
Lee Carlsen

New Member
Apologies if this is not the right thread. First post, desperate for some help!

I started going to the gym with my mates uncle and he eventually persuaded me to try steroids. I had no idea what I was doing or anything. I tried turinabol first then sustanon I think. Used tamoxifen after finishing my sustanon. Basically I didn't know what the f I was doing.

Fast forward 3 years and and I'm 23; my nuts are stilll tiny, I've got zero sex drive, no morning wood or anything and cant get erections. Is there anything I can do or have I fxcked myself up for good?

I know I'm an idiot and should've researched and done them properly but it's too late now!!
1st you need to do is walk in the gym, grab a 50lb dumbbell and smash your "mate uncle" in the face! Like other said, seek professional help and get blood work.. last thing you want is seek help online! Good luck!