HGH sleep issues


New Member
About a month in on ugl GH, 4iu every night before bed, 2hrs after dinner. First couple weeks it knocked me out all night. Past couple weeks I've been wide awake at 3am every night. Almost feels like a cortisol spike. Wondering if I should ride it out, switch to am, or if anyone has had the same experience or knows the possible science behind this regarding the gh interactions with prolactin, progesterone or adrenals.
Yeah it did sort out. Thanks for asking.

I've got Hashimoto's and I am pretty sure the TRT/AAS exacerbated the issue (high TSH over 10 for a while; it was hard to control TSH once I started TRT with more standard T4 dosing). I now medicate with 336 mcg/day T4 and 12.5 mcg/day T3. The T4 amount is a whopping dose. Keeps my TSH stable at ~3.

Knock on wood but I haven't had any more AFIB incidents. Good learnings on the interplay of thyroid and AAS that I had to learn the hard way. AFIB can rear is head from being hypothyroid too, not just hyper.

336 mcg that's a fuck load. This brings your tsh down to the 1 - 1.5 range?
336 mcg that's a fuck load. This brings your tsh down to the 1 - 1.5 range?
No, about 3 (TSH) for the last year. Finally stable, although anytime I increase AAS dose I gotta check..

I am scared to find the dosing to bring my TSH down to 1, LOL. I tell myself 3 is better for longevity anyway.
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Thanks for the response. I'm glad you've got it under control. From what I hear, it's really uncomfortable. My Mum is currently on the waiting list for an ablation, so fingers crossed that will sort it for her as it's been years now, and so far, they have just been doing cardioversions, which usually fail within a couple of months.
I hope she gets relief and a full solution soon. Sincerely.

I know it bothers some more than others but it was fucking miserable for me. Long story but it ended up sending me into vtach after I panicked (thanks nandrolone for all wonderful adrenergic overstimulation haha). Paramedics were coding me and about to hit me with adenosine, which is big no no I found out later. Something told me to just sit up and Valsalva and deep breaths and I was able to bring the vtach under control. Was later told I dodged a bullet! 240 quivering BPM does not feel good.
No, about 3 (TSH) for the last year. Finally stable, although anytime I increase AAS dose I gotta check..

I am scared to find the dosing to bring my TSH down to 1, LOL. I tell myself 3 is better for longevity anyway.

Probably not as far away, maybe 380 - 400? You know TSH above 2.0 is positively corelated with serum cortisol levels? 1.5 does seem to be the optimal value to target for ...