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You can just email them the handwritten script?
I believe your doctor needs to send it in

The rule of thumb I like to follow is
(1) If insurance covers, always use insurance
(2) If insurance covers nothing (like mine), look for generic
(3) If generic exist, check Costplus
(4) If generic don't exist, check Goodrx & Amazon pharma
That being said, I always compare prices against India pharma before making a decision

I believe costplus has the cheapest no insurance coverage sglt2 as well, not sure how I'm going to get it prescribed tho :/
You pick from a long list of providers each time. I try to stick with the "enthusiastic" ones happy to write 90 day scripts (mention it AFTER they agree to write it, "it's cheaper for me as a 90 day fill, would you mind?'") because the default is 30. Most will do 2 prescripts, some 3. I've been lucky, but I have heard some are assholes who are over cautious with everything, I go for the nurse practitioners usually,

And OFC, know where you want it sent into first.

Were you referring to goodrx here? I just tried them a few minutes ago and I was never given any options for a doctor/pa/np. A doctor did show up just to tell me that they will not prescribe me anything because it was a general visit rather than specific visit.

For example, he wanted me to make a hair visit for finasteride 1mg (5mg not an option) and he said they do not prescribe minoxidil pills at all.

He also stated he will not prescribe any BP meds if I havent taken them in the last 2 weeks. I was trying to get Amlodipine 5mg and Telmisartan 40mg.

I guess ill just have to wait for my normal doctor but I cant see him till October... unless there is another service that is a bit easier to deal with?
There are other prescription discount cards. Just call and ask pharmacies "I'm a cash payer, do you have any prescription discount programs you use that can get the price down?".

Most do, but will not offer if you don't ask.

I learned this when I asked the pharmacist if he used me GoodRx code, and he said they used another program that was lower. He said they run cash prescripts through them all and use the cheapest result. That's like one in a million. Walmart happily told me cash price for 10 mg Cialis was $1200 for 90, and $900 for 30 Modafinil. (before I ever knew of things like GoodRx).

Oh ive used cash prices for years and years… goodrx was just always the best…
I believe your doctor needs to send it in

The rule of thumb I like to follow is
(1) If insurance covers, always use insurance
(2) If insurance covers nothing (like mine), look for generic
(3) If generic exist, check Costplus
(4) If generic don't exist, check Goodrx & Amazon pharma
That being said, I always compare prices against India pharma before making a decision

I believe costplus has the cheapest no insurance coverage sglt2 as well, not sure how I'm going to get it prescribed tho :/

Yup… i use these guys for my cialis script… like $10 for 90 day supply…
Were you referring to goodrx here? I just tried them a few minutes ago and I was never given any options for a doctor/pa/np. A doctor did show up just to tell me that they will not prescribe me anything because it was a general visit rather than specific visit.

For example, he wanted me to make a hair visit for finasteride 1mg (5mg not an option) and he said they do not prescribe minoxidil pills at all.

He also stated he will not prescribe any BP meds if I havent taken them in the last 2 weeks. I was trying to get Amlodipine 5mg and Telmisartan 40mg.

I guess ill just have to wait for my normal doctor but I cant see him till October... unless there is another service that is a bit easier to deal with?

Pushhealth is quick but costs some money… like $100 per visit… includes the script… no controlled stuff tho…
Just sharing..

the cheapest no insurance Ezetimibe I've ever seen..
Even cheaper than India pharma..
$9.49 for 90d 10mg
Just sharing..

the cheapest no insurance Ezetimibe I've ever seen..
Even cheaper than India pharma..
$9.49 for 90d 10mg

Still need a doctors script… but most just go india… because they dont need to get a script