Canadians talk domestic

Wondering if anyone has ever experienced this. I have always had the occasional international order, usually pretty small quantity like 1-5 kits of peptides or hgh. From TP, QSC, PPL. usually gets through but sometimes gets seized, get a letter, whatever.

Got a seizure and letter for a small quantity of finished oils and hgh in january. Vendor had no issue reshipping so that was cool. Just came back from overseas trip and when I got to customs in Canada I was pulled into secondary and asked if I had some recent trouble coming back into Canada with possession of steroids. I said no of course, never happened. He asked if I was sure because there's a hit for me having import of steroids in January. Possible he just didn't understand or have a note that it was by mail. Either way they did a full search of all bags (everyone in party) and they even looked in my wallet...

Now looking back I am also realizing that all of my international parcels from last couple months have had customs tape on it. I have asked a friend who works at CBSA and he says it sounds like I am "red boxed" so this will likely continue for a while.

Worst part is I have a NEXUS card and it is unclear if that is going to get pulled now. All for a very small amount of oils and GH. No one could mistake this for reseller quantity...
how many fingers? doubt they found anything in there as well.
It would definitely affect your Nexus card. You are screwed.
fortunately I haven't had as much use for it in the last couple of years due to work changing my travel commitments, but I'm a bit shocked I have never heard of this sort of thing.

Every forum pretty much just says a seizure for steroids means nothing in Canada but I wonder if the people who talk about just ordering overseas to save money ever travel. Secondary search at every inbound border crossing is not worth the money saved ordering international
fortunately I haven't had as much use for it in the last couple of years due to work changing my travel commitments, but I'm a bit shocked I have never heard of this sort of thing.

Every forum pretty much just says a seizure for steroids means nothing in Canada but I wonder if the people who talk about just ordering overseas to save money ever travel. Secondary search at every inbound border crossing is not worth the money saved ordering international
Almost everyone knows that you will at least be red flagged but cops won’t show up to your house just for a bottle of test and a couple of GH kits. Yes, you are risking yourself being red flagged and having to go through extreme scrutiny before you aboard a plane or cross a border in your vehicle. This is Canada. You get red flagged for not saying LGBTQ2S+ without breaking your breath and this shid we order is a controlled substance. I took risk a couple of times but now I am thinking about sticking with local UGLs since I’ll be leaving the country in the next few months.
This thread has been an amazing resource. I think I tripled my source list in an hour of reading!

One thing I can’t find: domestic sources for peptides. Specifically injectable glutathione, L carnitine, and NAD+.

I’ve found tons of American sources. Even Euro sources. But can’t find anything from Canada.
What's everyone's goto for injectables via Canadian Domestic?

I've ordered from Oxygen and the shipping is phenomenal. Practically overnight.

I've also bought orals from Ace and have no complaints either.

Just curious what others use here in Canada.
What's everyone's goto for injectables via Canadian Domestic?

I've ordered from Oxygen and the shipping is phenomenal. Practically overnight.

I've also bought orals from Ace and have no complaints either.

Just curious what others use here in Canada.
Used syn pharma test cyp. Feels like it’s under dosed. Been with Ace for the past couple of months their test E300 is strong and my body just couldn’t handle it and the dude sent me new bottles of test cyp without charging me a single penny. I wanted to pay him half the amount but he insisted not to. I mean, how can I go elsewhere after that. They are very professional and answer emails asap and shipping is superfast. I have their deca as well but haven’t used it yet since i have been on Var for sometime. Once done with var will jump on deca.