Hcg/pct help

The pool man 12

New Member
I am on a 12 week cycle of test p, Tren a, and mast p. I am 6 weeks into it. I am currently taking arimidex eod to control estrogen. If I started taking hcg at this point would it work? I am pretty sure I am already shut down. The last question is will I be on with just nolva for pct?
Don't tell me this is your 1st cycle and running Tren/Mast P together? As for HCG, it's never to late-go ahead and start HCG. As for PCT (you should have plan this out before you even consider starting!) Nolva would be ok if you're running only Test.. But with Tren and Mast P.. I highly recommend you do Nolva and Clomid..
It's not my first cycle. It is my first time running tren and mast, yes. I have nolva and clomid both on hand. That was my plan but so many mixed reviews. I don't want to overdo pct if not needed. That's why I am asking. Many people act like they know everything. I prefer to hear what everybody has to say.
Don't tell me this is your 1st cycle and running Tren/Mast P together? As for HCG, it's never to late-go ahead and start HCG. As for PCT (you should have plan this out before you even consider starting!) Nolva would be ok if you're running only Test.. But with Tren and Mast P.. I highly recommend you do Nolva and Clomid..

I have ran test only 3 times and bounced backed very easy in pct. I will do what is needed but I have never used hcg. I understand tren is shutting me down much harder but I figured with the hghost maybe the combo of clomid and nolva may not be needed. Just asking because I am far from an expert.
HCG does nothing but keep your nuts from shrinking and giving that massive facial load to your women! It helps aid in recovery and going toward PCT. But if you've done 3 cycles and recovery nicely without HCG.. why change it?
HCG does nothing but keep your nuts from shrinking and giving that massive facial load to your women! It helps aid in recovery and going toward PCT. But if you've done 3 cycles and recovery nicely without HCG.. why change it?
3 test only cycles. The tren is my concern for possibly changing. I have not experienced horrible sides with it yet. I just don't sleep well and I am very moody.
Not sleeping well and very moody is Tren sides..lol What I read is to help lessen the sides, many decrease their Test. For example; I am running 400mg of Tren E and 250mg of Test per week. Still sleeping like a baby and my mood/anger has not changed.
Not sleeping well and very moody is Tren sides..lol What I read is to help lessen the sides, many decrease their Test. For example; I am running 400mg of Tren E and 250mg of Test per week. Still sleeping like a baby and my mood/anger has not changed.

I've done this several times and it's worked well for me also. Sort of a 2 to 1 ration for Tren and Test.

IMO adding the HCG can't hurt and will most likely improve some aspects of your sides. I run HCG during all my heavy cycles but then again I'm on TRT and never come off synthetic test.

There's some speculation that adding Prami to the Tren cyle will help with the mood swings and sleep issues. I think it depends on the individual as it's effects on dopamine can vary considerably.
I can personally confirm that prami did not help nor disturbed my sleep patterns. But it could work for you. On another note, you should not run high testosterone when running trenbolone as your sides will multiply and you are technically wasting the excess testosterone as trenbolone has a much higher affinity to the cell receptor than testosterone ergo wasting it. Yes you should start hcg after 2nd or 3 rd week of any anabolic cycle.
I can personally confirm that prami did not help nor disturbed my sleep patterns. But it could work for you. On another note, you should not run high testosterone when running trenbolone as your sides will multiply and you are technically wasting the excess testosterone as trenbolone has a much higher affinity to the cell receptor than testosterone ergo wasting it. Yes you should start hcg after 2nd or 3 rd week of any anabolic cycle.

