Greying beard

Melanotan 2 is very effective.

Also early greying correlates with early onset cardiovascular disease, so take it as a gift, and keep a very close eye on lipids and get a calcium score so you can stop it before it gets bad.
I started getting grey at 27 but don’t have any cardiovascular issues plus lipids are well within normal limits. My dad had totally white hair at 50.
Hell, this jackass been here a decade but believes in magic fairytale bullshit like quitting caffeine reverses graying hair. It’s clear time on this forum =\= any brains or meaningful information to contribute based on him alone.

Almost 1 year anniversary on the forum, toddler is about to make his first steps !
I think some grey hair in your beard should not matter too much. I think its like number 2 or 3. compliment given to me by females, so for me I would be stupid to do anything about it.

There are stuff that really decimate, even make halve or worse your chances in the hetero dating pool, such as being really short, being bald, being poor or stinky etc. Grey hair in your beard is not in this category. Even guys with aforementioned handicap can compensate with other stuff.

MT2 as other people said, and Tb500 might be good for that, but then you introduce another compounds with not the greatest track record as it comes to human studies. Then it has its side effect- be it small or big, short term or long term - but almost always it has. I think it not worth it.
I understand you are trying to be accepted by being socially acceptable and going with the sheep, I'm not mad ;)

Or, he can, you know, read. Something you appear to struggle with considering the sheer amount of stupid, inaccurate, and flat dangerous crap you’re peddling here with routine. No one cares whether you’re mad or not, or really about anything you have to say. ;)


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