***Gyno Explained***


Well-known Member
good morning gentlemen, I thought that I would touch on an issue closer to my heart, as I at one time had what is considered Pseudogynecomastia/ crossed with anabolic gyno. I know many aren’t aware of what exactly that is, and think that it’s female breast developed by a man due to large amounts of test/androgens converting estrogen/progesterone. Which it is but I thought I would get a little more detailed on the nature of which a male could end up with gyno. I beat gyno believe it or not, combating it with high dose of Letro, and kept smacking it with Nolvadex, as directed by a doctor. Nowadays I don’t use either unless it is necessary. Yes I would have enjoyed getting the surgery, but the reality is I am not a rich man. Also, I truly believe that if I would have got the surgery, it would have taken away all the necessary hard work that I put into it both physically and emotionally. As a man, gyno destroys your self esteem. I feel comfortable making that statement, as I have yet to find someone to argue it with me. Never the less, depending on the stage of gyno, I am here to tell you it can be done. Keep your head up, and give it your all. What’s the worst that can happen it doesn’t work. Well at least at that point, you are in incredible shape, you have become a lot more intimate with your body, which is exactly what doctors should make you go through before you get the surgery depending which one(Lipo or the removal of the glands). That way if you just get lipo, you know exactly what to do to make sure you don’t get it again. Anyhow the following is the info I found to be of great help.
Pseudogynecomastia truly has nothing to do with a hormonal awkwardness however is fairly basically overabundance fat tissue in the pectoral district. While just getting more fit will frequently settle the issue it is by and by as troublesome as an immaculate glandular frame.

In accordance with glandular Gynecomastia there are three basic gatherings of individuals and shockingly to numerous an extensive bit is included youthful juvenile young men. Regularly this is brought on by overabundance hormones being passed on from the mother during childbirth yet luckily for the lion's share of young fellows as they achieve grown-up hood it will ordinarily scatter; be that as it may, roughly 30% of all pubescent Gynecomastia cases will oblige surgery to cure. The individuals who are of an elderly nature may locate a comparable circumstance as the youthful pre-adult; as age crawls on hormonal awkward nature can happen and on the grounds that the skin is frequently gentler at a more seasoned age it can look truly awful. By and large the individuals who are elderly will just observe surgical solution for be their redeeming quality; in any case, hormone substitution treatment provides a possibility of cure yet it is in no way, shape or form an assurance.

Anabolic Androgenic Steroids and Gynecomastia:

Anabolic steroid clients are a portion of the most astounding danger contender for Gynecomastia because of the very way of steroid utilize and numerous anabolic steroids coordinate method of activity once managed to the body. As you see, most anabolic steroids are testosterone inferred and all things considered they change over to estrogen in the body by means of the aromatase procedure by means of the aromatase catalyst. This procedure causes a development of estrogen in the body that ties to the receptors in the pectorals bringing on Gynecomastia. Most normally this condition will bring about puffy areolas that hang and now and again, albeit marginally rarer all out Gyno or "Bitch Tits" as it is ordinarily called.

Numerous competitors who utilize anabolic steroids fight off the impacts of Gynecomastia and truth be told there are truly not very many individuals who ought to ever fall prey on the off chance that they are capable and avoid potential risk; nonetheless, some will be so delicate to steroid utilize that all the safety measure on the planet will do them no great by any stretch of the imagination. By-in-vast Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM's) are the most widely recognized methods for counteractive action; including aromatase inhibitors and estrogen receptor opponents.

Steroid Gynecomastia Prevention

Pituitary Growth HormoneFor decades numerous competitors who utilize anabolic steroids have supplemented with the SERM Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) to battle such issues. Nolva, as it is ordinarily known acts to obstruct the estrogen from official to the receptors; it doesn't decrease estrogen as is regularly thought by numerous who take it. Be that as it may, while this is a strong avoidance measure, for some it is insufficient and just an aromatase inhibitor will do. An aromatase inhibitor will really lessen the measure of estrogen in the body and sticky situation it what's cleared out. While maybe not totally precise but rather to give you a thought, for the counteractive action of Gynecomastia when steroids are available take a gander at Nolva like Aspirin and aromatase inhibitors like morphine; far more grounded. The two most basic aromatase inhibitors that will much of the time take care of business incorporate Anastrozole (Arimidex) and Femara (Letrozole.)

