HGH Purity and dimer

I understand how filtering works but when you bash a bunch together to fit through the 0.2 do u think that causes less aggregation? lol ya know like pinching a hose, still big enough for water to fit through but causes alot more pressure... ;)

you are making many assumptions... and very much could be making FAR more aggregates and maybe so large doesn't filter out much of any aggregates anyway??

think, would squeezing ur peptide through a 30 gauge needle super hard and fast help or hinder aggregate formation? ya know, normal pharma tech is to no even have a weak stream against a peptide...

commercial producers use SPECIALIZED filters esp if for human use...a filter is not a filter(not the same and are highly specialized depending on use in science), if worked with them in actual science u would know this..

anyway, I think you should test this theory of yours before talking too much more about it as MAY be causing more harm. I def dont know, but I can reason pretty well not every peptide is going to like filtering the someway.

but ya getting coli DNA and bacteria out would be good, heck even extra charcoal filter would be great and might aswell add some resin filtering?

but ya, would need to run some tests before can come to any conclusions here my man.

not saying in theory not a good idea for variety of reasons but u simply have no idea if its doing anything other than filtering bacteria and minor insolubles.

and dude again ur making huge leaps from sterility to aggregates here... lol yes they make things sterile for lab rats... so what?
I understand how filtering works but when you bash a bunch together to fit through the 0.2 do u think that causes less aggregation? lol ya know like pinching a hose, still big enough for water to fit through but causes alot more pressure... ;)

you are making many assumptions... and very much could be making FAR more aggregates and maybe so large doesn't filter out much of any aggregates anyway??

think, would squeezing ur peptide through a 30 gauge needle super hard and fast help or hinder aggregate formation? ya know, normal pharma tech is to no even have a weak stream against a peptide...

commercial producers use SPECIALIZED filters esp if for human use...a filter is not a filter(not the same and are highly specialized depending on use in science), if worked with them in actual science u would know this..

anyway, I think you should test this theory of yours before talking too much more about it as MAY be causing more harm. I def dont know, but I can reason pretty well not every peptide is going to like filtering the someway.

but ya getting coli DNA and bacteria out would be good, heck even extra charcoal filter would be great and might aswell add some resin filtering?

but ya, would need to run some tests before can come to any conclusions here my man.

I'm not making any assumptions, but you certainly are. Beginning with the assumption I'm pulling assertions out of thin air.

Let's start with the fact that every commercial peptide/protein producer supplying labs advises filtering peptides with a .2um PES low protein binding filter if sterility is desired.

Do you think these biotech companies are advising a practice to their research and commercial clients which damages the peptides they specialize in synthesizing by "squishing them"?
I understand how filtering works but when you bash a bunch together to fit through the 0.2 do u think that causes less aggregation? lol ya know like pinching a hose, still big enough for water to fit through but causes alot more pressure... ;)

you are making many assumptions... and very much could be making FAR more aggregates and maybe so large doesn't filter out much of any aggregates anyway??

think, would squeezing ur peptide through a 30 gauge needle super hard and fast help or hinder aggregate formation? ya know, normal pharma tech is to no even have a weak stream against a peptide...

commercial producers use SPECIALIZED filters esp if for human use...a filter is not a filter(not the same and are highly specialized depending on use in science), if worked with them in actual science u would know this..

anyway, I think you should test this theory of yours before talking too much more about it as MAY be causing more harm. I def dont know, but I can reason pretty well not every peptide is going to like filtering the someway.

but ya getting coli DNA and bacteria out would be good, heck even extra charcoal filter would be great and might aswell add some resin filtering?

but ya, would need to run some tests before can come to any conclusions here my man.

not saying in theory not a good idea for variety of reasons but u simply have no idea if its doing anything other than filtering bacteria and minor insolubles.

and dude again ur making huge leaps from sterility to aggregates here... lol yes they make things sterile for lab rats... so what?

