HGH, IGF-1 and tendons

How much Vit C are u taking?
I do remember that large doses of it can reduce inflamation in muscle causing less of an adaptation to stimulus. This is why I take vit C a few hours away from the workout but this is not optimal for collagen ...
I was always sceptical of this effect of vit C on muscle especially if on AAS and training Hard!
I take C1000mg with my pre workout stack containing: Collagen powder , gelatin powder , creatine, bcaa , pre workout -> fish oil, multi vitamin, vitamin C1000 and magnesium. Also eat a lot of broccoli which contains high amounts of vitamin C. Any excessive amount of vitamin C will be excluded via urinating so you can’t and too high amount anyway. This works wonders for my tendon injury. Also diary products and sugars are VERY bad for inflammation. Besides that any amount of testosteron above a TRT dose will heavily reduce collagen type-1 synthesis hence make your tendons weaker and definitely don’t improve them.
I take C1000mg with my pre workout stack containing: Collagen powder , gelatin powder , creatine, bcaa , pre workout -> fish oil, multi vitamin, vitamin C1000 and magnesium. Also eat a lot of broccoli which contains high amounts of vitamin C. Any excessive amount of vitamin C will be excluded via urinating so you can’t and too high amount anyway. This works wonders for my tendon injury. Also diary products and sugars are VERY bad for inflammation. Besides that any amount of testosteron above a TRT dose will heavily reduce collagen type-1 synthesis hence make your tendons weaker and definitely don’t improve them.
Wait a sec, you are honestly saying that any amount of test over TRT will reduce tendon strength meanwhile we have powerlifters and strongman on GRAMS of test... that does not add up...
What about arm wrestlers that basically rely on tendon strength to win... don't tell me that those behemoths are on TRT and var + hgh
Wait a sec, you are honestly saying that any amount of test over TRT will reduce tendon strength meanwhile we have powerlifters and strongman on GRAMS of test... that does not add up...
What about arm wrestlers that basically rely on tendon strength to win... don't tell me that those behemoths are on TRT and var + hgh

I think studies back up the TRT thing. Maybe HGH counteracts it tho?
Couldn’t you just use MK-677 to increase HGH and IGF-1 production in your body to get the results you’re looking for? I’m currently having some tendon issues and I have physiotherapy and I use BPC-157 at 316mcg twice a day,
so 632mcg in total (they’re slightly overdosed and labeled at 250mcg). Now I’m looking to either start using MK-677 with it or Anavar to speed it up even more.
MK is absolute junk.
Only modest HGH increase but filled with side effects, the worst one being that it absolutely wreaks havoc on your blood sugar.
I can tell you mk677 doesn’t cause havoc on your blood sugar by it’s own. It’s because of the increased hunger that people either over eat way too much and eat like shit. If you eat clean like; brown rice, oats, veggies, chicken, beef and fish it won’t do anything to your blood sugar or insuline resistance. Besides that blood sugar is very easy to measure and if you take berberin after each meal it will lower your blood sugar anyway. Come with some factual statements please.