Help please


New Member
Okay. So I don't need to be talked shit to I know I messed up. Please I just want help. I'm going to be making an appt for a endo soon and stuff. Okay, well here goes. I just graduated highschool and got to college. I play football and was weaker than everyone. Long story short, couple of my friends and I took a prohormone cycle. I don't think we took any form of pct but a liver support pill. Maybe 4-5 months after that I took another with out a pct and then thought I'd be a good idea to take another with an over the counter "pct" to try and reset the lack of a pct on the second one. I was fine and haven't taken another cycle of ph in close to two years. But all of a sudden, my test plummeted and I'm feeling the effects like lack of energy depression and Ed. That started about 3 months ago. Out of the blue. What I want to know is what do tall think is wrong and how do I go about fixing it? What should I tell the endo? The only number I have right now is my free test is 119. Please help me out, I'm stressing badly and need some help. Thank you to whoever tries. Ft
Google "Power PCT," a protocol used to restart your HPTA after you wreck it and crash your natural test production due to steroid use (ASIH - anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism). Check out the PCT forum here, there should be info on it here as well.

Try that, check your levels after, and if your test levels still suck, go see an endo. You'll probably be looking at TRT if you can't restart.

Good luck.
Google "Power PCT," a protocol used to restart your HPTA after you wreck it and crash your natural test production due to steroid use (ASIH - anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism). Check out the PCT forum here, there should be info on it here as well.

Try that, check your levels after, and if your test levels still suck, go see an endo. You'll probably be looking at TRT if you can't restart.

Good luck.
Okay I'll do that. Where would I reliably buy HCG, Clomid, and Nolva? Since those are the components right?
Google "Power PCT," a protocol used to restart your HPTA after you wreck it and crash your natural test production due to steroid use (ASIH - anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism). Check out the PCT forum here, there should be info on it here as well.

Try that, check your levels after, and if your test levels still suck, go see an endo. You'll probably be looking at TRT if you can't restart.

Good luck.
And should I go to endo before I do this or after? Please help me thank you
Okay I'll do that. Where would I reliably buy HCG, Clomid, and Nolva? Since those are the components right?

Look in the "steroid underground" section there are several possibilities for sourcing HCG, clomid and nolva. I have had good luck with @pharmacist who provides only pharmaceutical grade products. Do your own diligence.

As for seeing an endo, that's your call. I'm not a doctor, I can't provide medical advice. If it were me I would try the power PCT, then go to the endo. That's me, I'm 44, I don't want my doctor knowing I use AAS. My life insurance underwriter can access my medical records when they renew my policies, AAS use will make me uninsurable.

What you need to do is research and read. Figure out what others have done in your situation. Go read threads in the PCT forum, google ASIH, do your homework. You got into this position because you didn't research or pay attention. Try something different.

Good luck.
Also you need to get bloodwork to figure out your hormone levels BEFORE you do anything else. Just noticed your free test number seems reasonable, without total test number it's a wild guess if your total t is low.

Go read.
Also you need to get bloodwork to figure out your hormone levels BEFORE you do anything else. Just noticed your free test number seems reasonable, without total test number it's a wild guess if your total t is low.

Go read.
That was my total test sorry. I'm sorry I don't know what to do there's threads saying don't do anything and just go to the endo to figure out what's wrong and there's threads saying take this and that.
Okay I'll do that. Where would I reliably buy HCG, Clomid, and Nolva? Since those are the components right?

Reliably? Thru a pharmacy fella.

Now that's right you FU, now learn from it, and the best way to do that is to STOP all self prescribed therapies.

That's how you got yourself into this mess is it not, treating YOURSELF.

So once again crease believing your qualified to be your own physician (a task none of us are qualified for) and learn to become a PATIENT!

Now go make an appointment with your PCP, tell him the truth, and request an Endo referral!

Good luck
Reliably? Thru a pharmacy fella.

Now that's right you FU, now learn from it, and the best way to do that is to STOP all self prescribed therapies.

That's how you got yourself into this mess is it not, treating YOURSELF.

So once again crease believing your qualified to be your own physician (a task none of us are qualified for) and learn to become a PATIENT!
So what you're saying is go to the dr and tell them I did steroids and fucked my self up. What are they going to do? Trt and good luck? I'm trying to find a solution
So what you're saying is go to the dr and tell them I did steroids and fucked my self up. What are they going to do? Trt and good luck? I'm trying to find a solution

ehhhh imo don't pop in there and tell him you took didn't even know they were steroids at the time, apparently...just say you used those OTC prohormones a few different times a couple of years ago and had no idea they could do this to you until your shit fucked up and you started searching around online for info

that is actually true for a lot of people who didn't know "prohormones" were actually designer steroids, since that's how they were marketed and sold @ fucking brick and mortar shops to 18 year olds...
ehhhh imo don't pop in there and tell him you took didn't even know they were steroids at the time, apparently...just say you used those OTC prohormones a few different times a couple of years ago and had no idea they could do this to you until your shit fucked up and you started searching around online for info

that is actually true for a lot of people who didn't know "prohormones" were actually designer steroids, since that's how they were marketed and sold @ fucking brick and mortar shops to 18 year olds...
They would help me out if I did it like you said? What would I tell them to help me with? Do I tell them about the power pct route and maybe they'll give me the stuff?
They would help me out if I did it like you said? What would I tell them to help me with? Do I tell them about the power pct route and maybe they'll give me the stuff?

