Hemp seed oil carrier (not cbd or thc oil )


I have not found one study yet that involves hempseed oil being a carrier oil for IM use for steroids.
Can it be used for a carrier oil for test c ? Has anyone tried this.

Found a few studies where they were investigating using hemp seed oil as a carrier for intravenous medications because of its natural anti bacterial and fungus properties.

They say hemp seed oil is one of the best carrier oils to use for oral and skin products. So is it safe to assume injecting it would be good too?

It has a bunch of fatty omega 3 and 6 in it naturally.

I do dabble in CBD occasionally with 15 to 1 ratios of cbd to thc. But hemp seed oil has no cbd or thc which is better for injecting.

I don’t know if the sources can come to this section and respond if they have any experience so if any master brewers here have knowledge of this I would appreciate some insights.

Edit: maybe wouldn’t use 100 percent hempseed. But mix it in 25-50% with another carrier and see how it goes.
is anyone alive out there ? Can anyone read this ? Has it been hidden because of the word hemp and cbd and Thc ?

Still trying to find the answer to this

I knew you’d eventually come in handy…

I went to know if hemp seed oil and would be able to carry hormones, Specifically test c or test e at concentrations of 200-300mg.

I couldn’t find anything, but you read more than me…

I went to know if hemp seed oil and would be able to carry hormones, Specifically test c or test e at concentrations of 200-300mg.
Short answer is absolutely. You'd want a refined USP/NF grade oil. My understanding is USP monographs for many hemp products are under development. But just as with mct oil there is no USP grade available which is why you don't see MCT oil used as a carrier oil from any reputable compounding pharmacy.

Refined hemp seed oil and other oil FA compositions summarized here:

Some exciting antioxidant profiles attached:..

Note GRAS status here applies to food:

Short answer is absolutely. You'd want a refined USP/NF grade oil. My understanding is USP monographs for many hemp products are under development. But just as with mct oil there is no USP grade available which is why you don't see MCT oil used as a carrier oil from any reputable compounding pharmacy.

Refined hemp seed oil and other oil FA compositions summarized here:

Some exciting antioxidant profiles attached:..

Note GRAS status here applies to food:


My analysis of this and you let me know what you think.
I didn’t know mct has no usp grade available. I just assumed it did because almost every source uses it.
They must have some sort of process they do with the mdt oil they brew in right ?
Maybe they run it in a .22 micron filter?

So if I wanted to brew with hemp seed oil.

1. I would need to find the most pure form of hemp seed oil in the first place. Maybe food grade instead of industrial grade.

2. Run it through a .22 micron filter and have that ready to go as my carrier oil.

3. if cotton seed has USP grade available, I could mix it with that and hope the USP grade cottonseed fuck the molecules in the hemp seed oil and maybe give it a little USP grade power? Jk lol

*** But after your research do you think filtering food grade hempseed oil mixed with USP grade cottonseed oil would be a safer idea as opposed to just filtered hempseed oil ?
My analysis of this and you let me know what you think.
I didn’t know mct has no usp grade available. I just assumed it did because almost every source uses it.
They must have some sort of process they do with the mdt oil they brew in right ?
Maybe they run it in a .22 micron filter?

So if I wanted to brew with hemp seed oil.

1. I would need to find the most pure form of hemp seed oil in the first place. Maybe food grade instead of industrial grade.

2. Run it through a .22 micron filter and have that ready to go as my carrier oil.

3. if cotton seed has USP grade available, I could mix it with that and hope the USP grade cottonseed fuck the molecules in the hemp seed oil and maybe give it a little USP grade power? Jk lol

*** But after your research do you think filtering food grade hempseed oil mixed with USP grade cottonseed oil would be a safer idea as opposed to just filtered hempseed oil ?
and my apologies. I misspoke. There are USP grades available (listed in FDA IID) just not used in pharma or compounded test injectables that I am aware of. Some historical precedent must be at play


and my apologies. I misspoke. There are USP grades available (listed in FDA IID) just not used in pharma or compounded test injectables that I am aware of. Some historical precedent must be at play

How do you make hemp seed oil as close to USP grade as possible.

Just by filtering and getting the highest grade available in the first place ?
How do you make hemp seed oil as close to USP grade as possible.

