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AAS user for 20 years. Been on 100mg of Test. per week for over 6 months. Had my blood work done before my heavy winter 16 week cycle. Everything is great except for my Hematocrit. Its always around 40 at the beginning, however, today its 50. I've read about some guys on TRT taking 100mg and having high hematocrit. I've never read a discussion of AAS users talking about what drugs raise Hem.and which drugs don't, with the exception of EQ. When my Dr. saw those numbers he gave me a susp. look and said lower the dose. My Dr. is also my friend, he was a student in my class when he was 12. He will assist me anyway he can. I don't think a blood donation is going to help enough. So far I think blood letting is my best bet, but again its only going to help a little. Would someone please tell me the name of the procedure and the max amount you can give. My Dr. will write it up as a required and my insurance will cover my trips to the clinic to get it done. I know since 2011 I have not contributed much or gave support but I'm a avid reader and appreciate any information.
My hematocrit gets up to 54 or so if I don't donate blood for six months or so. I am on 125mg a week test and the first time I went to donate it was 60.1. They almost didn't let me donate but asked if I was on TRT. I told them yes and I was able to donate. Usually if I donate regularly it drops my hematocrit by 2 points by the next 56 day donation. Also your level of hydration can have an effect. Next time you run bloods be sure to be well hydrated days before.
AAS user for 20 years. Been on 100mg of Test. per week for over 6 months. Had my blood work done before my heavy winter 16 week cycle. Everything is great except for my Hematocrit. Its always around 40 at the beginning, however, today its 50. I've read about some guys on TRT taking 100mg and having high hematocrit. I've never read a discussion of AAS users talking about what drugs raise Hem.and which drugs don't, with the exception of EQ. When my Dr. saw those numbers he gave me a susp. look and said lower the dose. My Dr. is also my friend, he was a student in my class when he was 12. He will assist me anyway he can. I don't think a blood donation is going to help enough. So far I think blood letting is my best bet, but again its only going to help a little. Would someone please tell me the name of the procedure and the max amount you can give. My Dr. will write it up as a required and my insurance will cover my trips to the clinic to get it done. I know since 2011 I have not contributed much or gave support but I'm a avid reader and appreciate any information.
HCT is the measurement of red blood cells in your blood. If you are dehydrated you will have a a much higher reading because obviously water thins the blood. Did you just come from the gym prior to donating? How about drinking coffee? What time of day was it and how many meals did you have under your belt at the time of the reading. Look at these cause and effect relationships first. If all else being the same perhaps look at your trt frequency and lastly dosing.
AAS user for 20 years. Been on 100mg of Test. per week for over 6 months. Had my blood work done before my heavy winter 16 week cycle. Everything is great except for my Hematocrit. Its always around 40 at the beginning, however, today its 50. I've read about some guys on TRT taking 100mg and having high hematocrit. I've never read a discussion of AAS users talking about what drugs raise Hem.and which drugs don't, with the exception of EQ. When my Dr. saw those numbers he gave me a susp. look and said lower the dose. My Dr. is also my friend, he was a student in my class when he was 12. He will assist me anyway he can. I don't think a blood donation is going to help enough. So far I think blood letting is my best bet, but again its only going to help a little. Would someone please tell me the name of the procedure and the max amount you can give. My Dr. will write it up as a required and my insurance will cover my trips to the clinic to get it done. I know since 2011 I have not contributed much or gave support but I'm a avid reader and appreciate any information.
how's your blood pressure, I'm very interested in this subject as well.
Donate every few months and this problems solved. The list of drugs that increase rbc count is fairly long IIRC.
BP seems to be unrelated to HCT. Ive been dealing personally with a high(er) HCT than desired for a while due to the fact that i ran bigg(er) cycles and high "trt" doses for 4 yrs. Essentially what alot of internet bros call cruising. Which is just another name for a never ending cycle rotating between high and low doses. Im fixing it and its all coming back to normal. But like i said i have had consistently high HCT readings with normal and even below normal BP readings. Even at the donation center and my Amron meter at home.
All your input is really appreciated. I see my first mistake, I was dehydrated when I gave blood, and just by chance I was dehydrated the day before. I read a fair amount of info to be well hydrated before giving blood but was in a hurry and very hopefully raised my H. that way. My blood pressure was actually what most guys dream about 120/70. My cycle is going to start at 800mg of Test C and 400mg Deca per week. I am completely green in the UG world but now that I'm retired (State and Fed. LEO) I have the opportunity to try all the compounds not available in a US Compounded Pharmacy. Mast. E, SUST Anavar that's not $8.00 a pill etc...……….. I'm seeing my Dr. and having my blood tested Nov.15. I'm drinking a gallon of water a day before this test. Anyone remember the good old days over 10 years ago, I've got bloodwork that shows my hematocrit at 67. My Dr, said nothing and my TRT Dr. had no problem sending refills with bloodwork showing my Test. at 6,000. But overall my hematocrit is very strange, if I stop all AAS in a few months it drops to the low 30's and my Dr. freaked and sent to a Dr. that specializes in just blood. He decided to sit on it awhile and have my blood re tested. I jumped back on a low dose 100mg Test C and everything was back to normal when my H came back in my 40's.
This may be a stupid question... But if you are drinking an excess amount of water before the blood test does it skew the numbers in a way that the reading is therefore not accurate? I mean I guess you would just consume your normal amount of water in order to get an accurate reading? Or is "fasted" blood work the accurate reading? Because you would consume water on a normal daily basis... Not fasted. Ever. So I feel as if fasted (no food or water for x amount of time prior to bloodwork) is not really accurate.

