Got strung out.... Detox round 4

Title says it all. Relapsed on heroin again, trying to kick currently. I know there are a bunch of recovering addicts on the board. Just wanted to tell on myself, to get some of the power out of it. I made it 30 hours and couldn't take it, did a shot to get some sleep. Now I'm trying again. I really fucked up. Hard to imagine getting strung out after quiting for damn near 20 years, but here I am. Hoping to be on the other side of this as quick as possible. Although I know there isn't any magic bullet to quit. It takes time and pain unfortunately
Everyone is here for you man. It happens.

On that note, it must have been rough for you to feel the need to go out and pick up. (hoping you did not have some stash randomly at in your home just tempting you)

Unless your guy delivers and in that case I would be deleting his phone number pretty quick.

One day at a time man. What would Gohan do?
Title says it all. Relapsed on heroin again, trying to kick currently. I know there are a bunch of recovering addicts on the board. Just wanted to tell on myself, to get some of the power out of it. I made it 30 hours and couldn't take it, did a shot to get some sleep. Now I'm trying again. I really fucked up. Hard to imagine getting strung out after quiting for damn near 20 years, but here I am. Hoping to be on the other side of this as quick as possible. Although I know there isn't any magic bullet to quit. It takes time and pain unfortunately
Fortunately I’ve never had to deal with this, but I like that you’re coming on here trying to keep yourself accountable.

Unfortunately I don’t really know what to say other than good luck and I’m rooting for you
Title says it all. Relapsed on heroin again, trying to kick currently. I know there are a bunch of recovering addicts on the board. Just wanted to tell on myself, to get some of the power out of it. I made it 30 hours and couldn't take it, did a shot to get some sleep. Now I'm trying again. I really fucked up. Hard to imagine getting strung out after quiting for damn near 20 years, but here I am. Hoping to be on the other side of this as quick as possible. Although I know there isn't any magic bullet to quit. It takes time and pain unfortunately
Damn it man sorry to hear.. it took me 3 weeks in a coma to finally sober up..

Tomorrow will be better
Title says it all. Relapsed on heroin again, trying to kick currently. I know there are a bunch of recovering addicts on the board. Just wanted to tell on myself, to get some of the power out of it. I made it 30 hours and couldn't take it, did a shot to get some sleep. Now I'm trying again. I really fucked up. Hard to imagine getting strung out after quiting for damn near 20 years, but here I am. Hoping to be on the other side of this as quick as possible. Although I know there isn't any magic bullet to quit. It takes time and pain unfortunately
Title says it all. Relapsed on heroin again, trying to kick currently. I know there are a bunch of recovering addicts on the board. Just wanted to tell on myself, to get some of the power out of it. I made it 30 hours and couldn't take it, did a shot to get some sleep. Now I'm trying again. I really fucked up. Hard to imagine getting strung out after quiting for damn near 20 years, but here I am. Hoping to be on the other side of this as quick as possible. Although I know there isn't any magic bullet to quit. It takes time and pain unfortunately
Man it must be rough to feel how you are. And the time. But you are alive. You can do it.

Can i ask what caused to pick up?
Damn...that's rough and the good Lord give you strength to climb out of that dark pit. 20 years sober is os good just need to keep the faith and never fall down again.

Here's to you getting back on your feet again and kicking this once and for all so good vibes coming your way!

Perhaps a good time to rediscover the best drug..the gym!!!
Hang in there, man. Life has highs and lows but don't be too hard on yourself. None of us are perfect and we all fuck up and do some shit that we aren't proud of or happy about from time to time but the show must go on.

Keep your head up and don't dwell on yesterday or tomorrow. Today is what you need to focus on.

And fucking up for a few days or whatever isn't like trying to quit that shit when you've been on it for a long time.

Just be strong bro and try not to make the mistake again. And be careful if you do because this shit now days is mixed with fentanyl and you could get something more than you bargain for if you aren't lucky.

Be safe brother. I know we haven't always seen eye to eye but I know you are a good dude. Hang in there, man.
Go find yourself in the woods or at the top of a mountain, leave all technology behind for the time being. You need another cleanse of the soul. Nature is the best at that.
Title says it all. Relapsed on heroin again, trying to kick currently. I know there are a bunch of recovering addicts on the board. Just wanted to tell on myself, to get some of the power out of it. I made it 30 hours and couldn't take it, did a shot to get some sleep. Now I'm trying again. I really fucked up. Hard to imagine getting strung out after quiting for damn near 20 years, but here I am. Hoping to be on the other side of this as quick as possible. Although I know there isn't any magic bullet to quit. It takes time and pain unfortunately
You won't get my sympathy, if you want to be a pussy, keep on doing it! If you want to be a fucking loser in life, thats up to you!
Go find yourself in the woods or at the top of a mountain, leave all technology behind for the time being. You need another cleanse of the soul. Nature is the best at that.
Nature and silence always positively affect the inner state. When I get tired of the city rhythm, I go fishing in the wilderness
Title says it all. Relapsed on heroin again, trying to kick currently. I know there are a bunch of recovering addicts on the board. Just wanted to tell on myself, to get some of the power out of it. I made it 30 hours and couldn't take it, did a shot to get some sleep. Now I'm trying again. I really fucked up. Hard to imagine getting strung out after quiting for damn near 20 years, but here I am. Hoping to be on the other side of this as quick as possible. Although I know there isn't any magic bullet to quit. It takes time and pain unfortunately
We really don't know much about your problem. And I want to wish you all the same patience and will and wish you cope with all the problems and adversities
Damn...that's rough and the good Lord give you strength to climb out of that dark pit. 20 years sober is os good just need to keep the faith and never fall down again.

Here's to you getting back on your feet again and kicking this once and for all so good vibes coming your way!

Perhaps a good time to rediscover the best drug..the gym!!!
I am sure that the gym, as a way to distract yourself or change your life and hobbies, is a great option. Many guys have changed since they went to the gym
I am sure that the gym, as a way to distract yourself or change your life and hobbies, is a great option. Many guys have changed since they went to the gym
This story is similar to the story of a good friend of mine. Who drank for a very long time and practically did nothing. But the hall changed him. Quit drinking, went in for sports, found a new job and now everything is fine with him and, most importantly, he is happy
Sorry to hear Logan. I too have had a number of relapses over the years so I understand.

Don't stay down, it's much easier when you're using to just continue in it. Do whatever you can, eliminate bad company, be accountable to someone in person, whatever it takes to get back on the sober path. Please keep us updated, regardless of how you are.
Sorry to hear Logan. I too have had a number of relapses over the years so I understand.

Don't stay down, it's much easier when you're using to just continue in it. Do whatever you can, eliminate bad company, be accountable to someone in person, whatever it takes to get back on the sober path. Please keep us updated, regardless of how you are.
Thanks bro I appreciate it. I'm still detoxing. I've reduce my dose considerably to one shot at night before bed. I'm going to cut that in half tonight and continue for another 5 days, then cut in half again and then hopefully the withdrawals won't be as bad as that first night. Going from 3-4 grams a day to zero was more than I could handle. I'm hoping by reducing the amount In My system the withdrawals will be more manageable. I know I should probably just quit cold turkey, but an going to go with this plan for now. Told on myself with the wife today. She feels betrayed, and I don't blame her. I really put myself in the shit.
We’re pulling for you bro. It gets better. Sometimes we need a good ass kicking to get our head on straight.

Just gotta suck it up for a bit. One day at a time.

Best thing to do is get to a meeting. I went every single day for 6 months after getting out of rehab. Time well spent.

Keep us posted.