HGH only cycle and eating schedule


New Member
Because I am in the process of making my wife pregnant, I have opted for HGH only, excluding anabolics to avoid interference with my Sertoli and Leydig cells (main goal is fat loss and recovery).

Currently using 1 IU of HGH in the morning (I have also experimented with 2 IU).

Typically, I start the day with plain, black coffee. While coffee is brewing, I put the HGH from the vial into the syringe, eliminate the big bubbles, warm up the syringe in my hands before injecting and after the 40 minute after injecting and coffee and news session, I usually consume curd with a scoop of flavor free WHEY on top (non training days). On training days, I could just hit the gym on an empty stomach.

Does this ritual, with a 40 minute gap before eating, mitigate the risk of insulin resistance?

I will buy a glucometer this week, recognizing the importance of monitoring morning glucose levels, especially with 2 IU.

Any additional comments are welcome.

P.S Not ready to use insulin for now.
I have found this interesting thread, on page 2, MFAAS was kind enough to add summarized version of Type-IIx highly educational information, I quote:
Just wanted to pop this in here. I translated the regimen to about as plain and simple too understand as you possibly can for another thread.

This is the "explain like I'm 5" (ELI5) version:

1. Eat your meal 1-2 hours before, or within 1 hour after pinning your full HGH dose for the day.

2. Workout 2-3 hours after the HGH pin.

3. Eat post workout meal within an hour, maybe 90 mins after you finish your workout. Together this should cause your post workout meal to be approximately 4 hours after your HGH pin.

HGH causes insulin to not work so well. This causes your blood sugar to go up. This happens about an hour or two after taking HGH and lasts 5-8 hours depending on your dosage (possibly longer?).

HGH also causes your body to take fat from your fat reserves and free it up, letting it float around in your blood. This means if you exercise at that time, your body can use that fat, burn it, and thus you are preferentially burning MORE FAT than normal because of the HGH.

Lastly, exercise significantly increases insulin sensitivity and allows the nutrients you eat to be transported directly into your MUSCLES rather than floating around your blood to layer be stored as fat!

So, timing your HGH dose around your meal schedule as outlined above helps in many ways:
1. It minimizes/eliminates food intake when your body is insulin insensitive.
2. This prevents you from having such high blood sugar spikes.
3. You exercise when your body has peak HGH levels. This prevents muscle breakdown and burns the most fat.
4. Then you eat after exercising, which mitigates the insulin insensitivity, again preventing high blood sugar spikes and enabling those yummy nutrients to go into your muscles so you can keep the fat that you just burned OFF!

Hopefully this helps some of the folks who aren't as good at translating science-speak to layperson speak :)

@Type-IIx feel free to copy and use this if you ever want and edit or make changes if desired.

I am still trying to understand this part:
Workout 2-3 hours after the HGH pin.

After reading this thread I am considering:

1. Use HGH 3 IU EOD in the morning, pre workout (training days)
2. Pin first thing in the morning → black coffee → getting ready for the day (~2 hours) → GYM (1-1.5 hours) --> waiting 1 more hour before eating protein rich, fatty meal.
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I have found this interesting thread, on page 2, MFAAS was kind enough to add summarized version of Type-IIx highly educational information, I quote:

I am still trying to understand this part:

After reading this thread I am considering:

1. Use HGH 3 IU EOD in the morning, pre workout (training days)
2. Pin first thing in the morning → black coffee → getting ready for the day (~2 hours) → GYM (1-1.5 hours) --> waiting 1 more hour before eating protein rich, fatty meal.
This is the protocol i used too, when i was trying to minimize glucose stuff.

Yet apparently, i believe someone said black coffee can indeed raise insulin level slightly, which i guess may technically ruin a fast.
So you want to eat 3 to 3.5 hours after your shot?

Are you cutting? nevermind, just reread :D ... Fat loss, sure.

For fat loss, I would do that, but before I get ready for the day I would do cardio on empty stomach. Maybe add injectable L-Carnitin - and maybe, if you are experienced with it, 1 IU of fast acting slin. But if you do so, keep something sugary in reach. Better safe than sorry.
I have found this interesting thread, on page 2, MFAAS was kind enough to add summarized version of Type-IIx highly educational information, I quote:

I am still trying to understand this part:

After reading this thread I am considering:

1. Use HGH 3 IU EOD in the morning, pre workout (training days)
2. Pin first thing in the morning → black coffee → getting ready for the day (~2 hours) → GYM (1-1.5 hours) --> waiting 1 more hour before eating protein rich, fatty meal.
I would opt for lean protein after the gym not fatty.

The schedule is simple
7am pin gh
9-11am gym/cardio
11am meal
Because I am in the process of making my wife pregnant, I have opted for HGH only, excluding anabolics to avoid interference with my Sertoli and Leydig cells (main goal is fat loss and recovery).