Bro there are science studies showing .2um filtering causes no issues with hgh one of the most complex and delicate peptides that exists. In the literature they recommend .2um filters. What are you going on about? What magic filters do you think they’re using when in the literature they say .2um pes filters?
do u think they are using the same filters as u? and thats the ONLY filtration they are using u think? just curious, u read the methods portion of the papers? lol anyway.

anyway, please post ur papers and please also run the tests to test ur theory!!! janoooo!!!

who are these commercial peptide suppliers for medical use??? hmmm? please cite esp for aggregate use and not sterility.

as I said, u are making huge leaps very often and dont understand what u dont understand...
"0.2-μm Filter clogging can occur primarily because of molecular aggregation and can result in deterioration of product quality"

so just FYI already stuff out there saying it causes issues AND IS USED SPECIFICALLY FOR STERILITY!

from another source about SPECIFICALLY HGH

"Maa and Hsu have investigated fouling during sterile filtration of recombinant human growth hormone.10,11 They examined several fouling mechanisms including pore constriction, adsorption because of nonspecific binding between protein and membrane, shear-induced adsorption, and hydrophobic interface-induced aggregation and adsorption. The results suggested that hydrophobic interface-induced aggregation and adsorption was the dominant cause of filter fouling. "
"These conditions include, but are not limited to, concentration, pH or ionic strength, component interactions, charge effects, membrane pore size, membrane consistency, and temperature."

so ur controlling ur ph and testing various filters charges to prevent further aggregation?? lol prob not eh?

So once again, my logic and sound reasoning skills have proven useful ;)

god speed kinder! look forward to ur test results before spewing things u dont understand. I dont think ur dumb, just simply do some major jumps in logic that u seem not to see...ie dunning Kruger is strong in this one.
"0.2-μm Filter clogging can occur primarily because of molecular aggregation and can result in deterioration of product quality"

so just FYI already stuff out there saying it causes issues AND IS USED SPECIFICALLY FOR STERILITY!

from another source about SPECIFICALLY HGH

"Maa and Hsu have investigated fouling during sterile filtration of recombinant human growth hormone.10,11 They examined several fouling mechanisms including pore constriction, adsorption because of nonspecific binding between protein and membrane, shear-induced adsorption, and hydrophobic interface-induced aggregation and adsorption. The results suggested that hydrophobic interface-induced aggregation and adsorption was the dominant cause of filter fouling. "
"These conditions include, but are not limited to, concentration, pH or ionic strength, component interactions, charge effects, membrane pore size, membrane consistency, and temperature."

so ur controlling ur ph and testing various filters charges to prevent further aggregation?? lol prob not eh?

So once again, my logic and sound reasoning skills have proven useful ;)

god speed kinder! look forward to ur test results before spewing things u dont understand. I dont think ur dumb, just simply do some major jumps in logic that u seem not to see...ie dunning Kruger is strong in this one.

Now I see why you assume my research into this topic is superficial. It's projection.

Your quote refers to industrial scale pharma production. Filters are clogging from so many aggregates being caught by the filter it blocks flow.

That has no relevance to filtering 1-3ml through a low protein binding syringe filter, the same procedure @janoshik or any other lab practitioner uses to prepare a protein/peptide sample of that size.

You don't even recognize the absurdity of what you're saying with that out of context excerpt. "rHGH is so densely packed with aggregates it'll foul the filters so it's better to INJECT THEM."
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There is even literature they say are straight up saying they think the safest way to consume protein peptides is to at home filter them before use… the same kind of filters any of us assholes can get. If you’re not actually informed on the literature peacocking on this crap like compounding pharmacies have crazy machines and shit is just kinda silly. All the literature is available on here use the search.

I see no reason debating with someone who is going to be a dick and call me a moron when they obviously haven’t read shit about this and are making imaginary super compounding factory pharmacies out of their imagination
ie dunning Kruger is strong in this one.

Hey fuck you too bud. Have a nice night.
again, safest as far as sterility guys... sterility.. not sure I made that clear but I hope its crystal now...

first ghoul says big pharma uses this filter yada yada, then when actually show that THEY say they are creating aggreates by the STERILITY filter step he says its NBD?? lol u get how crazy that is?

anyway, lets just go with what was written and says yes type of filter matters(there is ALOT of variance in how they are made btw) ph, temp etc etc, all of these lead to MORE or less aggregate FORMATION UNDER FILTRATION...

I've got the evidence and logic, just instead of arguing come with SOMETHING other than what u THINK... cite something. or conduct the study..

at any rate, I hope we cast enough doubt on this practice in regards to reducing aggregates (sterility is a very different purpose guys), that inspires some UGL study ;)... the big boys found filters cause aggregation.. pretty cut and dry IMO, but what does real world testing by Drs mean anyway eh? lol
Not sterility, the study about bedside filtration was specifically about reducing aggregates and thus increasing safety. You would know this if you had actually read about what you’re so passionately and incorrectly arguing about.

