Testosterone esters solubility in carrier oils study

So you brew single injections?

ryan reynolds hd GIF
Yes, I do. It's because it's easier to me than filtering the whole 10 ml or whatever. I brew and inject. The whole process takes 10-15 min max. I don't use bb nor ba. It's diluted and sterilized on the spot.
You, then just cap them on with a click or something like that?

I'm also a bit skeptical about the purity of the band bb we can get our hands on here on the EU.... Pharmaceutical supplier won't sell them to the general public, and I don't want to order them from the Amazon or eBay, man.
I'm also a bit skeptical about the purity of the band bb we can get our hands on here on the EU.... Pharmaceutical supplier won't sell them to the general public, and I don't want to order them from the Amazon or eBay, man.

Here you go, pharma grade BB from EU.

You, then just cap them on with a click or something like that?

I'm also a bit skeptical about the purity of the band bb we can get our hands on here on the EU.... Pharmaceutical supplier won't sell them to the general public, and I don't want to order them from the Amazon or eBay, man.
You don’t cap then afterwards, they come empty, sterile, with a flip cap just like how you would purchase a full vial.

Theres no need to put a flip top back on if that’s what you’re asking.

Also- I’ve bought all my supplies from Amazon. The supplier also had an eBay store. If they have good reviews there’s not a lot of reason to doubt the product.
How much of problem is gear crashing at low temperatures? The body is warm so it will stay in solution after being injected and the vial can be quickly warmed in warm water after taking it out of fridge. Am I missing something? I never brewed or used anything, I am just learning stuff so I can make diy trt.
No you're completely wrong brother the hormone can crash inside the muscle after being injected leaving a nut behind and you're limping for 5 days. I'm sure it's happened to you at least once, and you probably just thought it was pip from something else. So yes crashing is a big deal for both the Brewer and the end user
Test D is stable and pipless at 400mg/ml. Nandrolone Deca at 350mg/ml. And then there is the EQ at 500mg/ml

Surprisingly Test Undecanoate CAN'T be brewed at higher concentrations. 250-300 is the absolute limit without super solvents.

IMHO Test Decaonate is the best for high concentrations and it can be used at 1x biweekly administration for trt purposes. I use 200mg every 10 days when on trt.
@narta do you by any chance have a test U recipe?