High doses of primo E who's done them?


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So lately I've been pinning some Primo E 800mg per week. Only side is feeling abit fatigue and can sleep for hours. I'm also on 1200mg Test E and 4iu per night of hgh. The high test and hgh been going on for a month or longer. Just recently added the primo E. Curious if anyone else has experienced this with high doses of primo E? I brewed it but I trust my guy. I've tested his other items and they all check out perfect on blood work. Here's the deal I've ran primo A and had the same feeling but primo A will cripple the injection site. My primo E doesn't thankfully but still get the run down feeling. Any input appreciate. Maybe might lower the dose or body gettin accustomed to the new hormome.
Ive been running between 700 and 1400 mg a week for a couple of years .i wouldnt think the primo is making you tierd.High e2 would but thats just me.Have you ran labs lately.id bet your estrogen is high or too low.Ive found primo is consistently my feel good compund.Im currently running 700 with 500 sus 250 and 250 prop a week along with 3 iu hgh.12.5 aromasin 3 times a week.My e2 is stabile and i feel great
So lately I've been pinning some Primo E 800mg per week. Only side is feeling abit fatigue and can sleep for hours. I'm also on 1200mg Test E and 4iu per night of hgh. The high test and hgh been going on for a month or longer. Just recently added the primo E. Curious if anyone else has experienced this with high doses of primo E? I brewed it but I trust my guy. I've tested his other items and they all check out perfect on blood work. Here's the deal I've ran primo A and had the same feeling but primo A will cripple the injection site. My primo E doesn't thankfully but still get the run down feeling. Any input appreciate. Maybe might lower the dose or body gettin accustomed to the new hormome.
Primo E + Test is pretty much a waste IMO
Primo E is great for an 70s/80s style no-aromatization cycle like Primo+Anadrol.

Did you test your "Primo" somehow?
Some LabMax or RoidTest?
@penche, what's up brother! Good to read you can brew something besides Tren! :p

I've touch about 650 per week when using Primo E. I'll "support" it with something like Tren at a fraction of the Primo dose. DBol as a starter with Primo E is another combo I like. I've always felt like I stepped to a different level with Primo E. No anger, dramatic increase in strength or weight, it just seemed to casually swing me up to a different level.
Primo E + Test is pretty much a waste IMO
What do you base this on? Not trying to come across as a jerk. I don't understand the statement. If the Test was 2.5-4 times the weekly Primo dose then I could understand not seeing much because the Test would overshadow Primo. Please enlighten me.
What do you base this on? Not trying to come across as a jerk. I don't understand the statement. If the Test was 2.5-4 times the weekly Primo dose then I could understand not seeing much because the Test would overshadow Primo. Please enlighten me.
The purpose of Primo was to get an non-aromatizing, non-ED causing injectable steroid base.
That's why I like Masteron E so much (hence my handle), EQ (and some Deca to help joints but that's something else)
and add Adrol or Dbol only in the last weeks of the cycle to avoid Estrogen side effects.

Primo ain't especially good combined with large doses of Test, unless you're aiming for an 'use as many different steroids as you can' approach.
How can you make sure Primo is doing something different when you already run Test @ 2.5-4 times Primo?
Simple answer: you can't

The only REAL problem with Primo is that in only can be realistically brewed around 100 mg/mL
My best (and easiest) injection protocol is to inject
3mL in each glute, once a week = 6 mL
2 mL in each delts, once a week = 4 mL
total 10 mL/w

= 1 g Primo/week
Not bad some would say
but I peak at 2g combined Mast E + EQ + Deca (this ain't a beginner's cycle so please don't try to imitate)

Oh man... What a can of worms you'll be opening there.

@master.on is meso's resident troll. Or village idiot... I'm not sure anyone has figured him out either way yet.
Do you even have brains to say something useful? Backed by studies or at least well known broscience?
No you don't
No wonder why you shill: you're too unemployable for a real job.
Bro you are hugely misinformed. Test and Primo are my go to .I always hav Ed been.Maybe youve not used it and dont understand its magic. Either way wrong.Mast is fine to add to the cycle and eq and deca are ok but really .ive been running it for a long time and will continue along with hgh there is nothing cleaner and effective. Im 53 over 250 and under 10% bf and maintain that on test ,primo and hgh and many others out there will tell you the same.
What do you base this on? Not trying to come across as a jerk. I don't understand the statement. If the Test was 2.5-4 times the weekly Primo dose then I could understand not seeing much because the Test would overshadow Primo. Please enlighten me.
Primo WITHOUT test would be a WASTE! You'd shut down your natural production of test with the primo, and you'd start to feel like shit.

