
This may be a stupid question... But if you are drinking an excess amount of water before the blood test does it skew the numbers in a way that the reading is therefore not accurate? I mean I guess you would just consume your normal amount of water in order to get an accurate reading? Or is "fasted" blood work the accurate reading? Because you would consume water on a normal daily basis... Not fasted. Ever. So I feel as if fasted (no food or water for x amount of time prior to bloodwork) is not really accurate.

Idk if that makes sense. Lol

I assume fasted would be the conservative approach and therefore the most beneficial.

Also for those donating, make sure you drink plenty of water the day before so your donation doesn’t end prematurely to collapsing vein and it hurts like a motherfucker when they move the needle around in your vein.
I have a prescribed blood drop every time my hematacrit goes above 47, and i go in every month to have it checked. I have polycythemia
I have a prescribed blood drop every time my hematacrit goes above 47, and i go in every month to have it checked. I have polycythemia

Oh man, I’m sorry. I just googled polycythemia and it sounds like some serious shit to have to deal with. I recently found out I have CLL or Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and so I can no longer legally donate blood. And reading your post, I guess I was reading into things, cause man, I like my Primary, and I tell him everything BUT not about this lifestyle..although I can’t imagine he doesn’t suspect by now. LOl.

Anyways, thanks for your reply. I hope
I wasn’t intrusive in any way brother.
They check iron which is the same. Too high a count and they will reject you.
Just looked here in Canada they say they dont check for iron or RBC. Just Hemglobin, hemochromatosis but you are still eligible if you have. Seems more concerned with diseases.
Just looked here in Canada they say they dont check for iron or RBC. Just Hemglobin, hemochromatosis but you are still eligible if you have. Seems more concerned with diseases.

The Red Cross will check your temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate and hemoglobin. They all have to be within a certain range or they'll defer you. Their website should tell you where the cutoffs for each one are and how long you'll have to wait if you get deferred.

Make sure you're hydrated. Don't use any stimulants before going in and you should be alright, pending you're in good health.
AAS user for 20 years. Been on 100mg of Test. per week for over 6 months. Had my blood work done before my heavy winter 16 week cycle. Everything is great except for my Hematocrit. Its always around 40 at the beginning, however, today its 50. I've read about some guys on TRT taking 100mg and having high hematocrit. I've never read a discussion of AAS users talking about what drugs raise Hem.and which drugs don't, with the exception of EQ. When my Dr. saw those numbers he gave me a susp. look and said lower the dose. My Dr. is also my friend, he was a student in my class when he was 12. He will assist me anyway he can. I don't think a blood donation is going to help enough. So far I think blood letting is my best bet, but again its only going to help a little. Would someone please tell me the name of the procedure and the max amount you can give. My Dr. will write it up as a required and my insurance will cover my trips to the clinic to get it done. I know since 2011 I have not contributed much or gave support but I'm a avid reader and appreciate any information.

What lab lists a Crit of 50% as ABnormal?
The Red Cross will check your temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate and hemoglobin. They all have to be within a certain range or they'll defer you. Their website should tell you where the cutoffs for each one are and how long you'll have to wait if you get deferred.

Make sure you're hydrated. Don't use any stimulants before going in and you should be alright, pending you're in good health.

I also use a low dose aspirin before donating. I need all the help I can get.
Thanks for chiming in Dr. What I was getting at was my Hematocrit at the start of my cycle is where it should be at the end of it. Back in the day before Doc's like you came into play, running around feeling healthy and happy with a crit of 65 was common. Well at least with me.
Question for anyone whose donated power reds. Does the IV hydration help Speed up recovery after donating? Normally, after donating I’m exhausted for 1-2 days which hinders my training.

If I’m not mistaken power reds allows the donation of 2 units of RBC’s. One normally puts me down, just curious if the IV hydration speeds up recovery.
So I am just coming off my blast. Last pin last night. Was a straight test cycle @500mg/wk. I am going to start cruising now @200/wk. I assume lowering my test dosage will in time lower my H?
So I am just coming off my blast. Last pin last night. Was a straight test cycle @500mg/wk. I am going to start cruising now @200/wk. I assume lowering my test dosage will in time lower my H?

It will, but RBCs have a long life span (120 days). If it's elevated, you may want to consider donating anyway.
So I am just coming off my blast. Last pin last night. Was a straight test cycle @500mg/wk. I am going to start cruising now @200/wk. I assume lowering my test dosage will in time lower my H?

Are you getting bloods coming off your blast? It’s be good to know your numbers exactly before you donate? More than likely they may be up, but not necessarily over “normally”.
Are you getting bloods coming off your blast? It’s be good to know your numbers exactly before you donate? More than likely they may be up, but not necessarily over “normally”.
I want to, and am looking for way to do anonymously here in Canada. But if I wait until the blast dose is out of my system I may be ok to do just showing my cruise dose in my system.
I want to, and am looking for way to do anonymously here in Canada. But if I wait until the blast dose is out of my system I may be ok to do just showing my cruise dose in my system.

Oh I see. I didn’t realize you were that far up North. For some reason I could swear I saw a commercial for mail out test kits. Maybe wishful thinking, but damn, it would be nice if there was such a kit.