HGH, IGF-1 and tendons

Driada Medical

MESO-Rx Sponsor

Tendons are often one of the weak links in the training process during the development of muscle mass, which indicates the need to use any methods to accelerate their recovery or healing of existing injuries. Below, we will consider this issue in more detail.

During the training process, micro traumatization of tendons often occurs, with a tendency to a cumulative effect. If your training program is compiled without taking into account your individual recovery abilities, which is often not so easy to track, then your overloaded tendons begin to bring you discomfort and the form of aching pain. Such injuries can turn into chronic and constantly, or from time to time bother the athlete. This happens especially often when fanatically minded athletes do not give the necessary rest to the injured areas, but stop the pain with NSAIDs or corticosteroids, and go to train, which actually only aggravates the situation, although they give temporary relief. Such phenomena are very common among athletes of all sports.

The rate of muscle regeneration is higher than that of the tendon, due to good blood filling and accelerated synthesis of protein structures. At the moment when we additionally spur the synthesis of muscle protein by taking anabolic steroids, we indirectly expose our tendons to an even greater risk of getting under-recovery and injury. In this case, the muscles recover faster and the athlete is ready to perform even larger training volumes, which is greatly facilitated by the slogan "Take more, throw further" under the idea: "if you use anabolic drugs, then you must fully work them out in your training." As we understand it, the condition of our tendons, after this, can refute this slogan.

In order for muscle fibers and tendons to grow and recover at a more uniform rate relative to each other, you should take care of them. Of course, the most important aspect in this whole issue will always be the training process, but if you include muscle protein growth stimulants in your course, it is possible that you cannot do it only by adjusting the training cycle. In such cases, we recommend that you balance this with pharmacological support aimed at increasing anabolic activity in the tendon part.

As research has shown
(Local administration of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) stimulates tendon collagen synthesis in humans - PubMed /) an excellent tool for this purpose is the IGF-1 protein, which significantly accelerates collagen synthesis and, accordingly, will help you reduce risks. An even more significant effect is given by the combined use of IGF-1 with growth hormone, which was confirmed in the study

If you use any stimulants for muscle growth, we recommend that you look towards using IGF-1 (possibly in conjunction with growth hormone if your loads are very high).
These drugs can significantly improve the situation and give your collagen structures a certain margin of safety. This will give you the opportunity to train with more volume and intensity, and conduct your courses with much greater effectiveness.

It is worth noting that this idea will be useful both for gaining muscle mass and increasing strength results, and in the process of fat reduction, because injuries often occur during a diet when the body is in a state of a surplus of calories and may lack trace elements, which directly affects the state of the articular ligamentous apparatus.
We present you a short article about the health of tendons. In these studies, which are given in it, it is reported about HGH and IGF-1 using as means useful for the regeneration of collagen structures. Maybe someone has personal experience of using these or other substances for injuries. How did you get out of situations with injured tendons. I am sure that it will be interesting and useful for everyone to hear this.
That's all great if increlex was readily available
When I talking about IGF - I always mean Increlex. At least for now I don't see any other alternatives on the market
Think that other IGF options are completely different. Do you have any experience with it?
When I talking about IGF - I always mean Increlex. At least for now I don't see any other alternatives on the market
Think that other IGF options are completely different. Do you have any experience with it?

Sadly no experience but I agree, I think increlex is the only igf 1 that will give real results
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@Type-IIx arent you a fan of igf1-lr3? I feel like statements like the above "I think increlex is the only igf 1 that will give real results" are just wrong... seems like a huge myth
@Type-IIx arent you a fan of igf1-lr3? I feel like statements like the above "I think increlex is the only igf 1 that will give real results" are just wrong... seems like a huge myth
Yes, legit LR3 IGF-I is a useful compound for certain use cases. The premise of this post is silly: rather than advocating for reduced training frequency, OP is trying to sell people on combining rhIGF-I with rhGH for tendon rehabilitation to treat the consequences of their false perception that androgens should be combined with absurd training volumes.
Yes, legit LR3 IGF-I is a useful compound for certain use cases. The premise of this post is silly: rather than advocating for reduced training frequency, OP is trying to sell people on combining rhIGF-I with rhGH for tendon rehabilitation to treat the consequences of their false perception that androgens should be combined with absurd training volumes.
Sorry, just to clarify. If we were able to find someone supplying 98%+ pure IGF-1 LR3, for example, how might this compare to Increlex in your opinion? Or is that simply too broad a question?
Yes, legit LR3 IGF-I is a useful compound for certain use cases. The premise of this post is silly: rather than advocating for reduced training frequency, OP is trying to sell people on combining rhIGF-I with rhGH for tendon rehabilitation to treat the consequences of their false perception that androgens should be combined with absurd training volumes.
No, I'm not suggesting using HGH and IGF-1 together for reasonable workouts. This is only an auxiliary tool that will accelerate the recovery of tendons and, accordingly, increase the permissible training volume. Which should lead to increased progress.
Sorry, just to clarify. If we were able to find someone supplying 98%+ pure IGF-1 LR3, for example, how might this compare to Increlex in your opinion? Or is that simply too broad a question?
It would be nice if someone provided an analysis of such a product.
Do you guys think igf1 lr3 has any uses in muscle or tendon injury recovery? Im super sceptical of these analogues. Currently im using HGH and bpc 157
Do you guys think igf1 lr3 has any uses in muscle or tendon injury recovery? Im super sceptical of these analogues. Currently im using HGH and bpc 157
Tell us about this experience. Do you feel any improvement when using these products? How does BPC-157 help you?
Do you guys think igf1 lr3 has any uses in muscle or tendon injury recovery? Im super sceptical of these analogues. Currently im using HGH and bpc 157

Oh absolutely, HGH definitely speeds up recovery time and also allows me to train harder during rehab without injury flareups.

Bpc 157 seems to promote growth factors related to blood flow. Even when I inject in the stomach fat, I get strong tingling sensations in my injured achilles tendon afterwards. It definitely does something.
Oh absolutely, HGH definitely speeds up recovery time and also allows me to train harder during rehab without injury flareups.

Bpc 157 seems to promote growth factors related to blood flow. Even when I inject in the stomach fat, I get strong tingling sensations in my injured achilles tendon afterwards. It definitely does something.
There is 1 bottle of BPC-157 in my home stocks. I will definitely try it.
I am curious (not bi-curious) to try IGF-1 for this exact reason regarding tendon healing, and second to see if I can get some extra mass on in trying to get over 100kg. I can believe it helps with tendon healing because Trenbolone is so damn good at healing tendons because of the IGF-1 it stimulates. On Tren when benching heavy my shoulders will heal up in 2 to 3 days where as without it its generally around 5. My hamstrings and glute joints heal tonnes faster from deads too and as a result of all this one lift does not suffer as a result of lifting heavy in the other. The downside obv is that tren ain't the best compound for the body. So far the IGF-1 kits I have seen get good feedback tend to be over £100 per vial and I wouldn't want to be trying the spot specific DES version either. Does anyone know of any good ones that are cheaper that they have had good results with?