Hcg help please


New Member
So I just began my 3rd week of my 12 week cycle and did not realize the benefits of HCG untill now.
Ive been running around 500mg of test a week along with arimidex .5mg EOD and am not noticing much of a testicular shrinkage yet.
I just purchased everything besides the insulin pins cuz i know i can get them at any pharmacy. It should all come in, in 2 weeks. So, my week 5 of 12.
I've read that i should take 500iu-1000iu a week, including through the time up untill 3 days before PCT.


Is this correact and can I run it like this?

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So I just began my 3rd week of my 12 week cycle and did not realize the benefits of HCG untill now.
Ive been running around 500mg of test a week along with arimidex .5mg EOD and am not noticing much of a testicular shrinkage yet.
I just purchased everything besides the insulin pins cuz i know i can get them at any pharmacy. It should all come in, in 2 weeks. So, my week 5 of 12.
I've read that i should take 500iu-1000iu a week, including through the time up untill 3 days before PCT.


Is this correact and can I run it like this?

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500iu split into twice weekly injection (250iu per pin).. I would stop at least a week before you start PCT
Also forgot to mention.. with addition of HCG- be on the lookout for E2 spikes and prepare to adjust your AI dosage.. unstable E2 level (hormonal imbalance) can cause acne
@Flaming Dragon is exactly right on the dosage, it's not necessary to do split doses but it seems to work better for me. also, you will hear people say to front load a lot more hcg if you started it late in your cycle... do not do this.... if you haven't noticed much shrinkage yet then 500 a week is all you need
Im also around 10% bf so that should mean i require less. Thank you all for reasuring me.
As soon as my cycle ends im going to take exemestane ED at 12.5mg, then, when i stop administering hcg i will administer same dosage but EOD for 3 weeks (2 weeks into pct)

Thank you so much for all the help!

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Aromasin is definitely the better AI, however in order to know dosage required you can determine that only through bloodwork.

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Aromasin is definitely the better AI, however in order to know dosage required you can determine that only through bloodwork.

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I just got my mid cycle blood last Friday. waiting for results. should be a few days.

Now how do you determine the dosage required? at what estrogen level do you determine the dosage of AI? what level estrogen do you need it to be at?

My pre blood shows 16.8 estrogen

So what range should my estrogen be at for mid blood test?
You typically want your estrogen to be around the same level as it was prior to beginning the cycle.
I'm trying to find a base guideline of what the range should be. I remember one that told you the range in men. Here's a link that may help and i'll keep looking for that other link i was talking about....
How do i attach links?

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You typically want your estrogen to be around the same level as it was prior to beginning the cycle.
I'm trying to find a base guideline of what the range should be. I remember one that told you the range in men. Here's a link that may help and i'll keep looking for that other link i was talking about....
How do i attach links?

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Just copy and paste it when you reply.

Right now I'm taking arimidex . 5 EOD but I am breaking out on my forehead. I'll see what my blood shows when I get it back. but how do I determine how much arimidex to use base on eastrogan level? example it it spiked up to 30 and my normal is 16.8 how do I know how much to take?
Just copy and paste it when you reply.

Right now I'm taking arimidex . 5 EOD but I am breaking out on my forehead. I'll see what my blood shows when I get it back. but how do I determine how much arimidex to use base on eastrogan level? example it it spiked up to 30 and my normal is 16.8 how do I know how much to take?

It's trial and error.. the only and best way is couple of cycles under your belt then blood work (pre, mid, and post).. only then you'll dial down your AI dosage.. Everyone's different I can take .25 E3D and it works like a champ! Where some might need it ED or EOD...
It's trial and error.. the only and best way is couple of cycles under your belt then blood work (pre, mid, and post).. only then you'll dial down your AI dosage.. Everyone's different I can take .25 E3D and it works like a champ! Where some might need it ED or EOD...

That make sense. since this is my first cycle I haven't got it all down. I am breaking out around the face on .5mg arimidex EOD. So my guess is increase my AI till the breakout stops. Maybe .25mg ED? but wouldn't that be the same as .5mg EOD?
That make sense. since this is my first cycle I haven't got it all down. I am breaking out around the face on .5mg arimidex EOD. So my guess is increase my AI till the breakout stops. Maybe .25mg ED? but wouldn't that be the same as .5mg EOD?
Yes. .25+.25=.5 lol
Get bloods done and you'll know where you're at and how to adjust.
If you don't want to, try by doing .5mg ED.

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That make sense. since this is my first cycle I haven't got it all down. I am breaking out around the face on .5mg arimidex EOD. So my guess is increase my AI till the breakout stops. Maybe .25mg ED? but wouldn't that be the same as .5mg EOD?

Don't forget that Testosterone will convert and increase DHT production.. that in turn will increase your sebum production and combine with oily skin.. bam.. acne! Also, if you're prone to acne as a youngster-there's no way around it.. So not just E2 can cause acne, just one of the many possibility. You got to pay to play and acne is one of them :)
.5mg ED hmm. I will try that out. Only 3 weeks left on my cycle.
Yah i didnt take any AI for first week and then broke out a little, started taking my AI and... well i still have the pimples, but they are clearing up, and i havn't gained anymore.

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Don't forget that Testosterone will convert and increase DHT production.. that in turn will increase your sebum production and combine with oily skin.. bam.. acne! Also, if you're prone to acne as a youngster-there's no way around it.. So not just E2 can cause acne, just one of the many possibility. You got to pay to play and acne is one of them :)

Yea my acne isn't bad. Just noticing some pimple forming around my forehead and cheeks. but I wash it daily with neutrogena and wipe my face with oxy pads after gym. I do notice my skin gets more oily.
Yah i didnt take any AI for first week and then broke out a little, started taking my AI and... well i still have the pimples, but they are clearing up, and i havn't gained anymore.

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I been taking .5mg EOD and I'm still gaining. the gains were slow week 1-6 then week 7-8 my strength and gainz exloded! went super sayian 3
I been taking .5mg EOD and I'm still gaining. the gains were slow week 1-6 then week 7-8 my strength and gainz exloded! went super sayian 3
I cant wait! I just started week 4, and im already up at least 25lbs in every major exercise! Some even 50lbs!

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