

New Member
I'm assuming this is the right spot, just a quick question. ...

I've been seeing a lot of threads on this and other forums i was browsing tonight to kill time, concerning gyno. ..

A lot of them mention itchy nipples...

I've been cruising on 250mg Test cyp a week for a while now, stopping only to take my blood tests as I'm trying to get on legit trt ( all info noted in another thread). ...

Starting up each time, I had some itch going on, and some sensitivity (not pain, just weird sensations), but no puffy nips, have even cut almost 70lbs and still no puff or anything that looks like breast tissue. .... but I also still have a good amount of bodyfat. .. 22% at 249lbs currently. ...

Question is, were the sensations just an effect? Or do i likely have some unseen gyno that will be noticeable once my bf is near 10% or so?

Every time i see gyno it looks nothing like my chest, so i am leaning towards not being gyno...

Also, no lumps or enlarged nodes..
I am interested in this because:
a year ago, when i started to exersise regularly, i've noticed that my nipples were at times really sensitive, even painful. I wasn't on any gear then. I guess starting the trainings could induce some hormonal change or something blabla, dunno.
Had itchy nipple on 22pg/ml E2.

I have constantly puffy nipples and gyno from puberty (it sucks and looks awful) but I believe that if you start having itchy nipples you need to be careful and check your e2 if they are ok it could be the shirt rubbing on your nipples.

Your chest looks fine from the pic. Nothing like gyno. But blood works it's a must to confirm you are ok
Had itchy nipple on 22pg/ml E2.

I have constantly puffy nipples and gyno from puberty (it sucks and looks awful) but I believe that if you start having itchy nipples you need to be careful and check your e2 if they are ok it could be the shirt rubbing on your nipples.

Your chest looks fine from the pic. Nothing like gyno. But blood works it's a must to confirm you are ok
Blogs came back fine in September. Have more scheduled for end of December.
You're good. It's easy to get paranoid when you think you're growing tits. I do it myself, and I've never had any symptoms to speak of. Still waiting to find the combo that starts growing them though. Rather paranoid than busty, lol.
Dont worry mate its a really common thing to experience. The more you read about it, touch or pinch them or even a cold breeze whistling across your nipples can get you thinking you got bitch tits straight away. Invest in the right ai or serm and get bloods. Get someone elses perspective on your nipples as its hard when you look at them every hour. Try not to stress and after all we use aas to improve our masculinity and bitch tits is the absolute opposite so its natural for us to freak out about that shit. And at the end of the day if you do have it just get the shit removed and hey fuckin presto....problem solved. Hope that helps bud.
Was originally running 25mg Exemestane every day... but my estrogen had dropped below 20, which my Dr. Said was really strange. Read more and found that if I drop it to 12.5mg a day then I'm good.
12.5 for a trt dose still even seems quite high most tend to go for 12.5 eod when using around 500mg ew of test so I would lower then reconfirm with bloods as I think you will still be using a bit too much. As for the gyno you look fine man, I got ever so lucky and got gyno and my nips defiantly look different than yours and there is a small node when probed around. Sensitivity is probably just parinoia mixed with what I'm assuming is nip chaff from your shirt.
You are good. No gyno there, just fat. Men collect fat in that area naturally (ever heard of moobs? Man boobs) so you're fine. Just stay the course and you'll be GTG.
Dont worry mate its a really common thing to experience. The more you read about it, touch or pinch them or even a cold breeze whistling across your nipples can get you thinking you got bitch tits straight away. Invest in the right ai or serm and get bloods. Get someone elses perspective on your nipples as its hard when you look at them every hour. Try not to stress and after all we use aas to improve our masculinity and bitch tits is the absolute opposite so its natural for us to freak out about that shit. And at the end of the day if you do have it just get the shit removed and hey fuckin presto....problem solved. Hope that helps bud.

Anybody know if insurance will cover gyno removal surgery? Or remove it yourself (jk)
Anybody know if insurance will cover gyno removal surgery? Or remove it yourself (jk)

I've heard people say that if you tell your dr your tities hurt and they are really uncomfortable and he refers you to a Plastic Surgeon your insurance might pick it up. But again, that's just what I've heard.

They cover it but it has to be detrimental to lifestyle. I got mine done for free with free Healthcare since I had puberty induced gyno, and the only reason y it was covered was because I felt pain especially when lifting (benching) bumping info things etc
I know in Canada you just have to say that it hurts to lay on your stomach and boom they do it for you (plan on doing this myself in the future) don't know if you could do the same with a dr in the states and get a legit reference to be covered by insurance