This has been discussed at length with a shit load of literature here that you are clearly ignorant of and I feel no need to help an asshole who shit talks tough behind a keyboard but wouldn’t dare say that shit to my face. You were needlessly disrespectful for no fucking reason. I could have guided you to science you dipshit.

I only commented so others can know you’re a full of shit fraud. Like many people have said about you before me.
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post it..

again, if followed along. I said in theory its possible X is happening. just with logic... so I looked it up, and it turned out to be true.. I think its likely you are misreading the study u are talking about TBH. not a big deal, this happens. things get parroted so much they become bro science.

at any rate, what we have here is evidence filtering CAUSES aggregates. 1 small study does not discount others esp as manufacturing company posted about it aswell as further literature.

I am the only one who cited here... lets keep that in mind ;) I provided evidence that its been observed and a known quality of filtering HGH actually in particular that it CREATES aggregates. not sure what the big issue is... pretty straight forward.

so before blow ur wad, remember... dunning Kruger effect. don't be so certain ur right my son.

yes many people get angry when world views get shifted with reality.. it happens alot, esp people who have never worked in science aren't scientists and low education level... plenty of friends have low education its not a big deal, just lack the ability to see deeper into issues as they have never been taught the skill... this is part of why gov wants to keep kids un educated as far easier to control.

again, to be clear, they filter it for sterility which should not be confused with what you guys are talking about.

I am happy to concede to an expert on the topic, as only know what I read, and no one here seems to be brave enough to post the mythical study they are referencing.

at any rate, so far, I am correct..... carry on.
There is even literature they say are straight up saying they think the safest way to consume protein peptides is to at home filter them before use… the same kind of filters any of us assholes can get. If you’re not actually informed on the literature peacocking on this crap like compounding pharmacies have crazy machines and shit is just kinda silly. All the literature is available on here use the search.

I see no reason debating with someone who is going to be a dick and call me a moron when they obviously haven’t read shit about this and are making imaginary super compounding factory pharmacies out of their imagination

Hey fuck you too bud. Have a nice night.
lol and no my son u simply have no idea about this topic and u look silly... there is many many many many filters u have never seen never mind purchase at ur medsupply store.. again, please remember, im a scientist, I've worked with such things.

really not sure what ur talking about compounding pharmacies? crazy machines? what u talking about? u think compounders are making peptides? lol.

again, ur confused about hearing "safety" vs lowering aggregates. I dont disagree filter will make it sterile and safe... again, little to do with aggregates. please learn how to separate different thoughts..

lol I think ur saying "I am taking my toys home hmfffff", when simply posting the studies ur talking about would work... but again, I think the boys mis read the study and now are to afraid to post it...

I've been wrong before, thats fine. im just postulating there is significant evidence to say what u think is helping is actually hurting.... its logical, its been discussed in literature.. not sure what else I can do for ya.
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think of it like having booze in solution and we want nice pure booze... but attempting to get pure booze we evaporate off X% along with some minor alcohols of 0.0000004%... have we made it better in our purification process? or worse??

ie folks may note less irritation, possible from filtering insolubles in peptide but also perhaps partly from much lower dose. we dont know.

keep an open mind, it will serve you well. ;)

It’s not my fault you’re too fucking dumb to use the search button to find the plentiful cited conversations on the subject like I’ve suggested several times. Nor is my fault that you’re too fucking autistic to have a pleasant conversation with someone who has been friendly with you in the past and would have gladly given you the information. Do your own research and shut the fuck up about it until you do you undeserved prima donna dick. It is beyond clear you do not know what you’re talking about. Expecting the rest of us to rehash long winded and cited conversations because you’re too lazy to look for them just highlights how fraudulent your make pretend intellect on the matter is.
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ok so did u see what I posted? is that relevant to possibly discount some of ur mystical info? do u think its possible filtering at the micron CREATES aggregation as discussed in cited literature?

anyway, again, just dont be so sure.

and ur the one name calling my dude... not sure why people get bent out of shape when see evidence against their beliefs.

just funny getting all worked up and then realizing ur just parroting ghoul. with no evidence. and again, I provided evidence that such filtration causes aggregation. again, not sure what's complicated about this.

just post whatever you think has greater scientific viability than what I posted. otherwise, u loose ;) very simple. the whole im not gunna post the article that proves my point cause not worth my time yet posting 9 times is vs citing 1 thing? just makes u look childish.

everyones on same team here... just not sure why pitchforks come for me when post some literature. Jesus.
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The pitchforks came for your asshole attitude. I don’t care if you have different ideas and opinions. I value that in fact.

