Hair loss journey from heavy anabolic use

IMG_0462.webpHair loss journey from anabolics .
This video is educational. I talk about some of the things I went through gaining and losing my hair .
I never would have guessed you did the smp till you announced it in the video.

I would be curious though how you would look with growing your hair out now that you have smp since it may hide the hair thinness from hair transplant.
Dude you don’t even look bad bald why not just shave your head? If I ever start to lose a lot of hair I’m just gunna shave it.
I was shaving my head but no matter what I had that U in the back of my head. you could always tell I was bald. Even after just shaving. This atleast creates the illusion that I shaved my head because I want to not because I have to
I never would have guessed you did the smp till you announced it in the video.

I would be curious though how you would look with growing your hair out now that you have smp since it may hide the hair thinness from hair transplant.
It looks bad grown out. It’s gone lol
my hairline backed up a bit than seemed to completely stop lol

hopefully doesnt move back too much more but i like buzzing my hair off anyways