Uhh idk man, seems like with doctors, the less you let on that you know about steroids (unless you're at at wellness clinic obv or you have a family doc who you know and trust), the better.

I guess you could be like, "well I started reading about prohormones after I was feeling like shit, and I found some info on this stuff called HCG where people are using it for like 10 days and getting fixed up", without using cycle-related terms like "PCT".

I would just go to the doc, tell him about the prohormones, tell him you feel like shit now and are worried you messed something up, and see what he says.

Afterward, if you really want to run Power PCT, there are plenty of ways to order HCG (RRX has it for around $15 a pop, or you can go to some members here, I always hear @pharmacist mentioned for ancillaries).

Unless it is a trusted family doc, the less they know about steroids that they could potentially put into your medical record, the better, imo. That shit is permanent.
Uhh idk man, seems like with doctors, the less you let on that you know about steroids (unless you're at at wellness clinic obv or you have a family doc who you know and trust), the better.

I guess you could be like, "well I started reading about prohormones after I was feeling like shit, and I found some info on this stuff called HCG where people are using it for like 10 days and getting fixed up", without using cycle-related terms like "PCT".

I would just go to the doc, tell him about the prohormones, tell him you feel like shit now and are worried you messed something up, and see what he says.

Afterward, if you really want to run Power PCT, there are plenty of ways to order HCG (RRX has it for around $15 a pop, or you can go to some members here, I always hear @pharmacist mentioned for ancillaries).

Unless it is a trusted family doc, the less they know about steroids that they could potentially put into your medical record, the better, imo. That shit is permanent.
okay. Thanks for just talking to me man it means a lot. I'm going to go to an endo. Going to tell them about the stuff I took and see what they say. Hopefully they'll help me with the hcg. I don't like the whole buying from a pharmacy online idea. Feel like it's shady. Can endo's prescribe HCG Clomid and nolva and stuff if I ask?
okay. Thanks for just talking to me man it means a lot. I'm going to go to an endo. Going to tell them about the stuff I took and see what they say. Hopefully they'll help me with the hcg. I don't like the whole buying from a pharmacy online idea. Feel like it's shady. Can endo's prescribe HCG Clomid and nolva and stuff if I ask?

Man I really wouldn't go in asking for all this and that specific shit related to steroids, you know? Give him only what he needs to know. Just tell him you took the prohormones a few times a while back, tell him you feel like shit now, give him the symptoms, and let him do his job from there. :)

personal anecdote: I went in to the doc for some mild insomnia a few weeks ago and he wanted to draw bloods to check my T3 (I'm mid-cycle lol) and I was like, "uhhhh nah doc I'm really not a fan of needles and I just gave blood a few days ago, and that was traumatic enough". So he sent me home with some Lunesta instead of drawing bloods and seeing my TT > 1500 and LH/FSH < 0.5 :cool:
Man I really wouldn't go in asking for all this and that specific shit related to steroids, you know? Give him only what he needs to know. Just tell him you took the prohormones a few times a while back, tell him you feel like shit now, give him the symptoms, and let him do his job from there. :)
Alright. I'm going with you on this one. Thanks. Just going to let whatever happens happen. Thanks again.
GL bro, just have faith in your endo and I'm sure you'll get sorted one way or the other. :D
I've been reading a lot online.. If I go and tell them what's happened and that I want to take HCG to try and get going, would I need to take the Clomid and nolva without them knowing?
GL bro, just have faith in your endo and I'm sure you'll get sorted one way or the other. :D
Sorry for the amount of questions in askin I'm just trying not to fuck up again. When I go see the endo, what should I ask for blood test wise? What am I looking for if I'm a case of anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism like the guy above mentioned?
I've been reading a lot online.. If I go and tell them what's happened and that I want to take HCG to try and get going, would I need to take the Clomid and nolva without them knowing?

Sorry for the amount of questions in askin I'm just trying not to fuck up again. When I go see the endo, what should I ask for blood test wise? What am I looking for if I'm a case of anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism like the guy above mentioned?

don't stress out so much man, it's bad for you :confused:

you don't need to ask for anything specific, let them do the diagnosis. don't diagnose yourself

just tell them you took some prohormones a few years ago and now you feel like shit

you can tell them you read online about prohormones once you started feeling shitty and read that it could have affected your testosterone or something like that

if you are going to an endo and not a GP then he should know exactly what the fuck he is doing and will know what bloods to pull (it's just going to be a standard hormone panel anyway I'd guess) as well as what to prescribe

good luck man don't worry so much