What I care about is that you present yourself as a petulant dick unworthy of serious conversation. You routinely contribute alright information, but your undeserved aire of superiority makes it very hard to be friendly to you or take you seriously.

I’m sorry you’re so socially inept that this is a hard concept for you to grasp. You act like an asshole and people will be assholes back to you.

And fuck you do research you lazy piece of shit for fucks sake. I have given you every keyword you need. If it’s not clear by now I really don't care if you find the information so that you can join the adults at the table like a big boy. Frankly, I don’t think you’re mature enough to have much to offer with the childish ways you routinely behave.

The fact that you’re still using an out of context and misinterpreted citation that has little to nothing to do with what we are actually talking about while being too lazy to find relevant information exemplifies your pseudo-intellectualism.
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The pitchforks came for your asshole attitude. I don’t care if you have different ideas and opinions. I value that in fact.

What I care about is that you present yourself as a petulant dick unworthy of serious conversation. You routinely contribute alright information, but your undeserved aire of superiority makes it very hard to be friendly to you or take you seriously.

I’m sorry you’re so socially inept that this is a hard concept for you to grasp. You act like an asshole and people will be assholes back to you.

And fuck you do research you lazy piece of shit for fucks sake. I have given you every keyword you need. If it’s not clear by now I really don't care if you find the information so that you can join the adults at the table like a big boy. Frankly, I don’t think you’re mature enough to have much to offer with the childish ways you routinely behave.

The fact that you’re still using an out of context and misinterpreted citation that has little to nothing to do with what we are actually talking about while being too lazy to find relevant information exemplifies your pseudo-intellectualism.
as always I appreciate when people ATTACK ME first then when realize their wrong (or question their world view) and result to name calling vs simply posting a mythical study...

again, I postulated an idea, based on logic, YOU came at me first btw... I posted literature that shows my idea not only legit logically but actually happens in real world.

turns out I was right, not sure big deal here. if anyone got attacked my friend, it was me...

again, this is common tactic folks use, when realize hey are likely wrong they start name calling. its pretty comical in fact. me pointing this out makes me autistic asshole too apparently lol.

id did infact attempt a search on here out of respect, nothing came up, just ghoul saying it over and over and over, simply citing how peptide companies say filter for sterility but that is not what we are attempting here. ie conflated sterility vs aggregates and assumed "peptide sources" were saying filter for aggregates.. and its very plain to see..

also ya came at me about random shit I dont even know WTF ur talking about compounding pharmacies etc. I am sorry I have knowledge my dude and it does include MANY things, when I say I have experience, I do, which does include using speciality filters (and actually looking through pages of filters/media etc etc for science work). the world is a big place my man, you have to accept people have seen more than you sometimes. so its foolish to attempt to come at me about such things, makes u look angry for no reason, other than perhaps jealous ?

anyhoo, just take a breath, zoom out, re evaluate...
@clearheaded - no one fucking cares you uneducated and self-absorbed loser. It’s not even worth reading the tripe you write because you’re so ill-informed and too lazy and fucking stupid to do the reading to stop being so ignorant. The fact that you’re too fucking stupid to use the search bar to find the readily available information about the subject on here just kinda proves my point.

Hope that helps.
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lol so did u read how filtering CAUSES aggregates? just curious... carry on

ill wait for ghouls magic study though...

not sure what's up with name calling, but again usually what people do when they are wrong and know it....

Alex also is waiting for the data that has yet to be distributed... he just is more restrained than me.. I just won't stand for the dunning kruger effect ;)

@Ghoul if dont post the studies that gave u such strong beliefs we all can assume u are incorrect, now like a child unlike every post lol... @AlexDavis43 has more patience for you but it has become VERY clear you have no idea what ur talking about and just say it over and over with big words till some people believe you...

so funny, how folks go to name calling and childish things when wrong.. I really cant get over how many grown men do that... but, as always just shows how they are wrong.
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Self absorbed and fucking dumb again. Thanks for adding nothing to the conversation. If you can’t use the search bar because it’s too complicated for you I’m just going to go ahead and assume reading is over your head as well.
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