
Oh I see. I didn’t realize you were that far up North. For some reason I could swear I saw a commercial for mail out test kits. Maybe wishful thinking, but damn, it would be nice if there was such a kit.
I think there is a saliva test that is mail out but it's a hormone panel
Thanks for chiming in Dr. What I was getting at was my Hematocrit at the start of my cycle is where it should be at the end of it. Back in the day before Doc's like you came into play, running around feeling healthy and happy with a crit of 65 was common. Well at least with me.

A Crit of 65% is grossly ABnormal and is essentially diagnostic of Polycythemia Vera a rare genetic
condition that is associated with serious complications such as maignancy.
So I am just coming off my blast. Last pin last night. Was a straight test cycle @500mg/wk. I am going to start cruising now @200/wk. I assume lowering my test dosage will in time lower my H?
Im dealing and have been dealing with that as i type this. Paying for my big cycles and big cruise doses. Ive been off for 8 months now and im finally starting to see some favorable numbers HCT wise. Blood pressure isnt related. Always has been good. Ive been using 2 different organizations to donate with. Alternating between the 2 so i can donate more than just the 60 day limit. Some times ill even do double reds at one to speed the process up.

8 months and now im finally knocking on the door step of favorable HCT readings. 200mg aint no goddam trt.

I first kept it at 200mg for a good cpl yrs as my "trt". I then tackled the problem by moving my frequency of said 200mg back from 1x a week to 1x every 2 wks or 14 days. It makes a difference when you consider the half lives. Im glad to finally be getting a hold on it. I even came off entirely for a stint to get it down.

I was a 44 pre my trt and my introduction to cycling regimen when i was 29. 5 yrs of high "trt" experiments and many different approaches to cycling including the stupid high cycles as many approve of around here:rolleyes: landed me at a revolving 55 with a peak of 60 HCT! Im not naturally high so pretty easy to figure out ya know?
Im dealing and have been dealing with that as i type this. Paying for my big cycles and big cruise doses. Ive been off for 8 months now and im finally starting to see some favorable numbers HCT wise. Blood pressure isnt related. Always has been good. Ive been using 2 different organizations to donate with. Alternating between the 2 so i can donate more than just the 60 day limit. Some times ill even do double reds at one to speed the process up.

8 months and now im finally knocking on the door step of favorable HCT readings. 200mg aint no goddam trt.

I first kept it at 200mg for a good cpl yrs as my "trt". I then tackled the problem by moving my frequency of said 200mg back from 1x a week to 1x every 2 wks or 14 days. It makes a difference when you consider the half lives. Im glad to finally be getting a hold on it. I even came off entirely for a stint to get it down.

I was a 44 pre my trt and my introduction to cycling regimen when i was 29. 5 yrs of high "trt" experiments and many different approaches to cycling including the stupid high cycles as many approve of around here:rolleyes: landed me at a revolving 55 with a peak of 60 HCT! Im not naturally high so pretty easy to figure out ya know?

Oh now doubt about it those who Blast N Cruise are at a higher risk of an elevated Crit than those that Cylce AAS .

And while I respect the humanitarian.goal of blood donatio I take issue with those who disregard the importance of a safe blood supply and donte blood while running any non-FDA approved (or Non-Pharmaceutical) drug including parenteral UGL AAS.

IMO a more virtuous goal would be to use AAS in such a manner that donee’s are not being imposed upon to unknowingly share in your risk, regardless of how remote that risk is.

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Oh now doubt about it those who Blast N Cruise are at a higher risk of an elevated Crit than those that Cylce AAS .

And while I respect the humanitarian.goal of blood donatio I take issue with those who disregard the importance of a safe blood supply and donte blood while running any non-FDA approved (or Non-Pharmaceutical) drug including parenteral UGL AAS.

And what about if you donate while cruising on pharma grade testosterone, would you approve
Thanks for the info Dr., but lots of big words that I have not googled yet.
But I will and your input is appreciated.
Just got back from my Dr.'s appointment, all we talked about was my crit., if I stop all AAS in around 3-4 months my H drops to the low 30's which resulted in my Dr. sending me to a Dr. that specializes in only blood. 100mg of Test Cyp. every week and it jumps to the low 40.s.
After a 14-16 week cycle of 800mg of test cyp. possibly along with another AAS and its floating in the 50's. Back in the day's when the TRT clinics flooded the southern area of the nation, and competition was high, I could get all the AAS I wanted, and stayed "on" way to long. I still have lab work showing my H in the 60's, the highest being 67. My current TRT clinic is about as far away from me as possible, it just started up, however for the first time in 7 or 8 years I asked for one 10ml vial of Deca. My Dr. had a copy of the entire transaction in his hand and questioned me about it today. I had no idea he had access to that.
Oh forgot to mention I also brought up the therapeutic phlebotomy to help control my crit. I told my Dr. there was no way I would trust my blood in anyone. Dr. had no problem agreeing with that. I get bloods pulled in 4 weeks and if the H is high, the phlebotomy will be prescribed to me.
Just to be clear... 40s is still normal. Not sure what you normally sit at.

Pre TRT I stayed around 46-48. Even with weekly donations I can't get under 45. TRT and blasting can get me to mid 50s (54ish). You may naturally sit high.

Apparently I have very bad sleep apnea and my O2 drops at night so this is one of the causes. Waiting on my mask and machine later this month. Hopefully then I won't need periodic phlebotomy at all.
Oh now doubt about it those who Blast N Cruise are at a higher risk of an elevated Crit than those that Cylce AAS .

And while I respect the humanitarian.goal of blood donatio I take issue with those who disregard the importance of a safe blood supply and donte blood while running any non-FDA approved (or Non-Pharmaceutical) drug including parenteral UGL AAS.

IMO a more virtuous goal would be to use AAS in such a manner that donee’s are not being imposed upon to unknowingly share in your risk, regardless of how remote that risk is.

I recently had to donate but my doc gave me a script it was strictly for therapeutic purposes. My blood went straight to the trash. I had to pay $25 discard fee :(.
No it did not sir

He's in Canada. i believe the measurements or what have you, is different than what we're accustomed to.

His # would be 2x as high as my highest number if they were using whatever measurement they use in the US. :eek:

Edit: It appears they measure in g/L as apposed to g/dL.
He's in Canada. i believe the measurements or what have you, is different than what we're accustomed to.

His # would be 2x as high as my highest number if they were using whatever measurement they use in the US. :eek:

Edit: It appears they measure in g/L as apposed to g/dL.
Correct 163g/L or 16.3g/dL
Shit lol
Fuckin europeans and their damn math

Bc Meso is a US based forum w international membership, confusion of this sort is not unusual and emphasizes why members are better served when UNITS and Reference Ranges are included as a part of lab data.

Better yet a copy of the lab report itself, circumvents much of the confusion bc it includes both of the above.