High resting heart rate


New Member
I'm currently on a blast with 400mg of Test C and 25mg of Tbol a day (planning to increase up to 50mg in a few weeks).

My blood pressure is completely normal but my RHR is wavering between 80-90.

Has anyone experienced this? Outside of beta-blockers, any tips on bringing down RHR?

(Started doing more cardio)

Edit: I'm usually on TRT at 200mg of Test C. This is my first blast
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I’ve found taking Cardarine on cycle to help with this and controlling my lipids although it’s debatable how safe it is.
Apart from that like you already said cardio would go a long way in helping you get that RHR down a bit.
Here's another link with some good relevant info for you. Limit stimulants such as caffeine (check your pre-workout) and make sure you stay well hydrated

I have genetically high resting heart rate, lowest it had gotten down to is 68 this is with metropolol at 150mg twice a day. It would go up to 75-90 on blasts depends on my diet.

However, I never let it past 90 for a couple of days, if it gets past 90 I back down on my stims like coffee and clean up my diet, it goes down to 70’s again.

So if you’re like me who has genetic pre disposition to high heart beat, I limit my stims and compounds like clen, yohimbe even the glps would uptick it by 10-20 pts. I haven’t found a way around it yet.