High Dose Prop - PCT Critique please


New Member
Hey guys - been a long while since I did a pct (Yeah stupid I know) but due to some personal issues I found it easier to dose 200mg test a week than suffer from low test.

Long story short, I was at 200mg/wk for about 4 weeks.

I bumped it to 350/wk and got some good results for a month - then I got kinda silly and bumped it to 160mg/daily. I continued that for 4 more weeks, and my last shot was 5 days ago.

I split 5000IU HCG into three shots and did them starting two days later one each day.

I have 5000IU HCG left an Arimidex at nolvadex.

I started Arimidex at the same time as I bumped the test, and used 1mg/day for the first three days then .25mg EOD since.

I'm not going to lie - I haven't planned this out all that well and I'm a bit confused as to what I should do at this point, what I was thinking is this.

I'd use the last of the HCG at 500iu/day for 10 days Starting today (5 days after last shot) and start Nolva at 20mg/day for the next 4 weeks.

The first 5000iu didn't make the boys budge one bit - they are fucking tiny right now lol.

Suggestions? I've never done pct with a prop cycle before, so I"m just not sure when to start it. Alot of people say 3-4 days after the last shot - but I'm pretty sure there's still a lot of test in me at this point.

Oh just a note - I managed a solid 25lbs from this cycle after dropping carbs for three days I dropped 15lbs of water. Ie I managed 40lbs before the bloat came off.
I would run hCG solo for a month then get labs done to check total T, then proceed with SERM if testes are responsive enough.

Would you mind explaining why? I am greatful for the suggestion, but from everything I"ve heard it can suppress natural LH by itself? The reason I chose the length I did was because I think that's about when all the prop should be out of me. .

I could be completely wrong, and like I said I appreciate the advice but for me it's essential to know why something works instead of blindly following suggestions.

As well, at what dosage would you run it? Thanks!