HELP Bloodwork


New Member
Hi guys,

Im new here so please excuse if ive done this wrong. Ive been experiencing low sex drive for quite a while but i waited it out and im getting fed up now,

I started a test e cycle 500mg a week back in September last year only actually ended up doing 6 weeks along with Adex .5 EOD.

Results: 3 days after last pin test 3
Total TESt 33ng
E2 256

I got my results during pct to be :

Total Test : 31ng
Lh: 10
fsh: 8
Prolactin: 340

All after in January i got some more blood done:

Total T : 21ng
E2: 66Pmol
LH 6
Prolactin 396

Could someone help me why i am experiencing these problems ?
all are within ref ranges apart from prolactin ref is up to 375. I am only 21 years old are t total test levels ok?

reading through all the discussions here i couldnt understand how my prolactin rised from a test only cycle although e2 did raise. looking at caber right now as a solution?

I made the mistake of not getting pre bloodwork which was foolish. this was my only cycle which didnt even last long.

I have all the bloodwork on paper. My pct ended in the 3rd week of october then i got my labs done last week of jan. Although prolactin was actually 340 which on cycle
I do have a few other labs which i could email to you... would you mind having a look for me ill email them to your email address?
There are a few more studies needed to exclude other causes (along with history), but IMO they will be negative. Also, no PH use? Are you being seen by a physician? While the few remaining studies are done, start a hCG challenge. These levels are castrate.
I have been sent to a urgologist. He has done lots of test which ones would you need from me to exclude anything else?

He is sending me on also blood test for DHT, Progesterone, SHBG, and total t again on tuesday coming up.

What do you mean those level are castrate as in useless? or very low what levels should they be at?

Regarding the HCG challenge ive heard of this the 3 week challenge what do you recommend doesing at ?
obviously didnt work because was no change to sex drive LOL
done something tho - led to believe my DHT might be low or the high prolactin so having these checked again

Will caber do me any harm if i take .25 mcg monday and friday ? (obviously if my prolactin is sill at 390 odd.
I'm going to start the hcg challenge 500iu Monday Wednesday and Friday Saturday Sunday off no jab. For 3 weeks then get blood work done again. Will this shut down my lh and fsh? So will I need to run Nolva after?

I know my pituary is functioning fine as when I done clomid and Nokia my lh and fsh increased and test went up to 900 odd.

Please advise on dosage and duration then what to do after please ?