Greying beard


Anyone had success reversing it? I'm early 30s and not ready for it, looks shit as its mostly dark with a few grey spots. Apparently there are some peptides that can help with it

There are several peptide-based treatments that may help reverse greying beard hair:

Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-20 (PA20) is a peptide that has shown promise in reversing grey hair

It works by preserving the function of pigment-producing cells and promoting repigmentation. This peptide is used in some commercial products like Arey's Mela-9TM Complex.

Alpha-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (α-MSH) agonists have demonstrated effectiveness in reversing premature hair greying

One study reported >90% conversion of grey hair to black hair after 5 months of using a topical solution containing an α-MSH biomimetic peptide.

Melanotan II is another peptide that can potentially affect hair pigmentation by changing skin pigment, though its specific effects on beard hair are not detailed in the results

It's important to note that results may vary and reversal is generally more effective on hair that is less than 30% grey. The process is gradual, often taking 3-4 months or longer to see noticeable changes. Combining topical peptide treatments with nutritional supplements containing biotin and other vitamins may enhance results.
Anyone had success reversing it? I'm early 30s and not ready for it, looks shit as its mostly dark with a few grey spots. Apparently there are some peptides that can help with it

Melanotan 2 is very effective.

Also early greying correlates with early onset cardiovascular disease, so take it as a gift, and keep a very close eye on lipids and get a calcium score so you can stop it before it gets bad.
I'm curious about MT2, but i don't like the typical letherly overtanned roidhead look that apparently many people get from it. Is it possible to get a light tan and get some effects on greying beard and hair with a low dose? Do you have any personal experience with that?
I'm curious about MT2, but i don't like the typical letherly overtanned roidhead look that apparently many people get from it. Is it possible to get a light tan and get some effects on greying beard and hair with a low dose? Do you have any personal experience with that?

I do. I have fair skin. With minimal sun exposure and sunscreen use I find I don't get much of a tan from MT 2, but my irises, moles, birthmarks, hair and beard all darken significantly. Grey beard hairs have gone black for an extended period. Not even my natural dark brown, but so dark they look black.

If I spend a moderate amount of time in the sun uncovered trying to tan I will develop one fairly quickly.
I do. I have fair skin. With minimal sun exposure and sunscreen use I find I don't get much of a tan from MT 2, but my irises, moles, birthmarks, hair and beard all darken significantly. Grey beard hairs have gone black for an extended period. Not even my natural dark brown, but so dark they look black.

If I spend a moderate amount of time in the sun uncovered trying to tan I will develop one fairly quickly.

Sounds pretty good, can you give some dosage suggestions or starting protocols?