GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Well you seem to have it all figured out. So enjoy that once daily dbol and shot of test E every 3 weeks. I bet you look and feel fantastic
This is a prime example of the consequences of tik tok generation. Where did I say ANYTHING insulting, offensive or attack you in any way? I didn’t even say that it’s optimal. I’m simply pointing out that half life doesn’t necessarily correlate to frequency in the way you think it does, which by the way, is a common misconception.

You can’t even have basic conversation anymore without triggering someone from the people who are easily offended coalition.

Now go drink everything under your kitchen sink!
This is a prime example of the consequences of tik tok generation. Where did I say ANYTHING insulting, offensive or attack you in any way? I didn’t even say that it’s optimal. I’m simply pointing out that half life doesn’t necessarily correlate to frequency in the way you think it does, which by the way, is a common misconception.

You can’t even have basic conversation anymore without triggering someone from the people who are easily offended coalition.

Now go drink everything under your kitchen sink!
I point out how you don’t understand half lifes in a sarcastic manner and you tell me to kill myself lol. Yet you say I attacked you? What? Lol enjoy your lifetime ban btw. Check out steroid plotter for some very basic common information you should have learned after 9 years on meso
I point out how you don’t understand half lifes in a sarcastic manner and you tell me to kill myself lol. Yet you say I attacked you? What? Lol enjoy your lifetime ban btw. Check out steroid plotter for some very basic common information you should have learned after 9 years on meso
Ohh please! This isn’t V1 Twitter, champ. You can shove your false inferences up your ass. Look at Crisi887 reply compared to yours. You’d be wise to learn the difference.
Alright everyone, back on track...let's get back to posting TD's and ladyboys please...
My bad man. I didn’t intend to derail.

For the purpose of discussion however, I don’t think 50 mgs of an oral once daily vs breaking it up into 2,3 doses makes a lot of difference. Lower dose caps are nice because that way you can dose it however you want regardless.
I don’t think 50 mgs of an oral once daily vs breaking it up into 2,3 doses makes a lot of difference.
It cannot possibly make a difference, but the Venn diagram of steroid users and utter neurotics has a ton of overlap, so guys think they need to be very precise with their timing of oral medications.
My bad man. I didn’t intend to derail.

For the purpose of discussion however, I don’t think 50 mgs of an oral once daily vs breaking it up into 2,3 doses makes a lot of difference. Lower dose caps are nice because that way you can dose it however you want regardless.

I don't know. I've taken 50 mg dbol in 3 divided doses per day and had no sides. With 50 mg caps I got acne on my back and shoulders. If I ever run dbol again, gonna be in smaller divided doses.

I don't know. I've taken 50 mg dbol in 3 divided doses per day and had no sides. With 50 mg caps I got acne on my back and shoulders. If I ever run dbol again, gonna be in smaller divided doses.

It didn’t change your results which is what I was talking about. I should have been more explicit about that point.
used credit from testing, order arrived fast af as usual, @GL, thanks baby girl.

more people should test shit. with a 200 credit, that you'll inevitably use if you use gear for any amount of time, it literally costs 40 bones to be pinning gear YOU tested. And it helps keep sources accountable.

I used the credit to get some odds and ends. I've never ran any oral, not sure I will, but I grabbed a bottle of anavar.
a bottle of test U in case I win a 30 day vacation
two deca's cause sometimes it's nice to throw a little in with trt
some npp I needed to add to some other npp I had so I have enough for a cycle at some point
and some pharma adex
not that you guys give a fuck, I just felt like talking about it a bit while I drink my coffee lol
used credit from testing, order arrived fast af as usual, @GL, thanks baby girl.

more people should test shit. with a 200 credit, that you'll inevitably use if you use gear for any amount of time, it literally costs 40 bones to be pinning gear YOU tested. And it helps keep sources accountable.

I used the credit to get some odds and ends. I've never ran any oral, not sure I will, but I grabbed a bottle of anavar.
a bottle of test U in case I win a 30 day vacation
two deca's cause sometimes it's nice to throw a little in with trt
some npp I needed to add to some other npp I had so I have enough for a cycle at some point
and some pharma adex
not that you guys give a fuck, I just felt like talking about it a bit while I drink my coffee lol
I have a TRT script(Test C) but I use Test U. If I got on a trip I would remove Test C from the vial and stick Test U in it lol. I just have an extra set of vials just in case