GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

I’ve used test e 300 through blast and now into cruise. A little pip at first. Can’t even feel it now. Kinda miss the pip, it lets me know I’m alive lol
Pop an ml into your bicep. That's actually one of my preferred pin spots believe or not, 25g x 1", no problems unless Tren or other painful shit like water Winny 100mg/ml. Thanks to GL through I can finally pin Tren A into places above the waist without wanting to amputate them, GL definitely was the best recommendation I got from a member here, I'd name him but not sure if he'd be ok with that.
Pop an ml into your bicep. That's actually one of my preferred pin spots believe or not, 25g x 1", no problems unless Tren or other painful shit like water Winny 100mg/ml. Thanks to GL through I can finally pin Tren A into places above the waist without wanting to amputate them, GL definitely was the best recommendation I got from a member here, I'd name him but not sure if he'd be ok with that.
I've been running GL test e300 @125 a week for trt about a year. No pip issues to complain about. I'm getting ready to start a 500 MG blast. We'll see what the pip is like, if any.
I've been running GL test e300 @125 a week for trt about a year. No pip issues to complain about. I'm getting ready to start a 500 MG blast. We'll see what the pip is like, if any.
I've been noticing a lot of other people saying little or no PIP with lower mg's injected, which would make sense, as I've had a similar experience. I also noticed that the PIP was worse when I first switched to E from C, and has since subsided. Just some food for thought with people having PIP issues aside from the usual advice of heating the oil, massaging the injection site, etc.
I've been noticing a lot of other people saying little or no PIP with lower mg's injected, which would make sense, as I've had a similar experience. I also noticed that the PIP was worse when I first switched to E from C, and has since subsided. Just some food for thought with people having PIP issues aside from the usual advice of heating the oil, massaging the injection site, etc.
I can only speak for my own personal experience. I have had no significant pip issues with 300mg/ml E. Maybe I'm just lucky.
Right now I’m pinning 1ml of GL Test E mixed with 2.5ml JP DHB. No pip to complain about.
Pinning test e with dhb lol my man is immune to pain apparently

Jokes aside though I never got pip from GL dhb
Pinning 400ml/mg JP test E now, seems if I go deep with a 24or 23x1.5" zero pip, or a " good" kind, like after going really heavy 2 days before. Brand can make a difference with me too.