Hair regrowth


New Member
Mast seems to have caused my hairline to start receding and it’s still shedding. I’m currently on 150mg test e and 630mg npp. I’m gonna start using ru58841 and have been thinking about completely dropping the test and doing an npp only cycle to help regrow my hair. Just wondering if this sounds like a retarded idea before I do it?
I lose hair with npp. I know, sad.

That is, unless I add hcg, because it significantly rises my e2.

Deca is better than npp for hair. There is something about npp that makes it more androgenic than deca, probably related to the fact that long esters aromatize more.

Anyway, just know that I have been down this road and there is significant cons that I personally woudnt tolerate. But that's up to you