I have been running test and tren at 350mg each per week. My mood and anger are really getting the best of me right now. I also don't sleep very well. I think I will back the test a little.
Don't waste your time and money on HCG on cycle. Cut your TREN out 1-2 weeks early(Ace /Enanthate- 1wk, Hex.-2wks) continue with the Test for the last 2 weeks. Continue the AI throughout PCT, Begin HCG a week after the last pin of Test. Begin 500iu of HCG, EOD for the next 2 weeks. Begin Clomid at 50 mg for the next 4 weeks. End PCT. NOTE: Remember Sustanon takes the longest to get out of your body (3 weeks) Don't waste the Clomid if there's still hormones left in your body! Also, No Nolvadex - it can elevate prolactin levels which Tren has already done. If you're taking caber/dostinex/prami,etc. then the Nolva/Clomid combo is ok, so continue it at .25mg every 3 days . But for $$$ sake , keep it simple, Caber/Dostinex is expensive, Also study the Esters of the gear you run and take what you need, don't play with your body and overload theGear/ PCT. Lastly, I strongly recommend taking only Pharmaceutical Grade PCT gear.
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I have been running test and tren at 350mg each per week. My mood and anger are really getting the best of me right now. I also don't sleep very well. I think I will back the test a little.
IMO, you base your cycle on your Test Dose, low Test, double Tren.......say 250 Sust, 500 Tren. Split the Test Dose into a twice a week dose. You need to either lower your Test or raise your Tren. Then your sides won't be as bad and as your cycle progresses, it's likely that the night sweats and limited cardio will be the only sides. The new deal of running HCG on cycle really has me a little bit baffled, I know I'm shutting down my nuts, don't care how small they get, I blast HCG in my PCT until the nads are firming back up once they're working, I finish up the PCT. A known standard protocol for Dr's treating men for testicular hypertrophy.
Don't waste your time and money on HCG on cycle. Cut your TREN out 1-2 weeks early(Ace /Enanthate- 1wk, Hex.-2wks) continue with the Test for the last 2 weeks. Continue the AI throughout PCT, Begin HCG a week after the last pin of Test. Begin 500iu of HCG, EOD for the next 2 weeks. Begin Clomid at 50 mg for the next 4 weeks. End PCT. NOTE: Remember Sustanon takes the longest to get out of your body (3 weeks) Don't waste the Clomid if there's still hormones left in your body! Also, No Nolvadex - it can elevate prolactin levels which Tren has already done. If you're taking caber/dostinex/prami,etc. then the Nolva/Clomid combo is ok, so continue it at .25mg every 3 days . But for $$$ sake , keep it simple, Caber/Dostinex is expensive, Also study the Esters of the gear you run and take what you need, don't play with your body and overload theGear/ PCT. Lastly, I strongly recommend taking only Pharmaceutical Grade PCT gear.
Could I take the Nolva along with arimidex during pct? I have heard not to take it after Tren but others say it is the best option still.
No Nolvadex, unless you are taking Caber/dostinex or bromo. It can spike your prolactin. Plus you don't need it, HCG and clomid, Arimidex, and you'll be fine.
Another option is that you can always add Nolvadex. I'm ending my cycle as we speak. I cut my Tren Out a week ago and still on my Sust,& Mast. Will take another shot of test/Mast and that will be it. 7 days after my last pin I'll begin HCG at 500iu's EOD day until finished with 5000iu's. Your nuts should firm up nicely during this 2 weeks period and be sure to take your Aromasin /Adex thru the entire PCT. THE start the Clomid at 50mg/day for 30 days. End PCT. You'll do fine, my bro just ended his cycle early, he and I were doing the same thing and he pulled a muscle . So he ended it earl and just started his clomid . Still looks good
Another option is that you can always add Nolvadex. I'm ending my cycle as we speak. I cut my Tren Out a week ago and still on my Sust,& Mast. Will take another shot of test/Mast and that will be it. 7 days after my last pin I'll begin HCG at 500iu's EOD day until finished with 5000iu's. Your nuts should firm up nicely during this 2 weeks period and be sure to take your Aromasin /Adex thru the entire PCT. THE start the Clomid at 50mg/day for 30 days. End PCT. You'll do fine, my bro just ended his cycle early, he and I were doing the same thing and he pulled a muscle . So he ended it earl and just started his clomid . Still looks good

Check this out and tell me what you think. I just really prefer the Nolva over the Clomid but don't know a whole lot about prolactin.

The myth of using Nolva with 19-Nor Nandrolones:

There is a lot of conflicting information out there, and one of the biggest things being spread around is to not use Nolvadex during a cycle with nandrolones such as Tren or Deca, and not in PCT. The argument is that Nolva will up-regulate progesterone receptor activity, and since Nandrolones can increase progesterone levels, the combination leads to possible gyno problems. However, this is very far from the actual truth. (Nolva) Tamoxifen is a mixed ER agonist/antagonist as we said earlier and behaves as such. In certain tissues, such as the endometrium (uterus), upregulation of the PgR would be expected, since the endometrium is very sensitive to estrogen. This is where there is confusion that leads to the myth.In other tissues, such as the breast, Tamoxifen is an antagonist and blocks the estrogen receptor. The progesterone receptor is synthesized in direct response to estrogen. When the estrogen receptor is blocked, the progesterone receptor will also down regulate. This is exactly the mechanism of action that happens in cancer patients, so we can expect the same result.

There are no studies stating Tamoxifen up regulates the progesterone receptor in breast tissue, so its pure "bro-science" and speculation. As with most things on the Internet, if you spread false information around to enough people it eventually gets accepted as the truth. It is important to also note that Tamoxifen does nothing to combat prolactin. To control prolactin, caber or Prami is taken.
Very nice, I always enjoy learning new things. Go ahead and add it and I will try it as well. ....thanks for the studying. Where did you find this article? I
I'm going to look into it some more, as I don't really know alot about prolactin, but I know when it get high ,mmy pecker won't act right.. :-) Thanks for sharing this, this is exactly why the forums are great......I don't see why you couldn't run both Nolvadex and Clomid & have a better recovery if this is true.