HGH and burning fat

I just started Hgh, 2, 2 split. If I made my water right. On 2,000 mg metformin now. Added deca to my Cyp cruise, 6 months till Dr mandated bloodwork. I'm looking to slim up. Currently 6' at 180. I know the water weight is coming, I have ,<34" waist. Starting slow, using machine to get a good stretch in. I dont need the injuries. My first go around with Hgh.
So my question is about HGH and the fat burn propriety. Is it because of increased igf numbers? Or because of other mechanism?

I wonder if one can use Metformin to keep the igf at a lower level and still reap the benefit of increased fatloss or is the fatloss directly correlated to high igf numbers?

I don't like the idea of doing 4iu split X2 a day and have my igf number around 400 for a very long time. So I was wondering if with Metformin I can reduce that igf number to a more reasonable level but still.benefit of the fat loss. I use HGH only for fat loss and well being, no muscle building.

@mands @ChestRockwell

HGH has direct effect on adipose tissue and it's not mediated by IGF-1, that's because adipose tissue has HGH receptors and not IGF-1 receptors. (you can google "HGH adipose tissue")
There're studies on rHGH + Metformin effects on body composition, but most of the studies are not done on healthy individuals, who's on diet and working out + taking AAS, so your results may be different.

HGH has direct effect on adipose tissue and it's not mediated by IGF-1, that's because adipose tissue has HGH receptors and not IGF-1 receptors. (you can google "HGH adipose tissue")
There're studies on rHGH + Metformin effects on body composition, but most of the studies are not done on healthy individuals, who's on diet and working out + taking AAS, so your results may be different.


Aren't you a source?
No, it isn't believed to be. However, the actual MOA for GH lipolysis isn't fully understood as far as I know.

IIRC, metformin's recent discovered properties for life extension are correlated to it's ability to lower IGF1... Which is shown to shorten life span.

Fun fact: Sardinia, which probably isn't far from you, has one of the highest concentrations of centenarians in the world (people over 100yrs old). Why? They eat less protein and more carbs = less IGF1 = longer life. So, you COULD drop the GH and the metformin and just eat lots of pasta. Seems reasonable.

Or.... is it the concentration of igf in certain organs in sedentary people who eat a poor diet? Vs Bodybuilders who lift everyday and do cardio to where more concentration of igf will b in the muscle tissue?

Metformin also has other benefits which may be contributing
2,000 mg Metformin along with two other drugs called Tryjardia has my BG under control better than anything g else I've tried in the last 15 years. If I eat right, I dont need any of the several insulins I have. I save those.
From what I've read and heard the fat burning effects don't get any better after 2IU-s. Many wish to keep IGF-1 from raising since it shortens lifespan and causes ageing.

For what it's worth I crushed my IGF-1 by accident. It dropped form 114 to 45 in a year by staying on masteron and 10mg nolvadex daily. Mast lowers IGF-1 I think.
The fat burning effects don't get better after 2iu? LOL. What? They get exponentially better after 2iu. Try taking 6-8iu of pharma GH and see what happens if your diet is even remotely clean. Fat melts off, with minimal cardio. Masteron does not lower IGF, but Nolvadex can. If anything it was the Nolvadex that lowered your IGF.
So my question is about HGH and the fat burn propriety. Is it because of increased igf numbers? Or because of other mechanism?

I wonder if one can use Metformin to keep the igf at a lower level and still reap the benefit of increased fatloss or is the fatloss directly correlated to high igf numbers?

I don't like the idea of doing 4iu split X2 a day and have my igf number around 400 for a very long time. So I was wondering if with Metformin I can reduce that igf number to a more reasonable level but still.benefit of the fat loss. I use HGH only for fat loss and well being, no muscle building.

@mands @ChestRockwell
I thought one of GHs primary actions is the release of triglyceride into the blood as the body preferred short term source of fuel? Freeing up what you eat to build muscle? Is that nutrient partitioning I think is the word?
From what I've read and heard the fat burning effects don't get any better after 2IU-s. Many wish to keep IGF-1 from raising since it shortens lifespan and causes ageing.

For what it's worth I crushed my IGF-1 by accident. It dropped form 114 to 45 in a year by staying on masteron and 10mg nolvadex daily. Mast lowers IGF-1 I think.
It was probably the nolvadex
The fat burning effects don't get better after 2iu? LOL. What? They get exponentially better after 2iu. Try taking 6-8iu of pharma GH and see what happens if your diet is even remotely clean. Fat melts off, with minimal cardio. Masteron does not lower IGF, but Nolvadex can. If anything it was the Nolvadex that lowered your IGF.

