some users, to a lesser degree
I like DHB and will be running it again soon after I finish this cruise time.
DHB has been treating me well. I can see why they call it tren-lite, I’ve been maintaining my strength on a cut. I will say it’s a bit odd to not feel like I’m losing my mind like on tren. May be looking more vascular but it may be placebo im not sure yet. Haven’t been on it that long yet