You are wrong, there are a lot of fake products in China, but there are also decent ones of good quality. The fact that you bought a Chinese basement does not concern us.
You're a little dumb aren't you?
I don't buy GH from China, I have inside info from factories IN China. All the GH is either of the same quality as generic GH or it's complete shit. There's nothing "better" even if you manage to print a box and label out. I would lay out the RMB prices for the actual cost of GH but that would fuck a lot of people over, don't bullshit anybody with that $200 price. Fuck outta here. Ya shit is as good as generics if not worse. The highest you'll sell that shit for is $120, with your "fancy" labels. At this point with your bullshit I highly doubt you'll even get a sale.
Basically your GH is not worth $200. Now copy and paste that into your translator.