GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Imo, if you're asymptomatic, I wouldn't toss in AI. You're introducing a drug with side effects to treat a nonexistent problem.
If you wanted to, you could throw in primo. More anabolism while lowering E2.

FSH and LH will pretty much always be undetectable, blast or cruise. HCG won't raise either of them, it mimicks the effects of LH. The negative feedback loop of HCG would actually decrease LH production if you had any.
That being said, if you want your balls to work, HCG is a good idea lol.
What’s the consensus on running hcg:

1. throughout the duration of a cycle
2. higher doses for a couple weeks during the tail end of a cycle?
If so is there any strategy that would make the transition to pct easier?
What’s the consensus on running hcg:

1. throughout the duration of a cycle
2. higher doses for a couple weeks during the tail end of a cycle?
If so is there any strategy that would make the transition to pct easier?
Buddy of mine waits 2 weeks after last shot to reduce. But me personally I have no want for anymore children and I don’t go crazy so I blast and cruise
What’s the consensus on running hcg:

1. throughout the duration of a cycle
2. higher doses for a couple weeks during the tail end of a cycle?
If so is there any strategy that would make the transition to pct easier?

Depends on what your objective is with HCG use.

If you're blasting and cruising, I'd recommend to always run it rain or shine, blast or cruise. Of course, you could also just never use it, if you don't care about testicular atrophy and sperm production.

If you're cycling you can do either option (would still lean towards using it the entire cycle). Just don't stack it with your SERM when you're trying to PCT cause it shuts down gonadotropin production which is counterproductive when you're trying to restart your HPTA.
It would be cool if someone would send a vial to Jano. I will bump the compensation to $300 if someone sends in a Testo sample. The first one gets $300, if additional samples are sent it will fall back to the normal $200.
Man stands behind his product::)
It would be cool if someone would send a vial to Jano. I will bump the compensation to $300 if someone sends in a Testo sample. The first one gets $300, if additional samples are sent it will fall back to the normal $200.
How would I go about sending to Jano? I have quite a few vials of batch 4 MCT Test 300 that I’m currently using and awaiting bloods on as well.
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That is strange then. I think we're waiting on two other or one other guy posting Test E bloods soon. Interesting to see their results.

Mine was lower, however my past shows it's common for various sources so I don't think nothing of it.
I pulled bloods 2/3 and am still awaiting my Total and Free Test results from Quest. I called them last Night to try and get an explanation as to what was going on, and they said that the specific lab they sent my panel to had three machines go down that they use to test the samples so they’re currently working through a backlog and to give it to the end of this week ‍♂️
View attachment 251845

Got results back from quest, took 4 days. 400mg, 2x a week. Injection was Sunday morning and got blood work done Wednesday afternoon. This is with GL Test C, my only real concern was Estradiol’s high ( I don’t really notice any symptoms or sensitivity ) so I’ll introduce an AI, get blood work done again. FSH/LH are low as I don’t use HCG right now. Any suggestions/recommendations/criticisms I’m open to it. Thanks guys!
So 400mg a week or 800? You worded that in a confusing manner
How would I go about sending to Jano? I have quite a few vials of batch 4 MCT Test 300 that I’m currently using and awaiting bloods on as well.
Email him and he’ll provide you shipping instructions. It’s $120 USD
I pulled bloods 2/3 and am still awaiting my Total and Free Test results from Quest. I called them last Night to try and get an explanation as to what was going on, and they said that the specific lab they sent my panel to had three machines go down that they use to test the samples so they’re currently working through a backlog and to give it to the end of this week ‍♂️
That’s interesting. Recently I’ve made a few posts (and so have other members) about quests recent results they are sending out and how they don’t match the users usual multipliers. I wonder if that has anything to do with the skewed results some people are getting?

My friend got bloods on 875 test e (not GL but a tested source) and his results were 2400 something when they are usually 4800+.

He contacted quest and all they said was we will call your doctor but we are right and we aren’t re testing the sample
I think after m
That’s interesting. Recently I’ve made a few posts (and so have other members) about quests recent results they are sending out and how they don’t match the users usual multipliers. I wonder if that has anything to do with the skewed results some people are getting?

My friend got bloods on 875 test e (not GL but a tested source) and his results were 2400 something when they are usually 4800+.

He contacted quest and all they said was we will call your doctor but we are right and we aren’t re testing the sample
I think after my most recent personal experience this last go around and seeing all these recent discrepancies with Quest, I think I’m gonna switch over to LabCorp from now on.
That’s interesting. Recently I’ve made a few posts (and so have other members) about quests recent results they are sending out and how they don’t match the users usual multipliers. I wonder if that has anything to do with the skewed results some people are getting?

My friend got bloods on 875 test e (not GL but a tested source) and his results were 2400 something when they are usually 4800+.

He contacted quest and all they said was we will call your doctor but we are right and we aren’t re testing the sample
I agree with this and would like to see if there is some validity to it because my blood work seems a touch off. I have faith in GL products and I’m making excellent gains and hitting PR’s on my cruise so the chance of something being off with my most recent blood work is a possibility
And actually all my markers look a little too good TBH
I get very regular blood work so I’m in tune with how things should look for the most part.
Also I still haven’t received results on Quest app and doesn’t even say pending and it’s been over a week.
I put in a manual request and my labs were emailed via Private MD
I think after m

I think after my most recent personal experience this last go around and seeing all these recent discrepancies with Quest, I think I’m gonna switch over to LabCorp from now on.
I agree with this and would like to see if there is some validity to it because my blood work seems a touch off. I have faith in GL products and I’m making excellent gains and hitting PR’s on my cruise so the chance of something being off with my most recent blood work is a possibility
And actually all my markers look a little too good TBH
I get very regular blood work so I’m in tune with how things should look for the most part.
Also I still haven’t received results on Quest app and doesn’t even say pending and it’s been over a week.
I put in a manual request and my labs were emailed via Private MD

Private MD offers labcorp results for $90. It is uncapped.

I have complete faith in GL products but the issue with quest seems to not be universal to one vendor, so it’s likely a quest problem in my opinion and not a vendor problem. As I stated my friend does not purchase from GL, He purchase from another source and his blood work was off as well. The fact they are admitting multiple machines are down makes me think something was wrong with the machines, which explains the recent changes in multipliers
Private MD offers labcorp results for $90. It is uncapped.

I have complete faith in GL products but the issue with quest seems to not be universal to one vendor, so it’s likely a quest problem in my opinion and not a vendor problem. As I stated my friend does not purchase from GL, He purchase from another source and his blood work was off as well. The fact they are admitting multiple machines are down makes me think something was wrong with the machines, which explains the recent changes in multipliers
That’s a good observation
Makes sense
What’s the consensus on running hcg:

1. throughout the duration of a cycle
2. higher doses for a couple weeks during the tail end of a cycle?
If so is there any strategy that would make the transition to pct easier?
This is a source thread not a consensus voting thread. Ask that somewhere else …
That’s interesting. Recently I’ve made a few posts (and so have other members) about quests recent results they are sending out and how they don’t match the users usual multipliers. I wonder if that has anything to do with the skewed results some people are getting?

My friend got bloods on 875 test e (not GL but a tested source) and his results were 2400 something when they are usually 4800+.

He contacted quest and all they said was we will call your doctor but we are right and we aren’t re testing the sample
my Quest Testosterone labs have been consistent. Actually had it tested in a different region of the US. Its been about 5x multipliers for Test U for me.