HGH - Better Bio Pharmaceuticals

I don't think they should be stoned but they better stay the fuck away from my family. What they do in their own homes doesn't bother me. But I'll be damned if my 8 yr old is exposed to that debauchery.

One of the many great things about our awesome country, you have that choice to not have them around you.
You guys should of just gave him the "Silence Treatment".

I moved abroad 5 months ago and can't find any decent GH around here (at least not the Pharma Grade I am used to from back in my home country).
The fat's accumulating.... (Fat... No! Stop. Stooooooop!).
No muscle loss what so ever (Thank you Test, 'ol friend).

I am actually at a state of trying and boost my GH through nutrition (yes guys, I'm THAT desperate!).

And you know what? It may as well not really boost my GH, but at least it keeps my diet in check, so I guess - Why not? right?

But God, I'll be injecting motor oil before touching stuff from an unknown source from china that just pop up from nowhere.
Apply minimum of critical thinking and voila!

BTW, is checking out IGF-1 (recombinant) from a reliable peptide source a viable option??

Sorry guys, never mind. Will google it, do some research and open a new thread with more adequate questions on the subject when I have the time.