Hey meso need some advice pct or trt


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So this is my situation I was running a low dose cycle for close to two years , before I started my test was at 720 ng not not bad considering I've run several long cycles since the eighties and never did a pct. Anyway I decided It was time for a break and I stated researching how pros get off AAS and long story short I found meso!!! I had never heard of pct before but was very excited to try it cause if any of u ever just tapered off AAS before you know it's tough witch is why I stayed on so long. So I stopped AAS and ran a pct. I started with 2500 hcg 5 days later 1500 then 1000 every 5 days for a total of 11000 iu then I did clomid 100 mg front load first two days then 50 mg a day for 3 weeks also I ran nolvadex 50 mg first two days 25 a day for next 3weeks. And I gotta say I was surprised at how great I felt through it all. I lost some muscle but not bad also some strength but I expect that as I've said this ain't my first time coming off. So i posted this a while back but I hadn't had my bloods done yet. Well I went and got them done and was surprised to see how bad things are. The results are Tt total 45 tt free 4.4 t4 free 0.9 estradiol < 20 ferritin 370.6 fsh 1.0 lh progesterone 0.2 prolactin 4.4. So I'm kinda at a crossroads do I try another more aggressive pct or at 48 years old is that wishful thinking that I could jumpstart my system again and just do trt. Personally I would like to get my system going and then cycle 3 on and standered pct to give my body time to recover then back on. Any and all advice will b appreciated Doc 187123 Drjim northern nutrition Dr Scally tube sox and all the meso vets I eagerly wait for your expert advice. Thank you for your time I know this is a long story but I lack the skills to communicate it in a shorter manner. Mrb66[emoji4]
I came to read the post, but was unable. It is possible my age as I now need reading glasses always, but without paragraphs, hopefully short, the sentences run together making it not worth the time to read.
I'm sorry for wasting your time , and disappointed that my poor writing skills prevented you from being able to give me your expert and much respected advice.
Hopefully someone else can help. Have a great day!!!
I'm sorry for wasting your time , and disappointed that my poor writing skills prevented you from being able to give me your expert and much respected advice.
Hopefully someone else can help. Have a great day!!!

Yeah, it would have been too fucking hard to make the OP readable!!! LMAO

With about 35 posts you clearly have much to learn, maybe too much for your abilities.
Are you saying I should re write it in another post or just redo it in the same post? I'll do whatever it takes.
I've been on a low dose cycle for almost two years, about400 total mg a week 'test only for first 1/12 years and finished off with 100 test c and 300 deca.
Before I started my tt levels were 720 ng not bad at 46 yo and after several cycles none of witch included pct.
So I decided I should give my body a break from AAS did some research and decided to give pct a try.
Started pct with hcg every 5 days 2500 iu 1500 iu then 1000 for remainder totaling 11000 iu.
Then I ran clomid and nolvadex, first two days 100 clo and 50 nolv then 50 clo and 25 nolva, for a total of 3 weeks.
Three months after pct I had bloods done, results are as follows
Testosterone total 45
Testosterone free 4.4
T-4 free. 0.9
Tsh 1.79
Estradiol < 20
Ferritin. 370.6
Fsh 1.0
Lh. 0.4
Progesterone 0.2
Prolactin 4.4
So my ? Is should I try another more aggressive pct.
If so what would b your recommendation, how much? How long?
Ideally I would like to get my system running normal again, but at 48 I understand this might not happen but I think it's worth a try.
Any and all advice would b greatly appreciated and I thank you for your time.
Also after reading through the pct section I realize I started pct too soon, since I ended cycle with deca.
I was unaware at the time that 19- nor took longer to clear the system.
So Dr would you recommend running the same pct I ran but this time run the nolva and clo for 4-6 weeks.
And what do you think of the hcg doses? Too much not enough?
I'm wondering what it feels like to have test levels that low. Do you still get erections or have any libido?
I'm wondering what it feels like to have test levels that low. Do you still get erections or have any libido?
Nope!! No libido at all, fucking sucks!!
Aside from that I feel good , I'm a little surprised because I thought with test that low I would feel like shit.
Yes run that set up clomid nolva 4-6 weeks and then draw bloods a month after pct. This way all the drugs have cleared your system. Include 250ius of hcg twice a week for the whole pct. Hopefully they will kick start things for you good luck.
So Dr would you recommend running the same pct I ran but this time run the nolva and clo for 4-6 weeks.
And what do you think of the hcg doses? Too much not enough?

Start with a hCG challenge 1,000-2,000 IU E3D X 10. obtain a TT after 5-6 injections. At a TT 45 ng/dL, I would NOT use only SERMs or a lower hCG dose. This level is that of a castrate male.
Luckily i'm not on tren and can respond to your reply in a calm and polite manner. Knowing your kind only affirms my thoughts. We here on meso sometimes call a blast a higher amount of medication given in a short amount of time thus spiking levels of said meds in our systems, but i'm sure you knew that. Now that i have your answer i can go and tickle my testicles as you have shown you have none. Good day sir.