Hcg + Pct Protocal


New Member
Alright boys, got another thread for you, I created one recently about pct timing and now I have a question about a protocal I have used in my last cycle.

The PCT protocal I used in my last cycle was recommended by a good source but I have not found anything on this forum or even online resembling it which somewhat worries me. I wanted to get some opinions on it to see if it makes sense to some of the more experienced members.

The PCT started 4 weeks after a test e/tren/var cycle.

Week 1 & 2 -Hcg 500iu/day
- nolva 20mg/day
Week 3 - 6 -clomid 50mg/day
- nolva 40mg/day

There are some obvious differences that I don't see anywhere else. First being Hcg starting the first day of pct WITH nolva. Second being nolva is tapered up instead of down the further into pct I go. Third is I went 4 weeks after last pin without doing anything.

Any thoughts on this?
I'd use HCG for 4 weeks
nolva for only 2 weeks

It' s harder to get testis working again (HCG), than the pituitary (nolva)