Hgh and insulin advise


New Member
Hi all i often take hgh fasting cardio after that i take 1 meal. Then i take insulin before meal 2 to go to gym 1 hour. Is it optimal? Thank all
Really it’s going to depend on the kind of insulin you’re using. HGH fasted in the AM is fine. If you’re taking long acting insulin like Lantus, you’ll only need to administer once a day and I prefer AM injection. If you’re using a rapid acting insulin like Novorapid, you’ll be better suited to take it either pre and post workout OR only post workout with your post workout meal like Cream of Rice and protein powder for example.
Really it’s going to depend on the kind of insulin you’re using. HGH fasted in the AM is fine. If you’re taking long acting insulin like Lantus, you’ll only need to administer once a day and I prefer AM injection. If you’re using a rapid acting insulin like Novorapid, you’ll be better suited to take it either pre and post workout OR only post workout with your post workout meal like Cream of Rice and protein powder for example.
Thanks for your recommend! I uses fast insulin preworkout which is 5iu insulin and 4iu gh in mỏning.
If GH is far enough from food it doesn’t need to be paired with insulin closely time wise. Your setup is just fine. Theres no real true “optimal” with GH and slin, only really dumb ideas. The rest do just fine so long as you’re consistent.
If GH is far enough from food it doesn’t need to be paired with insulin closely time wise. Your setup is just fine. Theres no real true “optimal” with GH and slin, only really dumb ideas. The rest do just fine so long as you’re consistent.
Thank Mac so much. So can you give me some optimal example when stack gh with slin?
If GH is far enough from food it doesn’t need to be paired with insulin closely time wise. Your setup is just fine. Theres no real true “optimal” with GH and slin, only really dumb ideas. The rest do just fine so long as you’re consistent.
So instead of pinning growth pre workout then insulin then eating pwo meal. It would be more practical to pin growth at bed, wake up insulin and eat then workout?
So instead of pinning growth pre workout then insulin then eating pwo meal. It would be more practical to pin growth at bed, wake up insulin and eat then workout?
Timing wise I’ve found to be mostly preference but the biggest piece of context is where food is. If you use carbs pre and in an intra workout shake then GH pre training without insulin is probably not a great idea.

I don’t really get behind the pre bed dose as as far as I know we can still get our natural pulse if exogenous is taken far enough away. So my use is fasted with a slin dose before m1 (based on timing) and then pre with a slin dose.

If I were training first thing after m1 I would wake up, take my GH, take a walk, come back, take slin, eat, and then go train.
Timing wise I’ve found to be mostly preference but the biggest piece of context is where food is. If you use carbs pre and in an intra workout shake then GH pre training without insulin is probably not a great idea.

I don’t really get behind the pre bed dose as as far as I know we can still get our natural pulse if exogenous is taken far enough away. So my use is fasted with a slin dose before m1 (based on timing) and then pre with a slin dose.

If I were training first thing after m1 I would wake up, take my GH, take a walk, come back, take slin, eat, and then go train.
Is there a reason people don't eat carbs with growth at the same time?
Insulin release will be blunted. This, and synergies with gH and slin is why we use exogenous slin when GH is close to food.
I'm sorry for asking stupid questions I'm just trying to better understand. But if gh and slin at the same time, It doesn't matter if food is eaten just before hand?

I'm trying to optimize my protocol here.

My routine is wake up 3-4am, 2 scoops mass gainer (,1200cal, 250g carbs) then 300mg caffeine, then train 1hr later after the caffeine has peaked. If you were me, how would you optimize your gh and insulin around this schedule?
I'm sorry for asking stupid questions I'm just trying to better understand. But if gh and slin at the same time, It doesn't matter if food is eaten just before hand?

I'm trying to optimize my protocol here.

My routine is wake up 3-4am, 2 scoops mass gainer (,1200cal, 250g carbs) then 300mg caffeine, then train 1hr later after the caffeine has peaked. If you were me, how would you optimize your gh and insulin around this schedule?
Wake up
GH immediately
Go for a walk or drink some coffee or whatever
30-45m after GH pin insulin
15m later slam your shake
Wait 30, drink preworkout, go train

That many carbs like that is probably not the greatest idea. 250 is a shit ton. May consider a lighter cal but whole food meal pre training and use the mass gainer shake after.
Wake up
GH immediately
Go for a walk or drink some coffee or whatever
30-45m after GH pin insulin
15m later slam your shake
Wait 30, drink preworkout, go train

That many carbs like that is probably not the greatest idea. 250 is a shit ton. May consider a lighter cal but whole food meal pre training and use the mass gainer shake after.
I drink them before and after I workout. I take those twice because I'm a hard gainer and it fuels my workout nicely as well. I sip on 2-3 Gatorades intra as well.

Thank you for the solid advice brother. Looking great in your log btw
I drink them before and after I workout. I take those twice because I'm a hard gainer and it fuels my workout nicely as well. I sip on 2-3 Gatorades intra as well.

Thank you for the solid advice brother. Looking great in your log btw
You’re drinking 600g of carbs in a 2-3hr span daily?