HGH and IGF1-LR3 protocol give me permanent high BG?


New Member
So I started my first cycle of GH 3 months ago with the idea to do 2 months GH (titrating up every month depending on sides) then 30 days of LR3. I read somewhere on here that the gh acts as a sort of preload for LR3. I wasn't sure if I should keep running the gh during the 30 days of LR3 so I just ran both got up to 4iu gh and 50mcg LR3.

I didn't end up getting a BG monitor till ibstarted the LR3, but after 2 weeks into it my left hand got incredibly numb and weak, picked up a BG monitor and my fasted BG is 6.0 mmol/L (106 mg/dl) so I did some testing with berberine to try to lower it and it hasn't been working. Ended up stopping both compounds for about a week now and I'm still reading 6.0

I'm in a small bulk so carbs aren't sky high, cardio is pretty good but could always be better.
What can I do to lower this so I don't become a diabetic at 28yo.

Thanks team
So I started my first cycle of GH 3 months ago with the idea to do 2 months GH (titrating up every month depending on sides) then 30 days of LR3. I read somewhere on here that the gh acts as a sort of preload for LR3. I wasn't sure if I should keep running the gh during the 30 days of LR3 so I just ran both got up to 4iu gh and 50mcg LR3.

I didn't end up getting a BG monitor till ibstarted the LR3, but after 2 weeks into it my left hand got incredibly numb and weak, picked up a BG monitor and my fasted BG is 6.0 mmol/L (106 mg/dl) so I did some testing with berberine to try to lower it and it hasn't been working. Ended up stopping both compounds for about a week now and I'm still reading 6.0

I'm in a small bulk so carbs aren't sky high, cardio is pretty good but could always be better.
What can I do to lower this so I don't become a diabetic at 28yo.

Thanks team

Check out dihydroberberine (200-400 mg/d) and empagliflozin (Jardiance) (12.5-25 mg/d). Both are helpful to manage blood glucose by independent mechanisms.

Dihydroberberine is available via Amazon and you can get empagliflozin from some sources here.

Plus, yeah, cardio and lower carb diet.
So I started my first cycle of GH 3 months ago with the idea to do 2 months GH (titrating up every month depending on sides) then 30 days of LR3. I read somewhere on here that the gh acts as a sort of preload for LR3. I wasn't sure if I should keep running the gh during the 30 days of LR3 so I just ran both got up to 4iu gh and 50mcg LR3.

I didn't end up getting a BG monitor till ibstarted the LR3, but after 2 weeks into it my left hand got incredibly numb and weak, picked up a BG monitor and my fasted BG is 6.0 mmol/L (106 mg/dl) so I did some testing with berberine to try to lower it and it hasn't been working. Ended up stopping both compounds for about a week now and I'm still reading 6.0

I'm in a small bulk so carbs aren't sky high, cardio is pretty good but could always be better.
What can I do to lower this so I don't become a diabetic at 28yo.

Thanks team
Fasted glucose is only one small part of the equation. There are a lot of things that can cause elevated BG fasted. Hyper muscular men tend to have higher bg fasted. Check out something called the dawn phenomenon, that can play a role for bodybuilders as well. Injecting your hgh before bed can also cause higher fasted blood glucose readings, food consumption before bed and food timing before bed as well as sleep quality can all impact the reading as well.

Make sure you’re checking your readings postprandial about an hour after a meal to see if it’s really becoming an issue. If it’s falling back into a good range once you’re up and moving and after meals, that’s a good sign. 106 isn’t crazy crazy high for a fasted reading as long as your other numbers are coming back well.

Always a good idea to confirm via blood markers such as a1c, fasting insulin, and c peptide.

If those numbers are in check that is far more important than just basing it off of fasted readings. A lot of things can skew a fasted reading.
2 months isn't really long enough with HGH. You shouldn't need to take a break from it that often. And lr3 most people will tell you isn't worth it as it doesn't do much. Try just taking your HGH once a day instead of multiple times if that's what you are currently doing. Should help with insulin resistance. Or lower your dose. Consider metformin or semaglutide if berberine isn't working for you. Or start using insulin.

Or Maybe just get off the hgh. Would be an easier solution than throwing more stuff at the problem if you don't already understand all this. At least until you do more research. Do some intermittent fasting with low carb, or fast up to a week. That or keto will get your fasting bg back down in no time
I will tell you what seems to work for me

Metformin & Tirzepatide

Metformin really helps keeping my belly flat, no bloating, while on gh
Tirzepatide really helps keeping the blood glucose always in check.
Fasted glucose is only one small part of the equation. There are a lot of things that can cause elevated BG fasted. Hyper muscular men tend to have higher bg fasted. Check out something called the dawn phenomenon, that can play a role for bodybuilders as well. Injecting your hgh before bed can also cause higher fasted blood glucose readings, food consumption before bed and food timing before bed as well as sleep quality can all impact the reading as well.

Make sure you’re checking your readings postprandial about an hour after a meal to see if it’s really becoming an issue. If it’s falling back into a good range once you’re up and moving and after meals, that’s a good sign. 106 isn’t crazy crazy high for a fasted reading as long as your other numbers are coming back well.

Always a good idea to confirm via blood markers such as a1c, fasting insulin, and c peptide.

If those numbers are in check that is far more important than just basing it off of fasted readings. A lot of things can skew a fasted reading.
Thanks for the reply man, I know my sleep is very awful at the moment as I just got a cpap machine so I'm trying to get used to it. I'll be going for blood work tomorrow to check everything out. Unfortunately my igf1 will most likely be off cause I just came off the gh and igf1. But hopefully the other markers will be legit.
I will tell you what seems to work for me

Metformin & Tirzepatide

Metformin really helps keeping my belly flat, no bloating, while on gh
Tirzepatide really helps keeping the blood glucose always in check.
I've been thinking about getting on tirzepatide, I'm going for blood work tomorrow to see where I'm at. But my worry is trying to bulk while I'm on it.
Thanks for the reply man, I know my sleep is very awful at the moment as I just got a cpap machine so I'm trying to get used to it. I'll be going for blood work tomorrow to check everything out. Unfortunately my igf1 will most likely be off cause I just came off the gh and igf1. But hopefully the other markers will be legit.
Ah yes, if you have sleep apnea and you are not wearing a cpap, your fasted bg will likely be very fucked.

I would definitely skip the glp-1 man, there’s much better ways to manage your glucose. That’s pretty shit advice for your situation.

If you’re obese and can’t stop eating and have 0 self control then consider a glp-1, otherwise I don’t see why that would be deployed in a scenario like this.

Address your sleep apnea and use some metformin if you need too.
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Ah yes, if you have sleep apnea and you are not wearing a cpap, your fasted bg will likely be very fucked.

I would definitely skip the glp-1 man, there’s much better ways to manage your glucose. That’s pretty shit advice for your situation.

If you’re obese and can’t stop eating and have 0 self control then consider a glp-1, otherwise I don’t see why that would be deployed in a scenario like this.

Address your sleep apnea and use some metformin if you need too.
Tirz will do way more that just cutting the appetite, it's not even that good doing that...
...it regulates insulin sensitivity, leading to a better use of less insulin secreted by the body.
Tirz will do way more that just cutting the appetite, it's not even that good doing that...
...it regulates insulin sensitivity, leading to a better use of less insulin secreted by the body.
I’m aware that glp-1s help with glucose management. That’s why I said there are better options. Using a drug that greatly reduces the rate of gastric emptying is not desirable for him in this situation, nor for anyone who’s looking to maximize muscle building and performance.