Currently using 1 IU of HGH in the morning (I have also experimented with 2 IU).

Typically, I start the day with plain, black coffee. While coffee is brewing, I put the HGH from the vial into the syringe, eliminate the big bubbles, warm up the syringe in my hands before injecting and after the 40 minute after injecting and coffee and news session, I usually consume curd with a scoop of flavor free WHEY on top (non training days). On training days, I could just hit the gym on an empty stomach.

Does this ritual, with a 40 minute gap before eating, mitigate the risk of insulin resistance?

I will buy a glucometer this week, recognizing the importance of monitoring morning glucose levels, especially with 2 IU.

Any additional comments are welcome.

P.S Not ready to use insulin for now.
I think you're majoring in the minors here. At 2iu, I'd be VERY surprised if you get any kind of insulin resistance. Most people with experience (including my coach) will say there's nothing to worry about until 5iu or so.

As far as the timing, at such a small dose, it really won't matter. Or it matters so little it's not worth worrying about. Just shoot it whenever is most convenient for you. Yes we can split hairs about am or pm, but that really doesn't come into play until over again, 5iu or so

I use 4iu first thing in the morning and then immediately do my fasted HIIT cardio, eat, and go about my day. It literally makes no difference to me when I take it, and have been advised to not worry about splitting the dose until using 5iu and above
I think you're majoring in the minors here. At 2iu, I'd be VERY surprised if you get any kind of insulin resistance. Most people with experience (including my coach) will say there's nothing to worry about until 5iu or so.

As far as the timing, at such a small dose, it really won't matter. Or it matters so little it's not worth worrying about. Just shoot it whenever is most convenient for you. Yes we can split hairs about am or pm, but that really doesn't come into play until over again, 5iu or so

I use 4iu first thing in the morning and then immediately do my fasted HIIT cardio, eat, and go about my day. It literally makes no difference to me when I take it, and have been advised to not worry about splitting the dose until using 5iu and above

I don't agree with most of this.
I have found this interesting thread, on page 2, MFAAS was kind enough to add summarized version of Type-IIx highly educational information, I quote:

I am still trying to understand this part:

After reading this thread I am considering:

1. Use HGH 3 IU EOD in the morning, pre workout (training days)
2. Pin first thing in the morning → black coffee → getting ready for the day (~2 hours) → GYM (1-1.5 hours) --> waiting 1 more hour before eating protein rich, fatty meal.

Sounds like an ok plan. However I'd recommend using gh every day and if it doesn't negatively impact your sleep, use some of it pre bed. GH is important during sleep, there's a reason why GH release peaks when you hit your first NREM 3 at night.
Sounds like an ok plan. However I'd recommend using gh every day and if it doesn't negatively impact your sleep, use some of it pre bed. GH is important during sleep, there's a reason why GH release peaks when you hit your first NREM 3 at night.
How would you split this if we were talking 2ui a day?

btw. isn't the biggest reason for GH peaks, that we don't get any carbs or protein at night? Decreases in insulin and larger increases in glucagon, cortisol, and growth hormone all serve to mobilize energy stores, and lower levels of circulating amino acid.
Yet apparently, i believe someone said black coffee can indeed raise insulin level slightly, which i guess may technically ruin a fast.
In my opinion, practically speaking, an increase of 5 kcal or so should not significantly impact things, considering the insulin spike would be minuscule and should not lead to any issues.
Maybe add injectable L-Carnitin - and maybe, if you are experienced with it, 1 IU of fast acting slin.
I have been considering injectable Carnitine, but for now, I have opted for a higher dose of oral Carnitine Tartrate, as I have plenty of it lying around the house. It seems that the injectable version of carnitine makes a significant difference for some people compared to the oral one, huh?
I think you're majoring in the minors here. At 2iu, I'd be VERY surprised if you get any kind of insulin resistance. Most people with experience (including my coach) will say there's nothing to worry about until 5iu or so.
Well, for now, my blood glucose and HbA1c levels are deep within reference intervals. But I have not taken 2iu for a month now. 5iu should be a lot if insulin isn't being used, right?

P.S Is GH, if it is reconstituted, really so fragile? I usually flip it a bit in the syringe to get rid of bubbles. I asked a pharmacist I know, and he said that it is exaggerated to say that reconstituted peptides are so fragile. What are your thoughts on this?
How would you split this if we were talking 2ui a day?

btw. isn't the biggest reason for GH peaks, that we don't get any carbs or protein at night? Decreases in insulin and larger increases in glucagon, cortisol, and growth hormone all serve to mobilize energy stores, and lower levels of circulating amino acid.
I wouldn’t split 2iu. I would take it either in the morning or before bed- anything over 4iu then split it up.