Hey meso need some advice pct or trt

Yes run that set up clomid nolva 4-6 weeks and then draw bloods a month after pct. This way all the drugs have cleared your system. Include 250ius of hcg twice a week for the whole pct. Hopefully they will kick start things for you good luck.
Thanks for the response brother, I appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge!!
Start with a hCG challenge 1,000-2,000 IU E3D X 10. obtain a TT after 5-6 injections. At a TT 45 ng/dL, I would NOT use only SERMs or a lower hCG dose. This level is that of a castrate male.
Thank you doc, I'm gonna start rt away.
Also I'm assuming if I don't have tt in the normal range after this, then trt is my only option.
Once again thank you for your time!!
Luckily i'm not on tren and can respond to your reply in a calm and polite manner. Knowing your kind only affirms my thoughts. We here on meso sometimes call a blast a higher amount of medication given in a short amount of time thus spiking levels of said meds in our systems, but i'm sure you knew that. Now that i have your answer i can go and tickle my testicles as you have shown you have none. Good day sir.

The irony is Doc actually FULLY answered your question with a metaphor but your emotions caused you to miss it.

Go back and read it again and you'll figure it out.
The irony is Doc actually FULLY answered your question with a metaphor but your emotions caused you to miss it.

Go back and read it again and you'll figure it out.
I beg to differ as i never asked the "doc" a question. I think you missed it as i am not the OP. I only asked from the doc the reasoning behind his approach nothing more nothing less. No reason to beat a dead horse. His approach was less than desired so thats his problem not mine.
May i ask doctor the reasoning behind a blast?

The irony is Doc actually FULLY answered your question with a metaphor but your emotions caused you to miss it.

Go back and read it again and you'll figure it out.

I beg to differ as i never asked the "doc" a question. I think you missed it as i am not the OP. I only asked from the doc the reasoning behind his approach nothing more nothing less. No reason to beat a dead horse. His approach was less than desired so thats his problem not mine.
