High e2 on 2.5mg anastrozole per week

I doubt its from hcg, ur using like 1000ui/weekly (or ur just hyper responder) btw its worse using eod than 2x week, because e2 peak is 24hrs from your pin..
Under normal circumstances, roughly 20% of TST aromatization occurs in the testes. If men start taking AAS, which are suppressive and reduce the production of endogenous TST in the testes, aromatization in the testes will decline. Adding HCG to the cycle will in turn return it to its original level, which should not exceed 20% at normal HCG doses of 250 to 500 iu every 3 to 4 days. In other words, at normal doses of HCG, you don't have to worry about too much increased aromatization activity and therefore high E2 levels.
100 percent it’s from the hcg….
Do you realise that hcg raises e2 through the roof?
Cmon man you must know this
I’m taking:
-45mg test enanthate every other day
-150iu HCG every day
-100mcg MT2 every day
-300mcg pt141 every day
-0.5mg anastrozole five times per week

I took the blood sample 24 hours after a testosterone injection, 16 hours after HCG/MT2/pt141, and 12 hours after 0.5mg anastrozole

I was expecting my e2 to be below range, yet it comes back at this. Wtf is going on? Is it the HCG? Am I meant to be taking 1mg of anastrozole a day or something?
Brother you are using hcg everyday what do you expect???
Cut out the hcg and then retest you will realise I am right.
Of anyone tells you otherwise I would be weary of their advice.
Brother you are using hcg everyday what do you expect???
Cut out the hcg and then retest you will realise I am right.
Of anyone tells you otherwise I would be weary of their advice.
Yeah that’s what I’m gonna do.

Im gonna do just T and proviron, AI the e2 into range, then retest twice to confirm my e2 is stable. Then add HCG at the same dose for a month and test again to see how much my e2 rises. If it is the HCG I’ll then have a big think about how much I regret buying a few years worth of HCG
Yeah that’s what I’m gonna do.

Im gonna do just T and proviron, AI the e2 into range, then retest twice to confirm my e2 is stable. Then add HCG at the same dose for a month and test again to see how much my e2 rises. If it is the HCG I’ll then have a big think about how much I regret buying a few years worth of HCG
In addition, if you really want to go down the rabbit hole do a series of experiments with (+)hCG at different letro dosing and populate your dose response curve ;).

Good luck with the (-)hCG experiment.
In addition, if you really want to go down the rabbit hole do a series of experiments with (+)hCG at different letro dosing and populate your dose response curve ;).

Good luck with the (-)hCG experiment.
Yeah I’ll consider that. Bit harder for me to get letro though

I might just ditch the HCG entirely if I feel fine. I’ve had a vasectomy anyway so it’s not like I wanna preserve fertility. I just wanted the theoretical downstream hormone effects from the HCG. But if it means indiscriminately inhibiting aromatase, I think I’d fare better with a low/no AI dose than a big AI dose and HCG.
Yeah I’ll consider that. Bit harder for me to get letro though

I might just ditch the HCG entirely if I feel fine. I’ve had a vasectomy anyway so it’s not like I wanna preserve fertility. I just wanted the theoretical downstream hormone effects from the HCG. But if it means indiscriminately inhibiting aromatase, I think I’d fare better with a low/no AI dose than a big AI dose and HCG.
Agreed. Was just speaking more hypothetically. Take care of yourself. Personally I can't justify running an AI long term for myself.
100 percent it’s from the hcg….
Do you realise that hcg raises e2 through the roof?
Cmon man you must know this
I have used HCG for over 20 years regularly with no issues. Many have no problem when taking it. But if you have some studies showing different i am more then willing to read them.. Thanks.
I have used HCG for over 20 years regularly with no issues. Many have no problem when taking it. But if you have some studies showing different i am more then willing to read them.. Thanks.
I second this. I did an experiment, took 350-400iu Every other day and dropped the AI. My estrogen only raised to 40. I was also taking 100mg Test C twice a week.
As I wrote before...

Taking HCG increases aromatase activity in Leydig cells in the testes. Under normal circumstances, there is roughly 20% aromatization of TST in the testes. If men start taking AAS, which are suppressive and reduce the production of endogenous TST in the testes, aromatization in the testes will decline. Adding HCG to the cycle will in turn return it to its original level, which should not exceed 20% at normal HCG doses of 250 to 500 iu every 3 to 4 days. In other words, at normal doses of HCG, you don't have to worry about too much increased aromatization activity and therefore high E2 levels.

“Hcg increases e2 to the roof is just fucking broscience”
HCG increases e2 to the roof is just fucking broscience
I don’t have a better explanation though.

The below are the results of a test I did a few years ago while on 1000mg test undeconate every 70 days. No HCG. No AI. E2 nice and normal.


The below was 6 months ago. I was on the 54mg TE EoD for about a month at the time. 1mg anastrozole per week. I had stopped Testogel for 96 hours; enough for a full washout. 200iu HCG every other day.

And here’s what I last tested as. Less TE, 2.5x the AI, and 50% more HCG dosed daily instead of EOD. I also took 0.5mg anastrozole 16 hours prior to the blood draw, rather than 24 hours with the previous testIMG_2818.webp

The only other explanation is that my testosterone was somehow much higher on those doses, but I doubt it. Or maybe that the mt2 or pt141 is somehow estrogenic.
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Whats your test on bloods?
Testosterone? Not sure. I can guess around 50nmol/l, but I didn’t test it as most of the time the tests cap at 52.

SHBG wasn’t tested either. Likely around 30nmol/l
do 500ui 2x week instead of pinning every day, max peak in e2 is around 24hr from your pin
Would daily pinning cause a disproportionate rise in e2 relative to the total weekly dose? If so, that might explain it.