Help settle an argument.

So my buddy is anti steroid, he thinks they are dangerous and you can od on them. I told him you can't. You can definitely fuck yourself up but you can plung a needle in and die like heroine. Help me prove him wrong. He will be reading this.
Hard to say who the idiot is.

Depends on the lifestyle and the long run.
Me: "how much are you taking?"
Friend: "100mg ed."
Me: "Good. You have enough to last you 4 weeks"
Friend: "what do mean 4 weeks? I just took my last shot. 2amps a day right?"
Me: ...your an idiot.

1amp is 100mg Tren Ace. I laughed and asked how that ride was. He said he had no problems except sleep and sweating like a pig.

if the bar isn't bending, then your pretending.
You'd have to inject so much test to overdose that it would be insane.

It depends what steroid you're talking about, though. If you take like twenty bottles of halotestin or, say, metribolone at once, it could conceivably cause liver failure.

But the same could be said of aspirin.