Idk if that makes sense. Lol
This may be a stupid question... But if you are drinking an excess amount of water before the blood test does it skew the numbers in a way that the reading is therefore not accurate? I mean I guess you would just consume your normal amount of water in order to get an accurate reading? Or is "fasted" blood work the accurate reading? Because you would consume water on a normal daily basis... Not fasted. Ever. So I feel as if fasted (no food or water for x amount of time prior to bloodwork) is not really accurate.

Idk if that makes sense. Lol
I would never want to try and skew the test by doing anything to out of your normal life. If you have high hemacrit, you definitely want to know it
Thanks a bunch Perrin Aybara any idea how often I can get this done and how much they can take out in one sitting.
Also to the others who posted, I had drank less than a liter of water probably about a half liter on both days. Its a long story...…………...
Thanks a bunch Perrin Aybara any idea how often I can get this done and how much they can take out in one sitting.
Also to the others who posted, I had drank less than a liter of water probably about a half liter on both days. Its a long story...…………...
W/O a script every 56 days for whole blood. 112 for double reds.
With a script as often as the dr approves.
In your bathroom with a mt dew bottle? As often as you want...
Seems to be 2 -3 points every time i donate. Hard to figure really
But it just sounds like you dehydrated yourself
Thanks a bunch Perrin Aybara any idea how often I can get this done and how much they can take out in one sitting.
Also to the others who posted, I had drank less than a liter of water probably about a half liter on both days. Its a long story...…………...

I'd assume a diagnosis of polycythemia would get it, not sure what else. I think @Big_paul would be able to answer your questions as he has experience with it.
Again, thank you all for your input. I was thinking the same thing eje 1990. If I drink ton of water for two days and lower my H to the low 40's only to have my H jump back up to 50 when I start my heavy winter cycle, boy that's just careless health wise. But the truth is I was dehydrated and this includes the day before. Also I've always increased my water intake a lot every time I start a cycle. I believe it takes a lot of water to build quality muscle. Anyway my first blood work I believe as pointed out buy you guys is flawed. On Nov.15 I'll have my act together and get a accurate H reading and I'll continue my water consumption through out my 16 weeks. If my H does rise to high you guys have pointed out what to do, and I've written it all down. Wow, if a simple donation or phlebotomy drops my H 3 points that is a great thing to know. I've been dreaming about Mast. Var. Anabol. Sust. Dbol. for years. I also have been reading everything in the Underground for hours almost every night for months however, that ever changing nightmare is another topic. Anyway, thanks to every one, 99% of the time I have a AAS scare I just come here and do a search and solve my problem. But this was different, even dehydrated my H should have been under 50 but thanks to you I bet I prove myself wrong.
Do they actually check RBC before you donate? I used to give blood alot in the past and dont remember that. I am donating again shortly