Have any of you experienced slightly high SHBG with average total T and Free T? I feel low T symptoms such as low libido, energy, which is concerning


New Member
Hey everyone, I noticed that I have decreased sex drive and overall performance for quite some time now. I thought about getting on the TRT bandwagon. I have gotten my blood work done at a clinic and was wondering if you guys have better knowledge in reading them. I thought low T was the suspect but my levels looked normal.


I have only ran one Test cycle in my life and felt normal/awesome at the time. I’m not on anything right now. I'm 29. Results showed Total T : 693 ng/ml " reference interval 264-916 / Free T : 20.2 pg/nl " reference interval 9.3-26.5 / Estradiol 20.4 pg/nl " reference scale 7.6-42.6 / SHBG Serum : 50.8 nmol/L " reference interval 16.5-55.9 . My SHBG seems on the borderline high scale. May I get your thoughts? Thanks guys
Your sex hormones seem to be just fine thus very unlikely the cause of your issues.
Do you think cruising on 150mg test E a week would increase anything with my current test levels? I’ve ran one cycle before with test E at 400mg a week and felt awesome/normal.
Do you think cruising on 150mg test E a week would increase anything with my current test levels? I’ve ran one cycle before with test E at 400mg a week and felt awesome/normal.
I think not since you are in a normal range already. Your issues seem not to be caused by hypogonadism, swapping your natural normal range for exogenous normal range probably wont do that much.

Think you need to look at other possible factors instead of sex hormones, vitamins like D3 and B12 were not tested?
A few points for the OP:

1. At age 29, you have the SHBG level of a 70 year old man. That means even with a Total T at 693 you will, at best, have a Free T on the lower end or even below the normal range. Are you sure you only ran 'one test cycle'? Because taking large T doses over an extended period is one possible explanation for your VERY high (for your age!) SHBG level.

2. The lab method for Free T has been, is, and may never be anything but total HORSESHIT. Unreliable! 20.2 pg/nL - "normal" - my ASS.

Use this online calculator instead:

Put in your albumin from your labs at 4.8 g/dL, your SHBG at 50.8 nmol/L, and your Total T at 693 ng/dL. Then press 'Calculate'.

Your Free T comes in at 11.1 ng/dL (1.5%) The normal Free T range on the calculator is 10 to 25 ng/dL, so you are at the bottom of the normal range. Your Free T is also at less than 2% which does match up with the symptoms you're having.

What to do? See a doctor for a full physical exam with an emphasis on checking liver function, eating habits, and any other issues that may be the cause of your symptoms.
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