So here is a picture of what I received from Herc today. The nolva says it was made 6/13. The adex says it was made 8/13. The vials came unlabeled and according to the emails he sent me they are from biologic and have not been messed with at all.
Everything looks pretty kosher from the pics. Those are our vials, our tops, I THINK we sent him those before we switched to the new silica stoppers, meaning those would have the red stoppers in them.
Wtf, how does he still have product from biologic? There is no way, unless he was never sending out anything that he got from biologic in the first place...
We sent Hercules:
500ML Test C --End of July
500ML TrenA--Early Sept
100ML Prop--Early Sept--this is the only product we ever sent him in vials. Everything else was bulk.