HGH vs GHRP6/CCJ1295 during Cruise

I will keep this perspective in mind. I am totally speculating here since like you said, there is no bloodwork that indicates this. But I have been an severe insomniac ages 13-26 (still am) and so I suspect that my GH levels are not great.

I would bet the average 26 year old would probably not get sleep benefits from hGH but I suspect it would make a difference to me, so I will try it while on blast. There's just so much to gain in case it does end up working, it would literally be life changing!
My trainer has me take the GH at night with the peptides on an empty stomach because I do have sleep issues, and I'm over 60. He said if I was younger 25ish, no sleep issues, he would have me take the GH in the morning and the peptides at night empty stomach.
Not sure if that makes sense, I'm new to both, but after hanging around this place for a while, I may have a difficult take, that just where I'm at in noob world.