Evacuating Gynecomastia

When Gynecomastia is set in it is in most all cases difficult to dispose of without surgery, this is the reason it is vital to play it safe if anabolic steroids are being utilized. On the off chance that your bosom tissue starts to feel delicate or your areolas get to be distinctly sore you will fundamentally need to start a substantial Femara treatment plan to fight off the approaching calamity. Consequently, it just bodes well to supplement with low measurements of Femara or Anastrozole before things start to escape hand.

All things being equal, as was talked about, some are so touchy all the aromatase inhibitors on the planet won't do a thing. For this individual surgery will be the main alternative and the organs in the trunk must be evacuated; ordinarily the procedure is brisk and an outpatient method. By and large a little cut will be made in the areola and will for the most part leave no frightening. Liposuction might be a piece of the procedure as well as abundance fat tissue might be a piece of the issue as we talked about above. I know this doesn’t pertain to everyone, but I thought I would try and give back to the board by going deeper down the rabbit hole on a subject that people hear about and fear, and know very little about. Hope everyone’s family is good and healthy. Cheers.
@88GENERAL88 I know a kid with gyno, to the point that he lactated. He’s in his early 20’s if even that. Do you think he can reverse his? What was your protocol for beating it without surgery?
Good morning buddy, so check it out, 2.5mg of letro Ed for two weeks and slowly tapering down starting week three half mg a day. Week three you add in Nolvadex 40mg Ed wk 3. And week 4 20mg Ed. I am pretty sure that’s how I did it. However, let it be known, my sides weren’t of the lactating nature. Now I do know guys that have beat progestrogenic sides with letro. Which is was surprising to hear due to all the bro science and the knowledge of pros saying to use caber or bromo. FUCK PRAMI. Shit is garbage, desperate motherfuckers use that shit. Anyhow, sorry bout the rant. I hope that helps/answers your questions. I will ask around as I do have a couple guys at the gold I train at that I chop it up with in the steam room but some days it’s hit and miss. Believe it or not my training routine Is more disciplined then theirs, but Then again I work at the gym.
Good morning buddy, so check it out, 2.5mg of letro Ed for two weeks and slowly tapering down starting week three half mg a day. Week three you add in Nolvadex 40mg Ed wk 3. And week 4 20mg Ed. I am pretty sure that’s how I did it. However, let it be known, my sides weren’t of the lactating nature. Now I do know guys that have beat progestrogenic sides with letro. Which is was surprising to hear due to all the bro science and the knowledge of pros saying to use caber or bromo. FUCK PRAMI. Shit is garbage, desperate motherfuckers use that shit. Anyhow, sorry bout the rant. I hope that helps/answers your questions. I will ask around as I do have a couple guys at the gold I train at that I chop it up with in the steam room but some days it’s hit and miss. Believe it or not my training routine Is more disciplined then theirs, but Then again I work at the gym.
Thanks bro! I just feel sorry for this kid and if he can beat it, I’d love to see him do it.
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Thanks bro! I just feel sorry for this kid and if he can beat it, I’d love to see him do it.
Like I said, it is so destructive to self esteem, but unlike Trenity, I have to be accountable. I made the choices to use test at high doses with only using low amounts of Nolvadex in my early days. When I first got involved with gear I got info from someone who body handled the compounds differently than mine and found out the hard way. Then years down the road I went thru a period of depression/divorce/abuse of pain medication. Which led to me gaining 90lbs of which was probably all fat. I will try and find a pic of what I looked like. With all honesty I think I burned them because I never wanted to see myself like that again. I will look though. I use Meso as a avenue to give back, I am not a rich man right now by any means, in a way I am just starting over. But if there is something I can share that helps someone else out that makes me feel Good. And the payoff of others gratitude is worth more to me than a pocket full of cash at the moment .


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