So, for a 100 kg man, fat loss benefits would be maxed out around 1.35 IU of GH per administration subcutaneously

Got to experiment and see if it's true or not.
From what I've read and heard the fat burning effects don't get any better after 2IU-s. Many wish to keep IGF-1 from raising since it shortens lifespan and causes ageing.

For what it's worth I crushed my IGF-1 by accident. It dropped form 114 to 45 in a year by staying on masteron and 10mg nolvadex daily. Mast lowers IGF-1 I think.
The correlation between igf-1 and aging is weak. Iirc a study was done on a group of 80 or 90 year olds and after 10 years the ones that died had higher levels of igf-1 than the participants still living. Its a reach to take that data and assume igf-1 will shorten your lifespan.

Let's not forget GH boosts your immune system and improves lipids. I'll take those benefits any day. You want to live longer those are two major players.
Let's say I know Sardinia very well ;)
Shit with all the pizza I have eaten since I was born I should be immortal ahahah.

Yeah I'll test this Metformin for a while, I'm very curious in testing new things and it looks more or less harmless compared to many other compounds we use lol
Still running your Metformin test?
I never used any peptides so I'm a bit ignorant but for what I remember you need to pin different one to have a good effect and anyhow HGH is better if one can afford it (not that peptides are cheap lol)
Most of them you do need to pair, but if you don’t want higher igf and skewed BS, then sir the drug yiur looking for IS the hGH frag! It’s one of the gh peps that doesn’t need another to be effective to its full potential.
And don’t worry about frequent pinning - once pre fasted cardio and possibly another pre cardio in the evening will do a lot for you.

From what I've read and heard the fat burning effects don't get any better after 2IU-s. Many wish to keep IGF-1 from raising since it shortens lifespan and causes ageing.
- big lies right here…it’s okay you must be ignorant of the fact.—

The truth is hGH works more the more you use, in all ways! 7-10iu every 24hrs is truly like someone said above - fat falls off it seems, you get full and super compensated as hell, vascular, nice skin
Most of them you do need to pair, but if you don’t want higher igf and skewed BS, then sir the drug yiur looking for IS the hGH frag! It’s one of the gh peps that doesn’t need another to be effective to its full potential.
And don’t worry about frequent pinning - once pre fasted cardio and possibly another pre cardio in the evening will do a lot for you.

From what I've read and heard the fat burning effects don't get any better after 2IU-s. Many wish to keep IGF-1 from raising since it shortens lifespan and causes ageing.
- big lies right here…it’s okay you must be ignorant of the fact.—

The truth is hGH works more the more you use, in all ways! 7-10iu every 24hrs is truly like someone said above - fat falls off it seems, you get full and super compensated as hell, vascular, nice skin
Both Vigorous Steve and Derek from MPMD have said that. I guess you did not check the science/studies behind it (link above).

I have no personal experience as of yet since I just started using GH and I'm not surprised if you are right.
Both Vigorous Steve and Derek from MPMD have said that. I guess you did not check the science/studies behind it (link above).

I have no personal experience as of yet since I just started using GH and I'm not surprised if you are right.
Idk who they are man, and surly you’re not referring to the more plates of candied dates are you?

I only say this all the time because it’s been my experience
If you are trying to get huge and SHREDDED GH really isn't all that. What you want are Rocky Mountain Oysters. They are THE SHIT and work much LIKE GH in that the more you eat the better they work.

They are gtg and str8 FYRE i promise
HGH has direct effect on adipose tissue and it's not mediated by IGF-1, that's because adipose tissue has HGH receptors and not IGF-1 receptors. (you can google "HGH adipose tissue")
There're studies on rHGH + Metformin effects on body composition, but most of the studies are not done on healthy individuals, who's on diet and working out + taking AAS, so your results may be different.

Did I do my math correctly? The participants in that study received a dose of HGH that would be 1 iu, or, less (0.95 iu), daily for a 220 pound man and had IGF-1 of 373?
The fat burning effects don't get better after 2iu? LOL. What? They get exponentially better after 2iu. Try taking 6-8iu of pharma GH and see what happens if your diet is even remotely clean. Fat melts off, with minimal cardio. Masteron does not lower IGF, but Nolvadex can. If anything it was the Nolvadex that lowered your IGF.
Is this true?

I mean, I notice better results with GH, but I am not sensitive enough to figure out, or it works too slowly for me to figure out, the differences between 2 iu and 3 iu and 4 iu and 5 and 6.
Is this true?

I mean, I notice better results with GH, but I am not sensitive enough to figure out, or it works too slowly for me to figure out, the differences between 2 iu and 3 iu and 4 iu and 5 and 6.
The more the merrier.

Have you tried those oysters? Rocky Mountain Oysters. Delicious. The fountain of youth.