GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

When I’m on I usually run 1 mg eod on my shot day, tends to keep me in range:)
Interested to see answers on when to start ai and how much. I start with none and see where I am at after a couple weeks and if I feel any sides then start e3d and modify as needed or after bloodwork week 4ish.
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Well fuck me running sideways; this is not my day.

Between Internet simpleton tough guys, death of a pet, imminent similar end to a close friend and the 5mg Tadalista being out of stock when I go to place an order, thinking there was enough stock to give a smidge of sun on a fucked up twisted day...gaaaaahhhh.

No fault of GL at all but DAMN I could use a pinch of something good today.
Well fuck me running sideways; this is not my day.

Between Internet simpleton tough guys, death of a pet, imminent similar end to a close friend and the 5mg Tadalista being out of stock when I go to place an order, thinking there was enough stock to give a smidge of sun on a fucked up twisted day...gaaaaahhhh.

No fault of GL at all but DAMN I could use a pinch of something good today.
Sorry for the loss of your pet. If you’re like me they’re as much family or more as any human
Well fuck me running sideways; this is not my day.

Between Internet simpleton tough guys, death of a pet, imminent similar end to a close friend and the 5mg Tadalista being out of stock when I go to place an order, thinking there was enough stock to give a smidge of sun on a fucked up twisted day...gaaaaahhhh.

No fault of GL at all but DAMN I could use a pinch of something good today.
Shoot man, I’m sorry
Pack landed yesterday. E300 cso. Pinned .8ml in my quad this morning. Walking around pip free as always.

I'm just sharing my personal experience, which is in line with my previous experiences over the past 12 months.
Did the voting happen to decide as to what higher concentration products we will see?
Well one member did, but there simply wasn't enough interest for GL to proceed with anything. It would take a substantial amount to expect any source to brew a higher dose compound, then test it, then sell it.