Just by filtering and getting the highest grade available in the first place ?
USP would be highly refined oil that has been subjected to multiple stages of vacuum distillation. The USP monographs detail the standards and each manufacturer tests to ensure impurities below monograph defined levels.

Decent summary:

So if we are talking hypothetically yes you could do your own analysis on food grade hemp seed oil but I would strongly discourage you from sterilizing it with filter and injecting yourself with it. Rolling the dice without a reputable injectable grade carrier oil like the examples provided above for MCT.
Example assays and acceptance criteria:

You guys overtaking all this.
You can use hemp oil,pharmasource had one time products made with hemp oil.
You can use almost any type of oil to brew but the thing is to find something that isn't hard to pin especially if you pin volume of oil each week because it will get old to push 3 minutes and get 1 ml in and after 5 minute you start having a muscle cramp because you are in a funny position ( you got the point).

For what oil to buy. Just buy some cold pressed oil and brew with that. When you filter the brew it will be enough to safely pin that. I used gso oil that I have bought from market and didn't had a problem or I bought mct that was sold in a plastic bottle (Now or PVL). It's doesn't have to be usp oil. Many guys did the same and bought regular oil not usp grade.

Make a small batch and try to see if you like hemp oil or not but you can definitely brew with that
You guys overtaking all this.
You can use hemp oil,pharmasource had one time products made with hemp oil.
You can use almost any type of oil to brew but the thing is to find something that isn't hard to pin especially if you pin volume of oil each week because it will get old to push 3 minutes and get 1 ml in and after 5 minute you start having a muscle cramp because you are in a funny position ( you got the point).

For what oil to buy. Just buy some cold pressed oil and brew with that. When you filter the brew it will be enough to safely pin that. I used gso oil that I have bought from market and didn't had a problem or I bought mct that was sold in a plastic bottle (Now or PVL). It's doesn't have to be usp oil. Many guys did the same and bought regular oil not usp grade.

Make a small batch and try to see if you like hemp oil or not but you can definitely brew with that
this is true.

I brew mine with bacon grease.
but the thing is to find something that isn't hard to pin especially if you pin volume of oil each week because it will get old to push 3 minutes and get 1 ml in and after 5 minute you start having a muscle cramp because you are in a funny position ( you got the point).
Apply heat before injecting. Problem solved. I inject 3ml castor oil eod no problemo
Apply heat before injecting. Problem solved. I inject 3ml castor oil eod no problemo
I pin 5 ml at once. Even with heat it wil take some time. I made some test d in castor oil but it doesn't fit for me. Viscosity is too high for my preference.

Nowadays I use gso and 15-20% EO for my brew. If you can handle EO is probably the best on how smooth everything became. From injecting, time to filter, time to pin and how you feel the area after you inject. But not everyone handle EO or want to use.
Primus Ray had used 100% EO for carrier and was the best gear that I pin from a ugl. That and Balkan but Balkan isn't ugl.
I pin 5 ml at once. Even with heat it wil take some time. I made some test d in castor oil but it doesn't fit for me. Viscosity is too high for my preference.

Nowadays I use gso and 15-20% EO for my brew. If you can handle EO is probably the best on how smooth everything became. From injecting, time to filter, time to pin and how you feel the area after you inject. But not everyone handle EO or want to use.
Primus Ray had used 100% EO for carrier and was the best gear that I pin from a ugl. That and Balkan but Balkan isn't ugl.
It's a personal preference for sure, my body agrees with castor oil the most. MCT a close second with gso a far 3rd.
Interesting thought on hemp seed oil for IM use. I've heard it's great for oral and skin stuff, but injecting is a new twist. Mixing it with another carrier sounds like a cautious move. Maybe some trial batches to test the waters? However, I prefer edibles and gummies from Delta 9 THC Gummies. What about you?
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I pin 5 ml at once. Even with heat it wil take some time. I made some test d in castor oil but it doesn't fit for me. Viscosity is too high for my preference.

Nowadays I use gso and 15-20% EO for my brew. If you can handle EO is probably the best on how smooth everything became. From injecting, time to filter, time to pin and how you feel the area after you inject. But not everyone handle EO or want to use.
Primus Ray had used 100% EO for carrier and was the best gear that I pin from a ugl. That and Balkan but Balkan isn't ugl.
Just go full EO my dude it’s like water. That’s what I use.