HGH and burning fat


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So my question is about HGH and the fat burn propriety. Is it because of increased igf numbers? Or because of other mechanism?

I wonder if one can use Metformin to keep the igf at a lower level and still reap the benefit of increased fatloss or is the fatloss directly correlated to high igf numbers?

I don't like the idea of doing 4iu split X2 a day and have my igf number around 400 for a very long time. So I was wondering if with Metformin I can reduce that igf number to a more reasonable level but still.benefit of the fat loss. I use HGH only for fat loss and well being, no muscle building.

@mands @ChestRockwell
Whats the reason you dont like high igf?

I just dont see why you will take a medicine thatb gives you high igf and take another one to lower it just for fatburn

I think there are better options like t3 / t4 or just eat less if you care about healty
I think it's not related to igf, since hgh frag, I think, it doesn't raise igf but is amazing at burning fat.
Whats the reason you dont like high igf?

I just dont see why you will take a medicine thatb gives you high igf and take another one to lower it just for fatburn

I think there are better options like t3 / t4 or just eat less if you care about healty
Because high igf is related to other possible side effect and no I won't use T3/T4. The first one is catabolic and the second one is useless if you have a healthy thiroid

HGH has many positive effect not only fat burning so it's well different then just eat less or whatever you are suggesting.

Metformin has many positive effect on one side and few negative on the other, still looks like the negative are well below the positive one.

Especially for the BG that usually creep up with continuous use of HGH.
As far I know HGH speeds up T4 conversion into T3 , that’s why some big coaches advises to take T4 while running HGH ... and I add even on Tren too.. because I did bloods while on test and Tren only and saw that T3 levels skyrocketed
T4 production decrease only the first few weeks because of the increased conversion then the thyroid will do its job and stabilize at "normal" level.

Some ppl use T4 the first few weeks of HGH but in the end it's not needed.
I believe @mands in the past was using T4 with hgh the first few weeks and then stopped it but I could remember wrong.
As far I know HGH speeds up T4 conversion into T3 , that’s why some big coaches advises to take T4 while running HGH ... and I add even on Tren too.. because I did bloods while on test and Tren only and saw that T3 levels skyrocketed

T4 production decrease only the first few weeks because of the increased conversion then the thyroid will do its job and stabilize at "normal" level.

Some ppl use T4 the first few weeks of HGH but in the end it's not needed.

Does this include conversion in t4 dependant individuals?
The oral compound is pretty much identical, I assume the same rules apply?
Does this include conversion in t4 dependant individuals?
The oral compound is pretty much identical, I assume the same rules apply?
What oral compound are you referring? Well if you already take T4 because your thyroid doesnt work properly I guess you don't need to worry about it, anyway no one has to worry about it, the level of T4/T3 normalise after 4-6 weeks more or less during an HGH cycle.

And yes the conversion is increased IF your thyroid is able to convert it but if your thyroid is not able then you are probably on medication and not T4 but directly T3. If your thyroid is able to convert from T4 to T3 but you lack T4 and you are on T4 medication you could maybe increase the dosage slightly if you want to maximise the conversion but I'm no doctor, blood test should help nail it
or is the fatloss directly correlated to high igf numbers

No, it isn't believed to be. However, the actual MOA for GH lipolysis isn't fully understood as far as I know.

IIRC, metformin's recent discovered properties for life extension are correlated to it's ability to lower IGF1... Which is shown to shorten life span.

Fun fact: Sardinia, which probably isn't far from you, has one of the highest concentrations of centenarians in the world (people over 100yrs old). Why? They eat less protein and more carbs = less IGF1 = longer life. So, you COULD drop the GH and the metformin and just eat lots of pasta. Seems reasonable.
So my question is about HGH and the fat burn propriety. Is it because of increased igf numbers? Or because of other mechanism?

I wonder if one can use Metformin to keep the igf at a lower level and still reap the benefit of increased fatloss or is the fatloss directly correlated to high igf numbers?

I don't like the idea of doing 4iu split X2 a day and have my igf number around 400 for a very long time. So I was wondering if with Metformin I can reduce that igf number to a more reasonable level but still.benefit of the fat loss. I use HGH only for fat loss and well being, no muscle building.

@mands @ChestRockwell
It reduces the uptake of free fatty acids by fat cells, and encourages the body to use free fatty acids as an energy source.
No, it isn't believed to be. However, the actual MOA for GH lipolysis isn't fully understood as far as I know.

IIRC, metformin's recent discovered properties for life extension are correlated to it's ability to lower IGF1... Which is shown to shorten life span.

Fun fact: Sardinia, which probably isn't far from you, has one of the highest concentrations of centenarians in the world (people over 100yrs old). Why? They eat less protein and more carbs = less IGF1 = longer life. So, you COULD drop the GH and the metformin and just eat lots of pasta. Seems reasonable.
Let's say I know Sardinia very well ;)
Shit with all the pizza I have eaten since I was born I should be immortal ahahah.

Yeah I'll test this Metformin for a while, I'm very curious in testing new things and it looks more or less harmless compared to many other compounds we use lol
If I remember correctly frag has to be pinned daily like hgh no?
I never used any peptides so I'm a bit ignorant but for what I remember you need to pin different one to have a good effect and anyhow HGH is better if one can afford it (not that peptides are cheap lol)
You could try the Metformin and test your igf down the line to see if it helps. Taking a GDA with HGH isn't a bad idea anyway with that dosage to keep your BG in check which would be my main concern with long-term HGH at that dosage. It may potentially be very detrimental to long term well being and ironically fat loss/muscle building. First couple of weeks may turn your stomach upside down but it eases.
It does sound as if you are looking at your long term health which is great as not always the case with many.
Unfortunately there is a trade off and if you are taking HGH for well being and fat loss there may be better options long term.