Help with weight gain. (Temp) for doc weight in


Hi guys.

I’m about three or four months into pharma ozempic (T2D). Taking 1mg weekly and it works for insulin sensitivity but zero appetite suppression.

Mounjaro isn’t covered by my plan so stuck to oz. Anyway I’ve been supplementing with Chinese sema and low dose Chinese tirz. Down 10 lbs , 15 if include water weight.

Anyway. I got my endo appt coming up and gonna ask him to up the dose to 2mg so I can max out my insurance and not have to top up w generic. And , once at maintenance I can underdose and stockpile.

How much weight can I put on temporarily with water or salty food or whatever. Is 10 lbs doable ?

Current cycle:

200 test p
260 primo (gonna titrate it to 400)
HCG 250/d
Aromasin 7mg/d
3 IUs of Chinese growth /d

I gain fat pretty easily so terrified to pull ozempic and tirz out for even a few days or letting my e2 rise. TDEE is 3600-3800 ish. Running about a 700 cal deficit with with stack.

Many thanks for any tips. Got about a week

Oh, i am 215 18% , down from 225-230 in March (think 19-20% bf. March was end of a bulk (starting 195 14-15% bf)

TLDR: any tips on putting on water weight quickly (or stealth heavy belt lol ) so I can tell my doc to bump my ozempic dose bcos I haven’t been losing weight (when in reality I have , but supplementing my rx ozempic with Chinese tirz+sema)

Thank you all very much
The only answer to gaining weight quickly in a short amount of time is water weight.

I’m not clear how much weight you need to satisfy the doctor.

I’m also not clear why you are dead set on staying on prescription Semaglutide? If it was HGH Serostim, I’d understand. But you can get 99%+ pure sema, tirz, Reta, cagri, maz (shit I can’t believe how many there are now!) for pennies on the dollar from 100 different Chinese vendors.
The only answer to gaining weight quickly in a short amount of time is water weight.

I’m not clear how much weight you need to satisfy the doctor.

I’m also not clear why you are dead set on staying on prescription Semaglutide? If it was HGH Serostim, I’d understand. But you can get 99%+ pure sema, tirz, Reta, cagri, maz (shit I can’t believe how many there are now!) for pennies on the dollar from 100 different Chinese vendors.

Thanks. Just 10 lbs.

Yes I can get it from Chinese vendors but my insurance is paying for it so it’s just one less thing I have to source and pay for on my own. // edit. Plan is to switch to pharma tirz as soon as I can get it covered. But for now I’m just using the sema.
Thanks. Just 10 lbs.

Yes I can get it from Chinese vendors but my insurance is paying for it so it’s just one less thing I have to source and pay for on my own. // edit. Plan is to switch to pharma tirz as soon as I can get it covered. But for now I’m just using the sema.
At 210 yeah bro you can def gain 10lbs in water in a day or two. If you can increase your E2 and maybe double dose your HGH for a day or two will definitely do it. Eat a ton of carbs too
bloat up with hgh, insulin, high estrogen(dbol+anadrol for example), sodium, fill up with food content/mass, water and glycogen for the weigh-in.

good luck, keep us updated.

I wouldnt waste my money on pharma when you have such good quality generics around though.
They don’t make you strip to get weighed, right? Get creative with your clothes, socks, and pockets. They don’t make me even take my shoes off, you could wear heavier shoes. The problem might be your blood sugar, A1c, cholesterol, etc has gotten a lot better. Maybe he’ll increase the dose before your bloodwork comes back.
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They don’t make you strip to get weighed, right? Get creative with your clothes, socks, and pockets. They don’t make me even take my shoes off, you could wear heavier shoes. The problem might be your blood sugar, A1c, cholesterol, etc has gotten a lot better. Maybe he’ll increase the dose before your bloodwork comes back.
Thank you. Blood sugar will always be fine bcos I take rx insulin. But I’ll think of creative ways. Just taking winstrol out couple of days ago put me at 220 before bed yest (215 before ) and 217 this morning. It was injectable so prob still clearing (castor oil )
They don’t make you strip to get weighed, right? Get creative with your clothes, socks, and pockets. They don’t make me even take my shoes off, you could wear heavier shoes. The problem might be your blood sugar, A1c, cholesterol, etc has gotten a lot better. Maybe he’ll increase the dose before your bloodwork comes back.
Agree with this. Any competent doctor will adjust dosages and make reccomendations based off bloodwork

But to answer your question just sodium load for a few days, even carb load for a day or two. You'll be bloated as all heck going into the weigh in