Now, primo will be OVERSHADOWED by a ton of test, just like GH oftentimes is. That DOES NOT MEAN it is not still working, it just isn't as glaringly obvious as a ton of test or -whatever anabolic steroid- might be in comparison.

I had awesome results years ago when I'd do 700-1000mg's primo and low test, maybe 400-500... No real sides, no concern of estrogen spike etc. I felt good, and it was slow and steady results....

@master.on is a retard Ghenghis, avoid at all costs. He literally just said he adds two orals at the end of his cycle, opposed to any other time, to avoid estrogenic sides... As if that makes any fucking sense at all. You're more likely to have estrogenic sides when your aromatizing compounds are at peak saturation level + new aromatizing drugs, versus what *mostly* orals would do in the beginning (*mostly* meaning generally the other aromatizing drugs haven't reached their peak in the beginning of a cycle, so, less estrogen in the beginning).
High dose Primo = Primo as the main injectable. Not bad for a 70s like cycle. but the main mass builder should be Dbol/Adrol (preferably Adrol to reduce gyno risk)
Higher dose Test = Test as the main steroid, usually the main mass builder as well.

Do whatever you want I don't care if you get gyno
Read this thread
Steroids, Gynecomastia and Gyno Surgery
full of beginners getting gyno

Let me guess your source doesn't sell any (real) primo, huh shills?
The problem is that the OP says High Dose Primo
then he says 800 mg Primo E

800 mg ain't a high dose for Primo
that's a normal dosage

Because Primo is usually brewed at only 100 mg/mL it is hard to use a really high dose (1.5-2 g/w) as you'd need to inject 15-20 mL EW to do that.
I brewed it at 165mg per ml. It's has a tiny pip but nothing to complain about. Hormome holds well at BA 1.8% and BB 20%. The raw is nothing like I've seen before, looks more like tiny crystals. Anyhow, il pull some blood soon to check out what's going on. The bloods will give me a good idea where to start.
The side is not that bad, I've had much worse sides on Tren A. It's just a little more tired than id like to be. Comes with the territory when ya mess around with hormones though.

@Genghis K. good to see you brotha. Yes sir, been messin around with various stair rods lately or cookin ya can say, minor personal use :).
200 mg primo s day for 3 months than switch down to 100 ed does a body good 500 cyp,250 prop,3 iu norditropin 12.5 aromasin 3 times a week and its all good throw 100 mg mast in that when your lean and its just right
High dose Primo = Primo as the main injectable. Not bad for a 70s like cycle. but the main mass builder should be Dbol/Adrol (preferably Adrol to reduce gyno risk)
Higher dose Test = Test as the main steroid, usually the main mass builder as well.

Do whatever you want I don't care if you get gyno
Read this thread
Steroids, Gynecomastia and Gyno Surgery
full of beginners getting gyno

Let me guess your source doesn't sell any (real) primo, huh shills?
Oh, now your "source" is better than mine... Haha. Okay, if that's all you have, I think we're done here. You wouldn't know real primo if it hit you over the fucking head.

Also, mixing anadrol and primo as you suggested wouldn't be my first suggestion, as they're both DHT derivatives.
Oh, now your "source" is better than mine... Haha. Okay, if that's all you have, I think we're done here. You wouldn't know real primo if it hit you over the fucking head.

Also, mixing anadrol and primo as you suggested wouldn't be my first suggestion, as they're both DHT derivatives.
Simple question for you and OP @penche
Do you have the
1 time to spare
2 money in the bank for a paid in full gyno surgery?

If the answer is no, you'd better do a low gyno risk cycle. Should be common sense
hence my Primo + Adrol advice

Best if HCG is added as to both
1 make recovery easier
2 HCG makes your body make Testosterone + a bit of Estradiol to avoid issues from low levels

Shills won't help you once you get Primo
You're on your own
if anything they'd actually be happy you got gyno so they can sell you lousy ancillaries.

Good lord you twatwaffle where in the heck did ya get that I have symtopms of gyno? I'm using pharma grade Sandoz Anastrozole and also have a 100ct of cvs adex on hand as well. Using .5 ED. Not even a hint of tenderness. Sex drive is retarded, bangin the ole wife twice a day ED. Not to mention a young 25yr I had to let go but she was just a "friend."

I got this young blood, when I get a little lump I jump on tamoxifen along with my dose of adex. I'm so confident the lump will subside I don't even alter my cycle. I stay on course and when I get off that anabolic that gives me a lump ie: Tren, it Will go away. I stay on Novla after the cycle has ended and never had a lump stick around. Same goes for dianabol.

If you're not living on the Edge you're taking up too much space.