Help an idiot discern identical vials of Masteron and primo. Taste, smell, light transmission, visual spectral analysis?

I'm opposite, primo makes my hair thin and Mast doesn't. I have both but only an open mast e right now, only thing I could think would be different is that Mast is a very thin compound, thin like cyp vs enanthate. I can get mast and cyp into my biceps with a 25g zero pip, enan I need to use a 23g 1.5" to get it deep enough in a glute, 400mg/ml gives me a lump for a day. But everyone is different, I volunteer you and I to decipher this with 1 shot from each vial, we'll get to the bottom of this, hell, I won't even charge.
Estrogen is hair protector, you use primo which acts as an AI in most people lowering e2 and you'll lose hair, you ramp up total mg load of androgens in general, you'll lose hair, you cause an increase in dht, you'll lose hair. There are a lot of mechanisms that can cause hair loss even HGH. As far as I know there is nothing particular about Masteron that makes it not hair safe other than quickly titrating dosages up high could potentially cause it through sheer androgenic load.