Help!!! Pct Mess Up


New Member
Ok, first off i expect some crap talk so do know i feel stupid for not researching more in the past before i started my cycle, almost four months ago i did a two month cycle. ( i did test enth. first month and deca. the next month). i only did one jar each (10ml). i reasearched as much as possible behind my girlfriends and family's back but i never was able to get to learning about pct.. my balls are not growing back. (they've gotten a bit bigger but i want my boys back!) its almost been two months and im just starting to learn about hcg, clomid, and novaldex. what should i really do, are all those necessary? please help and inform me on this, yes it was stupid for me not to learn this stuff sooner... I would like to add ive been asking this on other website's. my sex drive is good. i dont feel as strong as when i was on but thats an obvious (i dont feel drained or weak though) its just a testicle problem, i have not yet gotten blood work as well
I would keep it simple at first. I would run nolvadex at 25mg e.d. for 4 weeks.

If your balls are getting some size back that means your hpta is starting to recover and producing at least a minimal level of LH so I don't think hcg will be necessary at this stage of the game.

So a simple 4 weeks of nolvadex should help. There are several SERMs you should research but nolvadex is the most effective for most people (some will disagree).
do you know where to purchase nolvadex? does it also raise natural testosterone as well? your reply is much appreciated thank you
Cem-meso is one of our sponsors. Follow cem-meso link and look under research liquids.
I will get blood work on monday. I actually had blood work done right before i started so it will be nice to compare the two. Ive wrote on other websites and i guess getting the blood work on monday will tell me what i need to do. but yea morning wood and sex drive is all good.
You used deca for your first cycle? Deca can remain in your system for 18 months. Im surprised you have a libido still. Go to reliablerxpharmacy and get nolva and clomid. Run clomid 100,100,50,50 nolva 40,40,20,20 that's four weeks total.
Does anyone recommend hcg at all anymore? my next cycle will be in december. I will know much more this time..... and i see how the nolva can help me at this point but is the clomid necessary/or works better used w/ nolva?
Does anyone recommend hcg at all anymore? my next cycle will be in december. I will know much more this time..... and i see how the nolva can help me at this point but is the clomid necessary/or works better used w/ nolva?

Hcg should be used to prevent atrophy while youre on cycle. Run it using the bill roberts protocol. You will hear conflicting info as people only running clomid and people running it in conjunction with nolva. Its best to be safe than sorry so run them together. You say that you can see how nolva can help you, do you even know what these compounds do for males? All the info you need is here on meso on steroid profiles.
What i got out of reading about it yesterday was they are both anti estrogens, and a few people were saying the same thing you are about the problems with combining the two. i get that it was there opinions as most articles are about whether or not to use them both.

"The second reason is the raging war over which is the better post-cycle drug, clomiphene or tamoxifen has lead to several conclusions. The first is that while 150 mg of clomiphene and 20 mg of tamoxifen have lead to roughly a similar increase in LH levels (17) , but that with the high dosing of clomiphene over time there are certain disadvantages. Such as that it may damage eyesight and may act as a weak estrogen (18) in undesirable places (like the pituitary). So using tamoxifen alongside it will allow us to lower the dose and decrease the chance of these side-effects and add the distinct benefit that Tamoxifen (being the stronger of the two) will prevent the clomiphene from exerting any much influence at the pituitary, and that it will increase LH responsiveness to GnRH (17) where Clomiphene does not."

So i get that this article is saying to use them nolva with clomid. but more people urge to just use nolva at this point. why? cause so late? sorry im trying to learn more and more
Nevermind about what I said lol As i read they are much different than just two anti estrogens.

"Clomid is the anti-estrogen of choice for improving recovery of natural testosterone production after a cycle, improving testosterone production of endurance athletes, and is also effective in reducing risk of gynecomastia during a cycle employing aromatizable steroids"

"Nolvadex is commonly referred to in quite a few ways: as a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator), as an anti-estrogen (that is actually incorrect, as we will later see), and finally as a triphenylethylene. I happen to stick with calling Nolvadex a SERM, because out of my three options, it happens to be correct (as we know that calling it an anti-estrogen is incorrect), and pronounceable (as we know that I have no idea how to say "triphenylethylene"). Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) act as either estrogen receptor agonists or antagonists in a tissue-selective manner, lets see what that means to us."
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you said "Run clomid 100,100,50,50 nolva 40,40,20,20"
I see people write that everywhere. does that mean 4 boxes each and dose?