HCG Desensitized my Leydig Cells

How are you gonna desensitized your leydig cells by 250ui x2 for 6 weeks? That's pretty much the sweet spot.
How are you gonna desensitized your leydig cells by 250ui x2 for 6 weeks? That's pretty much the sweet spot.
I don't know, but the LH and FSH seem permanently elevated now, and getting worse, although test is still solid. I can't think of any other answer except Leydig cells have suffered either some die-off or desensitization.
I don't know, but the LH and FSH seem permanently elevated now, and getting worse, although test is still solid. I can't think of any other answer except Leydig cells have suffered either some die-off or desensitization.

Keep it in check, your pituitary gland is overworking for some reason
Might check for testiclecancer, as far as i know elevated lh is a sign of that

I’d think if anything it would lower it since sometimes the tumors can secrete hCG. Idk what to tell this guy, but he definitely didn’t kill his balls with such a low dose of hCG. Maybe a pituitary tumor that instead of cause high levels of prolactin causes high LH/FSH idk. These tumors aren’t usually cancerous. Just go to a specialist..
I’d think if anything it would lower it since sometimes the tumors can secrete hCG. Idk what to tell this guy, but he definitely didn’t kill his balls with such a low dose of hCG. Maybe a pituitary tumor that instead of cause high levels of prolactin causes high LH/FSH idk. These tumors aren’t usually cancerous. Just go to a specialist..

Theres this dude who got popular by eating and stuffing weird foods down his mouth, named furious pete.

He had testicular cancer and in his videos he explained, his docs found out because his lh levels were in (serious) the 100s
Theres this dude who got popular by eating and stuffing weird foods down his mouth, named furious pete.

He had testicular cancer and in his videos he explained, his docs found out because his lh levels were in (serious) the 100s

I suppose it’s possible, tho it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense for LH to be high because of testicular cancer. Anyway I don’t think it’s a common symptom.
Really seems connected to the last cycle to me. Finished PCT and the LH and FSH levels never went back to normal.
Where is prolactin,shbg,free testo and thryroid panel? You must measure them.Picture is incomplete now.
A high FSH level in a male may mean the testicles are not functioning correctly. Causes of this may include damage to the testicles (from radiation, trauma, or alcohol abuse), genetic problems, advancing age, hormonal disorders, certain medications (like pain medications or steroids), diseases such as HIV/AIDS or Type 2 diabetes, or (in rare cases) tumors of the pituitary gland.
Low FSH levels in males may mean the pituitary gland in the brain is not functioning properly. (This is less common than high FSH.)
Listen pal. I'm not even reading the whole thread because I know it is complete bullshit that you have desensitized your leydig cells. If anything they need to grow back. Do you have atrophy?
Desensitization from hCG is from when it was prescribed in the early days in the 5k iU ampules. Those were taken in a single dose and after a while some weren't responding to the hCG as well anymore. This is not a problem that you are facing from my understanding. Your protocol for your PCT sounded great and honestly your testosterone levels show that your pct was good too imo.

Early hCG-induced desensitization in Leydig cells
Early hCG-induced desensitization in Leydig cells - ScienceDirect
The early mechanism of hCG induced down regulation of its own receptor as well as steroidogenesis refractoriness of rat Leydig cells to gonadotropin stimulation have been investigated. A single injection of 5, 12, 25, 50 and 100 IU of hCG in rats induced within 8 hours, Leydig cells desensitization. However, apparent receptor loss was significantly lower only in the rats who received 50 and 100 IU of hCG. Cycloheximide inhibits hCG-induced receptors loss but had no effect on hCG-induced desensitization. The most likely explanation for desensitization in the presence of binding sites and a normal adenylate cyclase, is a defective coupling between the receptor sites and the catalytic subunit.
This is a rat study. HCG-induced desensitization in humans does not occur even at high doses. I'm talking 5000 iu runs.
